Jupyter Notebook Docker Container for development with JModelica
- pymodelica scans through folder which is definded in $MODELICAPATH. Path was set through Dockerfile and later changes inside the Container wont influence pymodelica
- dock additional librarys while startup the dockercontainer with additional volumes :
docker run -t -i -v <host_dir>:<container_dir>
- PATH to Modelica files inside Container:
- PATH to Modelica files inside Container:
import os
from pymodelica import compile_fmu
from pyfmi import load_fmu
# Directory is not always needed
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__));
class_name = 'RLC_Circuit'
mofile = curr_dir+'/files/RLC_Circuit.mo'
# Direct to File
fmu_name = compile_fmu(class_name, mofile)
# If Library is already in MODELICAPATH
fmu_name = compile_fmu("Buildings.Controls.Sources.DayType")
rlc = load_fmu(fmu_name)
- printenv
- find / -name "theFile"
- container start:
docker run -v vscode:/hostdata -t -i jmtest1 /bin/bash
- container start with attached library:
docker run -v /home/sim1/Programming/modelica-buildings/:/usr/local/JModelica/ThirdParty/MSL/ -t -i jmtest1 /bin/bash
- Start JModelica in Python: https://marcobonvini.com/modelica/2017/01/02/modelica-in-action.html
- Load External Packages in Python: https://marcobonvini.com/modelica/2017/01/05/modelica-in-action-packages.html
- Jmodelica ==
- Modelica == 3.2.3 Library https://github.com/modelica/ModelicaStandardLibrary/releases/tag/v3.2.3%2Bbuild.4