The first card game based on ITEMS
The dev team:
- Arthur Passos (Design)
- Liam Arbuckle (Blockchain)
- Edwin Montgomery
- Mikhail Asavkin
- Samuel Lundstorm
Where Is My Dragon is a card-crafting game. Your objective is to acquire one of the 8 Unicorn Dragon cards. These entitle you to a portion of the treasury.
Every 6300 ETH blocks—approximately once a day—the treasury increases via DFOhub and NERV fair inflations (5% of both). You can read more about the fair inflation here
There are 7 types.
Four are COMMON (green).
Common cards can be farmed by adding liquidity to the Uniswap pairs "buidl-ETH", "arte-ETH" and "UniFi-ETH". You can also buy them on the market:
Uniswap: Magician Cat (tot supply: 10,000)
Uniswap: Penguin Fancy Shoes (tot supply: 10,000)
Uniswap: Unicorn Cat (tot supply: 9,975)
Uniswap: Magician Unicorn (tot supply: 10,000)
Two are RARE (blue).
Uniswap: Penguin Unicorn (tot supply: 100)
Uniswap: Unicorn Ghost (tot supply: 50)
Rare cards can be crafted here:
One is LEGENDARY! (purple)
Most Legendary cards can be crafted. It is very difficult, but possible. You can try here:
They can also be bought on the market (if someone acquires and sells one)
All crafting formulas require different amounts of the three card types. Crafting card is the action to burn the crafted cards to obtain a new rare one.
The exact amount and types of cards required to craft is a secret!
The Unicorn Dragon is the most difficult to craft. Let me give you some hints on how it can be done…
1 - There are six methods.
2 - Once one method is used, it’s impossible to use again.
3 - Think about the transaction... you have to reach the right block.
Not all cards are craftable. 10 rare cards—5 Penguin Unicorns and 5 Unicorn Ghosts—and 2 legendary Unicorn Dragons are being inflated fractionally into circulation over one year by the DFOhub and NERV wallets.
Via the FI both NERD and DFOhub wallet will inflate them by 0.0025 Unicorn Dragon, 0.005 Penguin Unicorn and 0.005 Unicorn Ghost in a daily basis, for a total of 0.005 Unicorn Dragon, 0.01 Penguin Unicorn and 0.005 Unicorn Ghost of inflation daily. This FI mechanism will end when the two wallet will finished their balance of Rare and Leggendary cards (1 Year).
There may be 8 Unicorn Dragons in total, but Uniswap and other AMMs lock a tiny portion of tokens when you create a pair. Thus, the two dragons mentioned above will never be fully inflated into circulation. This means that to complete the seventh, part of the eighth will have to be acquired, and so the eight will never be whole, and nobody will be able to redeem its share of treasure.
We forked the Uniswap Front-End fork to automatically list the cards (without making any core changes). You can find it here: