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Releases: actions/runner-images

Windows Server 2025 (20250309) Image Update

10 Mar 11:48
Choose a tag to compare
Windows Server 2025 will be Generally Available in GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps from 2025-04-01
[Windows] Go version 1.20 and 1.21 will be removed from the images on 2025-05-05 and 1.24 will be set as default.
[Windows 19 and 22] Node.js version 16 will be removed from Windows images on 2025-05-05
Windows Server 2025 is now available

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2025

  • OS Version: 10.0.26100 Build 3194
  • Image Version: 20250309.1.1

📣 What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250303.1.0) Current (20250309.1.1)
Language and Runtime Go 1.23.6 1.23.7
Package Management Vcpkg (build from commit efb1e74369) (build from commit 300239058e)
Project Management sbt 1.10.7 1.10.10
Tools Docker-wincred 0.9.1 0.9.2
Pulumi 3.153.1 3.154.0
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.24.14 2.24.20
Azure CLI 2.69.0 2.70.0
GitHub CLI 2.67.0 2.68.1
Rust Tools Rustup 1.27.1 1.28.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.142 134.0.6998.36
Chrome Driver 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Microsoft Edge Driver 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Mozilla Firefox 135.0.1 136.0
Cached Tools Go 1.23.6 1.23.7
Database tools MongoDB Shell (mongosh) 2.4.0 2.4.2
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.768 4.1.773


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 35.3.12
Android Emulator 35.4.9

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2022 (20250309) Image Update

10 Mar 14:15
Choose a tag to compare
Windows Server 2025 will be Generally Available in GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps from 2025-04-01
[Windows] Go version 1.20 and 1.21 will be removed from the images on 2025-05-05 and 1.24 will be set as default.
[Windows 19 and 22] Node.js version 16 will be removed from Windows images on 2025-05-05
Windows Server 2025 is now available

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2022

  • OS Version: 10.0.20348 Build 3207
  • Image Version: 20250309.1.1

📣 What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250303.1.0) Current (20250309.1.1)
Package Management Vcpkg (build from commit efb1e74369) (build from commit 300239058e)
Project Management sbt 1.10.7 1.10.10
Tools Docker-wincred 0.9.1 0.9.2
Pulumi 3.153.1 3.154.0
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.255 3.0.256
AWS CLI 2.24.14 2.24.20
Azure CLI 2.69.0 2.70.0
GitHub CLI 2.67.0 2.68.1
Rust Tools Rustup 1.27.1 1.28.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.142 134.0.6998.36
Chrome Driver 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Microsoft Edge Driver 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Mozilla Firefox 135.0.1 136.0
Cached Tools Go 1.23.6 1.23.7
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.768 4.1.773


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 35.3.12
Android Emulator 35.4.9

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2019 (20250309) Image Update

10 Mar 14:20
Choose a tag to compare
Windows Server 2025 will be Generally Available in GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps from 2025-04-01
[Windows] Go version 1.20 and 1.21 will be removed from the images on 2025-05-05 and 1.24 will be set as default.
[Windows 19 and 22] Node.js version 16 will be removed from Windows images on 2025-05-05
Windows Server 2025 is now available

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2019

  • OS Version: 10.0.17763 Build 6893
  • Image Version: 20250309.1.1

📣 What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250303.1.0) Current (20250309.1.1)
Package Management Vcpkg (build from commit efb1e74369) (build from commit 300239058e)
Project Management sbt 1.10.7 1.10.10
Tools Docker-wincred 0.9.1 0.9.2
Google Cloud CLI 512.0.0 513.0.0
Pulumi 3.153.1 3.154.0
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.255 3.0.256
AWS CLI 2.24.14 2.24.20
Azure CLI 2.69.0 2.70.0
GitHub CLI 2.67.0 2.68.1
Rust Tools Rustup 1.27.1 1.28.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.142 134.0.6998.36
Chrome Driver 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Microsoft Edge Driver 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Mozilla Firefox 135.0.1 136.0
Cached Tools Go 1.23.6 1.23.7
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.768 4.1.773


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 35.3.12
Android Emulator 35.4.9

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 24.04 (20250309) Image Update

10 Mar 09:38
Choose a tag to compare
[Ubuntu] Breaking change : PostgreSQL version 14.* for Ubuntu 22.04, PostgreSQL version 16.* for Ubuntu 24.04 will be updated to version 17.* from 2025-05-09

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 24.04

  • OS Version: 24.04.2 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.8.0-1021-azure
  • Image Version: 20250309.1.1
  • Systemd version: 255.4-1ubuntu8.5

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20250309.1.1)
Tools Ninja 1.12.1


Category Tool name Previous (20250302.1.0) Current (20250309.1.1)
Package Management Homebrew 4.4.22 4.4.23
Vcpkg (build from commit efb1e74369) (build from commit 300239058e)
Project Management Lerna 8.2.0 8.2.1
Tools Docker-Buildx 0.21.1 0.21.2
Pulumi 3.153.1 3.154.0
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.24.15 2.24.20
Azure CLI 2.69.0 2.70.0
GitHub CLI 2.67.0 2.68.1
Google Cloud CLI 512.0.0 513.0.0
Rust Tools Rustup 1.27.1 1.28.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
ChromeDriver 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
Chromium 133.0.6943.0 134.0.6998.0
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Mozilla Firefox 135.0.1 136.0
Cached Tools Go 1.23.6 1.23.7

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 22.04 (20250309) Image Update

10 Mar 14:20
Choose a tag to compare
[Ubuntu] Breaking change : Docker Engine Version 26.* will be updated to Docker Engine Version 28* from 2025-05-09
[Ubuntu] Breaking change : PostgreSQL version 14.* for Ubuntu 22.04, PostgreSQL version 16.* for Ubuntu 24.04 will be updated to version 17.* from 2025-05-09

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 22.04

  • OS Version: 22.04.5 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 6.8.0-1021-azure
  • Image Version: 20250309.1.1
  • Systemd version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.12

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20250309.1.1)
Tools Ninja 1.12.1


Category Tool name Previous (20250302.1.0) Current (20250309.1.1)
Package Management Homebrew 4.4.22 4.4.23
Vcpkg (build from commit efb1e74369) (build from commit 300239058e)
Project Management Lerna 8.2.0 8.2.1
Sbt 1.10.7 1.10.10
Tools Docker-Buildx 0.21.1 0.21.2
Pulumi 3.153.1 3.154.0
R 4.4.2 4.4.3
Terraform 1.11.0 1.11.1
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.255 3.0.256
AWS CLI 2.24.15 2.24.20
Azure CLI 2.69.0 2.70.0
GitHub CLI 2.67.0 2.68.1
Google Cloud CLI 512.0.0 513.0.0
Netlify CLI 19.0.0 19.0.2
OpenShift CLI 4.18.1 4.18.3
Vercel CLI 41.3.0 41.3.2
Rust Tools Rustup 1.27.1 1.28.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
ChromeDriver 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
Chromium 133.0.6943.0 134.0.6998.0
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Mozilla Firefox 135.0.1 136.0
Cached Tools Go 1.23.6 1.23.7

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
moby/buildkit:latest ~~sha256:2c59b0a95f5b2dc103814d69f695a61f131e75f3150ab58ea8afecd75e3d1f9a ~~ 2025-02-19
moby/buildkit:latest sha256:c5137fdd77377ea102a2622714df55459fe42e5867ba180bda07291aa7952d9b 2025-03-05

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Ubuntu 20.04 (20250309) Image Update

10 Mar 10:14
Choose a tag to compare
[Ubuntu] Breaking change : PostgreSQL version 14.* for Ubuntu 22.04, PostgreSQL version 16.* for Ubuntu 24.04 will be updated to version 17.* from 2025-05-09

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 20.04

  • OS Version: 20.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1079-azure
  • Image Version: 20250309.1.1
  • Systemd version: 245.4-4ubuntu3.24

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20250309.1.1)
Tools Ninja 1.12.1


Category Tool name Previous (20250302.1.0) Current (20250309.1.1)
Package Management Homebrew 4.4.22 4.4.23
Vcpkg (build from commit efb1e74369) (build from commit 300239058e)
Project Management Lerna 8.2.0 8.2.1
Sbt 1.10.7 1.10.10
Tools Docker-Buildx 0.21.1 0.21.2
Pulumi 3.153.1 3.154.0
R 4.4.2 4.4.3
Terraform 1.11.0 1.11.1
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.24.15 2.24.20
Azure CLI 2.69.0 2.70.0
GitHub CLI 2.67.0 2.68.1
Google Cloud CLI 512.0.0 513.0.0
Netlify CLI 19.0.0 19.0.2
Vercel CLI 41.3.0 41.3.2
Rust Tools Rustup 1.27.1 1.28.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
ChromeDriver 133.0.6943.141 134.0.6998.35
Chromium 133.0.6943.0 134.0.6998.0
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 133.0.3065.92 134.0.3124.51
Mozilla Firefox 135.0.1 136.0
Cached Tools Go 1.23.6 1.23.7

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
moby/buildkit:latest ~~sha256:2c59b0a95f5b2dc103814d69f695a61f131e75f3150ab58ea8afecd75e3d1f9a ~~ 2025-02-19
moby/buildkit:latest sha256:c5137fdd77377ea102a2622714df55459fe42e5867ba180bda07291aa7952d9b 2025-03-05

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2025 (20250303) Image Update

04 Mar 07:39
Choose a tag to compare
[Windows] Go version 1.20 and 1.21 will be removed from the images on 2025-05-05 and 1.24 will be set as default.
[Windows 19 and 22] Node.js version 16 will be removed from Windows images on 2025-05-05
Windows Server 2025 is now available
[Windows] Breaking change : Docker Engine Version 26.* will be updated to Docker Engine Version 27.* from 2025-03-07

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2025

  • OS Version: 10.0.26100 Build 3194
  • Image Version: 20250303.1.1

📣 What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20250224.3.0) Current (20250303.1.1)
Package Management Chocolatey 2.4.2 2.4.3
Composer 2.8.5 2.8.6
Vcpkg (build from commit 9a7a33fee3) (build from commit efb1e74369)
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.13
Tools Bazel 8.1.0 8.1.1
CMake 3.31.5 3.31.6
Docker 26.1.3 27.5.1
Docker Compose v2 2.27.1 2.32.2
Docker-wincred 0.8.2 0.9.1
Pulumi 3.152.0 3.153.1
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.24.10 2.24.14
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.127 133.0.6943.142
Chrome Driver 133.0.6943.126 133.0.6943.141
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.82 133.0.3065.92
Microsoft Edge Driver 133.0.3065.82 133.0.3065.92
Gecko Driver 0.35.0 0.36.0
Cached Tools PyPy 3.10.16 [PyPy 7.3.18] 3.10.16 [PyPy 7.3.19]
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.764 4.1.768
Microsoft.Graph 2.26.0 2.26.1

Visual Studio Enterprise 2022

Name Version Path
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 17.13.35818.85 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 17.13.35825.156 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise

Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 > Workloads, components and extensions

Package Version
Component.VisualStudio.GitHub.Copilot 17.13.35813.95
Component.VisualStudio.GitHub.Copilot 17.13.35820.181

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2022 (20250303) Image Update

04 Mar 07:30
Choose a tag to compare
[Windows] Go version 1.20 and 1.21 will be removed from the images on 2025-05-05 and 1.24 will be set as default.
[Windows 19 and 22] Node.js version 16 will be removed from Windows images on 2025-05-05
Windows Server 2025 is now available
[Windows] Breaking change : Docker Engine Version 26.* will be updated to Docker Engine Version 27.* from 2025-03-07

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2022

  • OS Version: 10.0.20348 Build 3207
  • Image Version: 20250303.1.1

📣 What's changed?

Deleted ➖

Category Tool name Previous (20250224.5.0)
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
Azure 5.3.0
AzureRM 6.13.1
Azure (Cached)
AzureRM (Cached)


Category Tool name Previous (20250224.5.0) Current (20250303.1.1)
Package Management Chocolatey 2.4.2 2.4.3
Composer 2.8.5 2.8.6
Vcpkg (build from commit 6784dd45fa) (build from commit efb1e74369)
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.13
Tools Bazel 8.1.0 8.1.1
CMake 3.31.5 3.31.6
Docker 26.1.3 27.5.1
Docker Compose v2 2.27.1 2.32.2
Docker-wincred 0.8.2 0.9.1
Pulumi 3.152.0 3.153.1
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.24.10 2.24.14
Rust Tools >
cargo-audit 0.21.1 0.21.2
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.127 133.0.6943.142
Chrome Driver 133.0.6943.126 133.0.6943.141
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.82 133.0.3065.92
Microsoft Edge Driver 133.0.3065.82 133.0.3065.92
Gecko Driver 0.35.0 0.36.0
Cached Tools PyPy 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.18], 3.10.16 [PyPy 7.3.18] 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.19], 3.10.16 [PyPy 7.3.19]
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.764 4.1.768
Microsoft.Graph 2.26.0 2.26.1

Visual Studio Enterprise 2022

Name Version Path
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 17.13.35818.85 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 17.13.35825.156 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise

Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 > Workloads, components and extensions

Package Version
Component.VisualStudio.GitHub.Copilot 17.13.35813.95
Component.VisualStudio.GitHub.Copilot 17.13.35820.181

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

Windows Server 2019 (20250303) Image Update

04 Mar 07:34
Choose a tag to compare
[Windows] Go version 1.20 and 1.21 will be removed from the images on 2025-05-05 and 1.24 will be set as default.
[Windows 19 and 22] Node.js version 16 will be removed from Windows images on 2025-05-05
Windows Server 2025 is now available
[Windows] Breaking change : Docker Engine Version 26.* will be updated to Docker Engine Version 27.* from 2025-03-07

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2019

  • OS Version: 10.0.17763 Build 6893
  • Image Version: 20250303.1.1

📣 What's changed?

Deleted ➖

Category Tool name Previous (20250224.3.0)
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
Azure 5.3.0
AzureRM 6.13.1
Azure (Cached)
AzureRM (Cached)


Category Tool name Previous (20250224.3.0) Current (20250303.1.1)
Package Management Chocolatey 2.4.2 2.4.3
Composer 2.8.5 2.8.6
Vcpkg (build from commit 6784dd45fa) (build from commit efb1e74369)
Project Management Gradle 8.12 8.13
Tools Bazel 8.1.0 8.1.1
CMake 3.31.5 3.31.6
Docker 26.1.3 27.5.1
Docker Compose v2 2.27.1 2.32.2
Docker-wincred 0.8.2 0.9.1
Google Cloud CLI 511.0.0 512.0.0
Pulumi 3.152.0 3.153.1
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.24.10 2.24.14
Cloud Foundry CLI 8.9.0 8.10.0
Rust Tools >
cargo-audit 0.21.1 0.21.2
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 133.0.6943.127 133.0.6943.142
Chrome Driver 133.0.6943.126 133.0.6943.141
Microsoft Edge 133.0.3065.82 133.0.3065.92
Microsoft Edge Driver 133.0.3065.82 133.0.3065.92
Gecko Driver 0.35.0 0.36.0
Cached Tools PyPy 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.18], 3.10.16 [PyPy 7.3.18] 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.19], 3.10.16 [PyPy 7.3.19]
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.764 4.1.768
Microsoft.Graph 2.26.0 2.26.1

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

macOS 14 (20250304) Image Update

04 Mar 15:35
Choose a tag to compare
[ macOS ] .NET 7.x will be removed from macOS-13 and macOS-14 images on February 24,2025.
macOS 15 (Sequoia) will be generally available in GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps from March, 18
[macOS] Ruby version 3.0 will be removed from the images on Feb 17, 2025 and 3.3 will be set as default.

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 14

  • OS Version: macOS 14.7.4 (23H420)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 23.6.0
  • Image Version: 20250304.890

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20250304.890)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 9.0.200

Deleted ➖

Category Tool name Previous (20250127.727)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 7.0.102, 7.0.202, 7.0.306, 7.0.410
Cached Tools Ruby 3.0.7


Category Tool name Previous (20250127.727) Current (20250304.890)
OS Version macOS 14.7.2 (23H311) macOS 14.7.4 (23H420)
Language and Runtime .NET Core SDK 8.0.405 8.0.406
Kotlin 2.1.0-release-394 2.1.10-release-473
Node.js 20.18.2 20.18.3
PHP 8.4.3 8.4.4
Python3 3.13.1 3.13.2
Ruby 3.0.7p220 3.3.7
Package Management Bundler 2.5.23 2.6.5
Composer 2.8.5 2.8.6
Homebrew 4.4.17 4.4.23
Pip3 25.0 (python 3.13) 25.0.1 (python 3.13)
RubyGems 3.5.23 3.6.5
Project Management Gradle 8.12.1 8.13
Utilities azcopy 10.27.1 10.28.0
bazel 8.0.1 8.1.1
Curl 8.11.1 8.12.1
GitHub CLI 2.65.0 2.67.0
zstd 1.5.6 1.5.7
Tools AWS CLI 2.23.6 2.24.16
AWS SAM CLI 1.132.0 1.134.0
AWS Session Manager CLI 1.2.694.0 1.2.707.0
Azure CLI 2.68.0 2.69.0
Bicep CLI 0.33.13 0.33.93
Cmake 3.31.5 3.31.6
Xcbeautify 2.23.0 2.27.0
Browsers Safari 18.2 (19620. 18.3 (19620.
SafariDriver 18.2 (19620. 18.3 (19620.
Google Chrome 132.0.6834.111 133.0.6943.142
Google Chrome for Testing 132.0.6834.110 133.0.6943.141
ChromeDriver 132.0.6834.110 133.0.6943.141
Microsoft Edge 132.0.2957.127 133.0.3065.92
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 132.0.2957.127 133.0.3065.92
Mozilla Firefox 134.0.2 135.0.1
geckodriver 0.35.0 0.36.0
Selenium server 4.28.0 4.29.0
Cached Tools Ruby 3.2.6, 3.4.1 3.2.7, 3.4.2
Python 3.12.8, 3.13.1 3.12.9, 3.13.2
Node.js 18.20.6, 20.18.2, 22.13.1 18.20.7, 20.18.3, 22.14.0
Go 1.22.11, 1.23.5 1.22.12, 1.23.6
Rust Tools Cargo 1.84.0 1.85.0
Rust 1.84.0 1.85.0
Rustdoc 1.84.0 1.85.0
Rust Tools >
Clippy 0.1.84 0.1.85


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 35.3.11
Android Emulator 35.3.12

Miscellaneous > Environment variables

Name Value

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.