Releases: actions/runner-images
Releases · actions/runner-images
macOS 10.15 (20220307 update)
macOS 10.15 info
- System Version: macOS 10.15.7 (19H1713)
- Image Version: 20220307.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Bundler version 2.3.8
- Composer 2.2.7
- Homebrew 3.4.0
- Vcpkg 2022 (build from master <bd602277b>)
- azcopy 10.14.0
- Curl 7.82.0
- GitHub CLI: 2.5.2
- GNU parallel 20220222
- GNU Wget 1.21.3
- Newman 5.3.2
- Packer 1.8.0
- Aliyun CLI 3.0.110
- AWS CLI 2.4.23
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.1
- Azure CLI 2.34.1
- Cmake 3.22.3
- GHC 9.2.2
- GHCup v0.1.17.5
- Stack 2.7.5
- SwiftFormat 0.49.5
- SwiftLint 0.46.3
- Google Chrome 99.0.4844.51
- ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.51
- Microsoft Edge 98.0.1108.62
- MSEdgeDriver 98.0.1108.62
- Mozilla Firefox 97.0.2
Environment variables
Name | Value |
CHROMEWEBDRIVER | /usr/local/Caskroom/chromedriver/99.0.4844.51 |
Cached Tools
- 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.8]
- 3.7.12 [PyPy 7.3.8]
- 3.8.12 [PyPy 7.3.8]
- 3.9.10 [PyPy 7.3.8]
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Cargo-outdated 0.11.0
- Clippy 0.1.59
Web Servers
Name | Version | ConfigFile | ServiceStatus | ListenPort |
nginx | 1.21.6_1 | /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf | none | 80 |
Package Name | Version |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.0 |
Windows Server 2022 (20220306 update)
Announcements |
windows-latest workflows will use Windows Server 2022 |
Windows-2016 environment will be removed on March 15, 2022 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
- Image Version: 20220306.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Composer 2.2.7
- Vcpkg (build from master <bd602277b>)
Project Management
- Gradle 7.4
- azcopy 10.14.0
- CMake 3.22.3
- Newman 5.3.2
- Pulumi v3.25.1
- Stack 2.7.5
- VSWhere 3.0.1
CLI Tools
- Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.110
- AWS CLI 2.4.23
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.1
- Azure CLI 2.34.1
- GitHub CLI 2.5.2
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- cargo-outdated 0.11.0
- Clippy 0.1.59
Browsers and webdrivers
- Google Chrome 99.0.4844.51
- Chrome Driver 99.0.4844.51
- Microsoft Edge 99.0.1150.30
- Microsoft Edge Driver 99.0.1150.30
- Mozilla Firefox 97.0.2
Cached Tools
Python Version | PyPy Version |
3.9.10 | PyPy 7.3.8 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
PowerShell Tools
Powershell Modules
Module | Version |
AWSPowerShell | 4.1.37 |
Package Name | Version |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.0 |
Windows Server 2019 (20220306 update)
Announcements |
windows-latest workflows will use Windows Server 2022 |
Windows-2016 environment will be removed on March 15, 2022 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
- Image Version: 20220306.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Composer 2.2.7
- Vcpkg (build from master <bd602277b>)
Project Management
- Gradle 7.4
- azcopy 10.14.0
- CMake 3.22.3
- Google Cloud SDK 375.0.0
- Newman 5.3.2
- Pulumi v3.25.1
- Stack 2.7.5
- VSWhere 3.0.1
CLI Tools
- Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.110
- AWS CLI 2.4.23
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.1
- Azure CLI 2.34.1
- GitHub CLI 2.5.2
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- cargo-outdated 0.11.0
- Clippy 0.1.59
Browsers and webdrivers
- Google Chrome 99.0.4844.51
- Chrome Driver 99.0.4844.51
- Microsoft Edge 99.0.1150.30
- Microsoft Edge Driver 99.0.1150.30
- Mozilla Firefox 97.0.2
Cached Tools
Python Version | PyPy Version |
3.9.10 | PyPy 7.3.8 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
PowerShell Tools
Powershell Modules
Module | Version |
AWSPowerShell | 4.1.37 |
Ubuntu 18.04 (20220306 update)
Announcements |
[Ubuntu] Issue with libstdc++ cannot allocate memory in static TLS block |
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
- Linux kernel version: 5.4.0-1070-azure
- Image Version: 20220306.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Homebrew 3.4.0
- Vcpkg (build from master <bd602277b>)
- Ansible 2.11.9
- AzCopy 10.14.0 (available by �zcopy and �zcopy10 aliases)
- CMake 3.22.3
- HHVM (HipHop VM) 4.151.0
- Minikube 1.25.2
- Newman 5.3.2
- Packer 1.8.0
- Pulumi 3.25.1
- Terraform 1.1.7
- yq 4.21.1
CLI Tools
- Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.110
- AWS CLI 1.22.68
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.1
- Azure CLI (azure-cli) 2.34.1 (installation method:
- GitHub CLI 2.5.2
- Netlify CLI 9.12.3
- OpenShift CLI 4.9.23
Version | Vendor | Environment Variable |
11.0.14+1 | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_11_X64 |
Tool | Version |
PHP | 7.1.33 7.2.34 7.3.33 7.4.28 8.0.16 8.1.3 |
Composer | 2.2.7 |
PHPUnit | 8.5.24 |
- GHCup
- Stack 2.7.5
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Cargo clippy 0.1.59
- Cargo outdated
Browsers and Drivers
- Google Chrome 99.0.4844.51
- ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.51
- Mozilla Firefox 97.0.2
- Chromium 99.0.4844.0
Cached Tools
- 3.9.10 [PyPy 7.3.8]
Package Name | Version |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.0 |
Cached Docker images
Repository:Tag | Digest | Created |
buildpack-deps:bullseye | sha256:b0410921e9d888bd213492157e876988dfd2c4fe2724d63a2f6120381ac1881c | 2022-03-01 |
buildpack-deps:buster | sha256:4b80c38e9bef63839e3d36de8419fb46e126b7b19b8f45b7b2cade51d193465e | 2022-03-01 |
buildpack-deps:stretch | sha256:bf54440111c18564fd89db7f98a0c09b14af25a699d72e19752ab7ca6933a34f | 2022-03-01 |
debian:10 | sha256:fd510d85d7e0691ca551fe08e8a2516a86c7f24601a940a299b5fe5cdd22c03a | 2022-03-01 |
debian:11 | sha256:10b622c6cf6daa0a295be74c0e412ed20e10f91ae4c6f3ce6ff0c9c04f77cbf6 | 2022-03-01 |
debian:9 | sha256:54f2c31487af733ad08e62af6a77ccddcbc8895857edc54768ba0020991950f9 | 2022-03-01 |
node:12 | sha256:cc4adb82efc04b74b9f96326e682ad04be2df84d23e40609802eb6d6c207abde | 2022-03-02 |
node:14 | sha256:d3f3c5105b1defedbdd7a8c6a4184d11e65f246d0dfd798e6f0fabc4b5326d46 | 2022-03-02 |
node:16 | sha256:61b6cc81ecc3f94f614dca6bfdc5262d15a6618f7aabfbfc6f9f05c935ee753c | 2022-03-02 |
ubuntu:18.04 | sha256:42cd9143b6060261187a72716906187294b8b66653b50d70bc7a90ccade5c984 | 2022-03-03 |
ubuntu:20.04 | sha256:8ae9bafbb64f63a50caab98fd3a5e37b3eb837a3e0780b78e5218e63193961f9 | 2022-03-03 |
Installed apt packages
Name | Version |
locales | 2.27-3ubuntu1.5 |
rsync | 3.1.2-2.1ubuntu1.3 |
macOS 11 (20220227 update)
macOS 11.6 info
- Image Version: 20220227.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Bundler version 2.3.8
- Composer 2.2.7
- Homebrew 3.3.16
- Vcpkg 2022 (build from master <1b1ae50e1>)
- GNU Wget 1.21.3
- AWS CLI 2.4.21
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.0
- GHCup v0.1.17.5
- SwiftLint 0.46.3
Cached Tools
- 3.9.10 [PyPy 7.3.8]
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Clippy 0.1.59
Package Name | Version |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.0 |
Windows Server 2022 (20220227 update)
Announcements |
windows-latest workflows will use Windows Server 2022 |
Windows-2016 environment will be removed on March 15, 2022 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
- Image Version: 20220227.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Composer 2.2.7
- Vcpkg (build from master <1b1ae50e1>)
- Pulumi v3.25.0
CLI Tools
- AWS CLI 2.4.21
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.0
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Clippy 0.1.59
Browsers and webdrivers
- Microsoft Edge 98.0.1108.62
- Microsoft Edge Driver 98.0.1108.62
Cached Tools
Python Version | PyPy Version |
3.9.10 | PyPy 7.3.8 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
PowerShell Tools
Powershell Modules
Module | Version |
AWSPowerShell | 4.1.32 |
Package Name | Version |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.0 |
Windows Server 2019 (20220227 update)
Announcements |
windows-latest workflows will use Windows Server 2022 |
Windows-2016 environment will be removed on March 15, 2022 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
- Image Version: 20220227.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Composer 2.2.7
- Vcpkg (build from master <1b1ae50e1>)
- Pulumi v3.25.0
CLI Tools
- AWS CLI 2.4.21
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.0
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Clippy 0.1.59
Browsers and webdrivers
- Microsoft Edge 98.0.1108.62
- Microsoft Edge Driver 98.0.1108.62
Cached Tools
Python Version | PyPy Version |
3.9.10 | PyPy 7.3.8 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
PowerShell Tools
Powershell Modules
Module | Version |
AWSPowerShell | 4.1.32 |
Windows Server 2016 (20220227 update)
Announcements |
windows-latest workflows will use Windows Server 2022 |
Windows-2016 environment will be removed on March 15, 2022 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
- Image Version: 20220227.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Composer 2.2.7
- Vcpkg (build from master <1b1ae50e1>)
- Pulumi v3.25.0
CLI Tools
- AWS CLI 2.4.21
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.0
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Clippy 0.1.59
Browsers and webdrivers
- Microsoft Edge 98.0.1108.62
- Microsoft Edge Driver 98.0.1108.62
Cached Tools
Python Version | PyPy Version |
3.9.10 | PyPy 7.3.8 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
PowerShell Tools
Powershell Modules
Module | Version |
AWSPowerShell | 4.1.32 |
Ubuntu 20.04 (20220227 update)
Announcements |
[Ubuntu] Issue with libstdc++ cannot allocate memory in static TLS block |
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
- Image Version: 20220227.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Homebrew 3.3.16
- Vcpkg (build from master <1b1ae50e1>)
- HHVM (HipHop VM) 4.150.0
- Minikube 1.25.2
- Pulumi 3.25.0
- yq 4.21.1
CLI Tools
- AWS CLI 2.4.21
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.0
- Netlify CLI 9.8.3
- OpenShift CLI 4.9.22
Version | Vendor | Environment Variable |
11.0.14+1 (default) | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_11_X64 |
Tool | Version |
PHP | 7.4.28 8.0.16 8.1.3 |
Composer | 2.2.7 |
- GHCup
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Cargo clippy 0.1.59
Cached Tools
- 3.9.10 [PyPy 7.3.8]
Package Name | Version |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.0 |
Ubuntu 18.04 (20220227 update)
Announcements |
[Ubuntu] Issue with libstdc++ cannot allocate memory in static TLS block |
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
- Linux kernel version: 5.4.0-1070-azure
- Image Version: 20220227.1
Installed Software
Package Management
- Homebrew 3.3.16
- Vcpkg (build from master <1b1ae50e1>)
- HHVM (HipHop VM) 4.150.0
- Minikube 1.25.2
- Pulumi 3.25.0
- yq 4.21.1
CLI Tools
- AWS CLI 1.22.63
- AWS SAM CLI 1.40.0
- Netlify CLI 9.8.3
- OpenShift CLI 4.9.22
Version | Vendor | Environment Variable |
11.0.14+1 | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_11_X64 |
Tool | Version |
PHP | 7.1.33 7.2.34 7.3.33 7.4.28 8.0.16 8.1.3 |
Composer | 2.2.7 |
- GHCup
Rust Tools
- Cargo 1.59.0
- Rust 1.59.0
- Rustdoc 1.59.0
- Cargo clippy 0.1.59
Cached Tools
- 3.9.10 [PyPy 7.3.8]
Package Name | Version |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.0 |
Installed apt packages
Name | Version |
rsync | 3.1.2-2.1ubuntu1.3 |