Pingsheet is a cloud based latency and packet loss monitoring platform built on top of Google Sheets.
A Google Sheet is used to configure a swarm of hosts with targets they should ping, the hosts run the pings and add the results back into the Google Sheet.
As the data is in Google Sheets it makes it very simple and flexible to create dashboards using conditional formatting and charts.
Due to limitations on how big a sheet can become this is best suited for short term data.
Start by creating the required Google Sheets API credentials
Configure your hosts, settings and targets in the Google Sheet
Download and install the latest executable for your host platform
- Mac OS
wget && \ tar xvzf pingsheet_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz pingsheet && \ xattr -dr pingsheet && \ mv pingsheet /usr/local/sbin/
- Linux
wget && \ tar xvzf pingsheet_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz pingsheet && \ mv pingsheet /usr/local/sbin/
- Mac OS
Run the tool
pingsheet --credentials {{path-to-credentials}} --sheet {{sheet-ID}} --hostname {{hostname}} --secret {{secret}}
The tool will check for a config in the Google Sheet and run ping tests to the targets
The tool will automatically create a worksheet to add all the results
- New results are added to the bottom as rows
- The 1st row contains the headers
- The 2nd row includes a formula to show the last metric
curl | bash
exec -l $SHELL
- Follow the steps in
- Run login init command
gcloud init
This will open a browser make sure to grant access
Create a new project
Enable Google Sheets API
gcloud services enable
- Create new service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create pingsheet --display-name=pingsheet
Created service account [pingsheet].
- Find the name of the newly created service account
gcloud iam service-accounts list
pingsheet False
- Create JSON key file using email from created service-account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create credentials.json
Create a Google Sheet from the template in the repo
Share the sheet with the email address from the key generated above eg:
Ensure that the user has
You should now have a Google Sheet created from the template and credentials ready to use with sheet editing permissions.
Add all the hosts where the
tool will run and initiate pings.- Add a hostname to the
column - Add a secret to the
- Add a hostname to the
Configure the
: The amount of seconds between ping tests (All targets are run in parallel)COUNT
: The amount of pings to send to each targetMAXROWS
: The maximum number of results to keep
Configure ping targets for each host
- Add as many columns as necessary starting at
, etc...
- Add as many columns as necessary starting at
The tool checks for new targets every 5 minutes. Any targets that have been removed will also be updated and no longer pinged.
The tool does not keep any results locally so any tests performed during this time will be lost, however when the tool encounters an issue it will keep retrying every 60 seconds.
This is something that could be implemented in the future.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.