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A small, lightweight, customizable X window manager written in C.


My weem/weembar config, catppuccin macchiato colorscheme. Open windows: nvim, kitty, htop. Font is Blex Mono Nerd Font (the nerd font version of IBM Plex Mono)


  • Tiling (master and stack)
  • Fullscreen
  • Multiple Desktops
  • Multiple Layouts
  • Status Bar
  • Autostart script
  • Multiple Colorschemes


weem itself doesn't require any libraries other than X11, however some bar modules need some tools in order to work:

  • Audio: amixer
  • Disk Space: df
  • CPU Usage: mpstat
  • Memory Usage: free
  • Temperature: sensors
  • Notifications: dunst
  • Battery: upower


Clone the repo:

git clone

Copy config.def.h to config.h:

cp config.def.h config.h

Edit config.h to match your preferences. Setup the startup script at ~/.config/weem/ Make sure you execute in the background there to update the status bar. For example, a startup script that launches picom and the bar script:


picom &
path_to_where_you_cloned_weem/ &

You can also edit to change what is shown in the status bar.

Then, run the install script (requires root access): sudo sh

Upon changing the configuration, you need to rerun the install script for the changes to take place.


If you have a multi-monitor setup, you have to manually set the width/height of your entire display in the config.h file (in the WIDTH and HEIGHT macros).


  • If you use a display manager such as SDDM or LDM, copy weem.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions
  • If you prefer to use startx, add exec weem to the end of your xinitrc

Default Keybindings

Key Action
Super + Enter Spawn terminal
Super + Q Spawn web browser
Super + D Spawn application launcher
Super + W Close window
Super + G Screenshot
Super + Up Move up in list
Super + Down Move down in list
Super + Right Increase master size
Super + Left Decrease master size
Super + F Make window fullscreen
Super + T Make window tiled
Super + S Make window floating
Super + Shift + T Set layout to master + stack
Super + Shift + V Set layout to vertical stripes
Super + Shift + H Set layout to horizontal stripes
Super + B Toggle bar
Super + Shift + B Toggle bar position
Super + K Kill weem
Super + NUM_KEY Switch to desktop
Super + Shift + NUM_KEY Send window to desktop


A big thanks to these awesome people and projects without which weem wouldn't exist: