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Loose Leaf: Regression Test Plan
iOS8 - new install has 1 badge count #1046
- new install on ios8
- verify there's no badge count
User existing pages not missing after upgrade
- Upgrade existing app (Assume existing app have few pages)
- Open App
- Pinch to view list
- Verify existing pages not missing
show cloud kit tutorial page after user zooms to list => page views. #962
- reset all content and settings to reset preferences file
- fresh install
- pinch to list view => should see all tutorial pages except CloudKit
- tap or pinch into page view => after a few seconds, should see an import pop in from top right
- tap import button => shows cloud kit tutorial page
pinch page to begin transition to list view, but then pan back up to page -> right hand shows shadow #729
- hold page
- pinch down so that list view transition begins, then pinch back up and release into page view
- right hand side of page shows a shadow that it shouldn't
App crash when scrolling up/down 5 pages in list view #883
- Lots of pages loaded into Loose Leaf
- pick a page near the middle of the list, pick it up, throw it away
- quickly scroll up/down at least 5 pages
- repeat steps 2 and 3 until crash
tapping where the image import button is in list view will still open it, even though button is hidden #861
- pinch to list view
- tap where import image button is
- verify import sidebar doesn't show
Two finger tap in list view should open the page #776
- verify 2 finger tap opens the page.
Bezel scrap to sidebar will display in list view #649
- new page
- insert image
- cut image in half
- bezel one scrap to sidebar
- go to list view
- verify only one scrap should be displayed in list view
list view remembers where scrap was first dropped, not the last location #651
- new page
- drop scrap from sidebar to page
- move scrap to somewhere else on page
- go to list view
- verify scrap location in list view is same as step 3
Scrap missing in list view #652
- new page
- insert scrap from side bar
- go to list view
- verify scrap is in list view
Pen strokes missing in list view, looks fine in detailed view #615
- new page
- insert image
- draw on image
- go to list view
- verify pen strokes are visible in list view
Bezel page from left/right should not be allowed in list view #638
- launch app, pinch to list view
- use two fingers from the lefthand bezel, as if turning the page
- the pages in list view freak out and start to stay half list view / half in page view
Bezeling lots of pages from the end of the list should add them to the gesture #586
- list view, open very last page
- bezel in new pages from the right
- only 1 page shows up during the gesture, but all new added pages should show during the gesture
Page stuck if pinching to list view slowly #617
- go to any page
- pinch page to list view slowly (slower if you can't repro)
- page gets stuck in list view
Page stuck when pinch to list view while drawing #591
- new page
- draw with right middle finger..without letting go of middle finger, use left two fingers to pinch slowly to list view while right middle finger is still drawing (you can also do this with one hand. using middle finger to draw and index and thumb to pinch)
- page will get stuck and user can still draw.
Missing thumbnails in list view #614
- start app, choose page with scraps + ink on base page
- pinch to list view
- thumbnail goes blank
Possible states for a page to be in:
- no state is loaded, should show scrapped thumbnail
- state is loaded, but page isn't editable, should show scrapped thumbnail
- state is loaded and modified, but page isn't editable, should show ink thumbnail + scrap view
- state is loaded (possibly modified) and editable, should show drawable view and scrap view
Content missing in list view but looks okay if tap to open #593
- related to #592
- test with > 30 pages
- start at page 2
- pick up scrap > bezel left for 20 pages > drop scrap
- go to list view
- content will be missing in list view but if you tap to open it will load content
Holding a pinch of a page in list view will cause page to jitter and gesture to break #523
- list view
- press and hold a page w/ 2 fingers
- the single-finger-press-hold gesture will compete with the 2-finger-pinch gesture, and page will act erratically
similarly if
- list view
- press and hold with 1 finger till page picks up
- add 2nd finger to pinch it
Thumbnails for some pages do not generate when creating pages in series #480
- new page
- write number 1
- new page
- write number 2
- new page
- write number 3
- continue to number 10
- pinch to list view
- thumbnails for first few pages don't show up
Page thumbnails blank out in list view after scrolling and picking up page #466
- list view
- scroll down ~ 15 or so pages
- all thumbnails show up fine so far
- pick up a page
- pages around the picked up page blank out until you move the picked up page to cause a scroll
Zooming in and out of list view few times will cause app to crash #465
- go to list view
- use 3-4 fingers to open a page
- page gets stuck in list view
- zoom in and out of list view few times
- app will crash
When opening page from list view, wrong page display for split second #475
- go to list view (I have 20+ pages)
- pinch with two fingers to open a page
- while page is opening, you will see split second of wrong page
App crash when moving pages in list #474
- go to list view
- move page around
- hold on to page > move > hold on to page > move
- app will eventually black out and crash
When pinching to list view, the strokes that undo still display #416
- on the iPad 3, if i pinch into list view, the strokes of the pinch that should undo never do.
- these aren't saved, but they do show on the screen until the drawableView moves to another page and resets.
- verify strokes of the pinch undo when going into list view
Pinch very last page in list view, and the entire screen will scroll away #382
- Last page
- 4 fingers zoom
- verify page opens
Throw pinching from list view to page view will blank out the page as it loads #394
- list view
- pick up a page w/ 2 fingers, and throw it open
- don't pinch through the entire transition, but only halfway or so, so that the inertia pulls the page open
- verify page opens
Original Bug: the page blanks out, then snap loads in.
Pages will zoom to list view too easily #191
- grab a page
- toss it without bezelling
- verify page doesn't zoom to list so easily (often will zoom to list view b/c it "begins the transition" and zoom direction is smaller. need to only trigger that if i'm more than halfway to list view perhaps)
Reset data to a brand new install, use app, try to duplicate pages #211
- do a run through of the app and make sure I can't duplicate or error out page content. test by numbering pages and then drawing stuff on them to push strokes to the texture.
- verify no duplicate pages
Page stuck in list view #458
- go to list view
- use 3-4 fingers to open a page
- verify page does not get stuck in list view
Can draw on page when stuck in list view #459
- go to list view
- use 3-4 fingers to open a page
- page gets stuck in list view (see #458 )
- can sometimes draw on page when stuck in list view
Can pick up scraps from page when in list view #463
- go to list view
- use 2 fingers to pick up a page and slightly zoom in, but don't go to page view
- use 2 more fingers to pick up a scrap off of that page while in list view
- shouldn't be able to do (3)!
alternative to repro
- pick up page and start to pan into list view, hold the page, but just before it auto-zooms into list view
- pick up a scrap
- (2) shouldn't happen unless you're very near a normal page zoom
alternative to repro
- pick up a scrap and hold it
- pick up the page and start to zoom into list view
- if the scrap is held outside the page bounds, then as the page zooms into list view the scrap will get sent to the sidebar
- if the scrap is held over the page bounds, then it'll be re-added to the page and be unpick able/unmoveable until zooming back into page view
confirm that everything still works even w/ multitouch system gestures turned on #17
- confirm that nothing in loose leaf /requires/ 4+ fingers
app crash when cloning image while bezeling right #635
- pick up scrap
- new page button
- begin stretching scrap, as if to clone, but release all 4 fingers simultaneously before it clones
- crash.
list view doesn't scroll if the user puts their finger in between the pages #444
first try:
- list view
- scroll by starting the scroll touch on top of a page
- works
second try:
- list view
- scroll by starting the scroll touch not on a page
- doesn't work
if the user bezels repeatedly in quick succession (at least from left, possibly right) more than 1 page is bezeled #858
- push a page on or off the stack by starting the gesture from the bezel with two fingers
- lift all fingers to finish the gesture, pushing or pulling the page
- repeat (1, 2) quickly
- if step 2 is done quickly after the gesture from 1 ends, then 2 pages will be bezeled. repeat quickly again and STEP 3 will be bezeled, etc
- instead, only 1 page should ever be bezeled when starting the gesture, no matter how quickly after.
Pan 2 pages at the same time, then bezel in from right => page can't be edited #905
- pick up and hold top page
- pan multiple pages beneath it
- pick up a page below the top page and hold it as well
- while holding both pages, use two fingers to bezel in yet another page from the right
- the pans will cancel (correct behavior) and the bezel will stay alive (correct behavior)
- cancel the bezel and send that page back off the stack
- possible crash or top page is no longer editable
Photos in import sidebar should use last best rotation #668
- lay the iPad flat face up
- open import image sidebar
- slowly tilt iPad up into landscape until photos rotate in sidebar
- lay iPad back face up
- photos should stay rotated for landscape mode
When iPad is resting face up, the sidebar buttons should rotate to last best 90 degree orientation #494
- open loose leaf
- hold iPad in landscape left (mostly)
- icons will be rotating freely
- lay iPad down on table
- icons should rotate to landscape left and not jiggle around as table/ipad are bumped
Bezel from right and hold pages, and current top page will go blank #655
- page with scraps / writing on it
- bezel 15+ pages from the right, and hold the pages so that all 15 are held during the bezel
- after 15 ish pages being held in bezel gesture, the former top page will go blank
- finish gesture by canceling and pushing all pages back off the stack
- verify top page never goes blank
Bezeling multiple pages from left after app start up doesn't work #594
- start app clean (force quit before if needed)
- bezel the page starting from left bezel
- continue gesture and bezel more than 1 page from left bezel
- multiple pages animate during the gesture
- if i bezel from the right first, then the left bezel seems to work fine. apparently all of my testing for bezel gesture involves testing the right one before the left one.
Bezeling a page to the right doesn't always work #506
- pick up page close to right bezel
- move the page to bezel it right
- page should slide to hidden view
Pan a page quickly to the left #499
- pan a page
- very very quickly pan the page to the left and release
- don't fully bezel the fingers, but release them while still on the screen
- page should be pulled from the hidden stack just as if fingers has slid off the screen
current bug is that the held page bounces back to the top visible page, but only when this is done quick enough.
Bezel left is broken #491
- new page
- draw
- bezel left
- can't draw on new page or
- new page
- draw
- bezel left, and ensure both left fingers start at the same time
- sometimes bezel doesn't start
When left bezeling to a page, its state never loads so it remains uneditable #395
- load a page w/ scraps
- list view
- scroll that page out of view
- scroll back and tap page to the right of first page
- bezel left to load original page in
- verify page loads and user can edit
iPad 3: pinching a page won't cancel a stroke of the pinched fingers #237
- start drawing with a finger
- add 2nd finger to create pinch on page
- stroke should cancel and page should redraw
- right now it seems to cancel and keep state properly, but it doesn't properly redraw the canvas
App Crash - a jot state may be asked to unload before it finishes loading - currently this crashes #397
- bezel many many pages from right quickly
- verify app don't crash.
Somehow during navigation, the top page doesn't load the drawable view #391
start a new page, draw
load a scrap, draw on it
bezel from left, lots of pages to push the top bezel'd page off the stack
throw bezel back onto the visible stack so that the top page doesn't change visibly
verify you can draw (original bug: can't draw on top page anymore, until you move a scrap)
load a page w/ scraps
list view
scroll that page out of view
scroll back and load that page
verify scraps are editable (original issue: scraps aren't editable)
Bezel from right problem when both touches are very close #364
- page with drawing / stuff
- new page button
- bezel from right with both fingers very close after each other
- verify takes you to new page (Original issue: the new page ends up being bezeled instead of a hidden stack page, and the page from (1) is visible below)
Bezeling top page to right border doesn't always send it off to the hidden stack #357
- bezel the top page to the right
- verify goes to next page
Fix gestures not releasing touches as they should, which locks the toolbar #315
- tap repeatedly on the screen with three fingers.
- verify the toolbar doesn't lock
Make sure all gestures behave the way that they should #521
- pick up scrap, bezel from left
- pick up scrap, bezel from rig+ht
- pick up scrap, pan page to bezel left
- pick up scrap, pan page to bezel right
- pick up scrap, pan page to near bezel left
- pick up scrap, pan page to near bezel right
- pick up scrap, shake to send to back
- pick up scrap, shake to send to front
- bezel left, pick up scrap
- bezel right, pick up scrap
- pan page, pick up scrap
- pan page, pan pages behind
- pan page, bezel page out behind
- pan page -> exit bezel left
- pan page -> exit bezel right
- pick up scrap -> send to bezel
- pick up scrap -> stretch and clone
- pick up scrap -> clone multiple times
- pinch to list
- reorder in list by long press with 1 finger
- reorder in list by pinch with two fingers
- hold scrap, pinch to list -> should send to sidebar or fall back on page
- pan page, release near right bezel to send off
- pan page, release near left bezel to pull on
- pan page, cancel pan by bezeling from left
- pan page, cancel pan by bezeling from right
- pick up scrap, pan page to bezel left, drop scrap on new page, old page thumb should update
- pick up scrap, bezel and drop page from right, drop scrap, old page thumb should update
Add page button doesn't also save that new page #539
- add page button
- write something
- force quit app
- relaunch app
- page should show up as first page and show the content
when a new user logs into cloud kit, it should request remote notifications immediately after asking for cloud kit discoverability #1021
- fresh developer cloud kit container
- Delete your app from the device.
- Turn the device off completely and turn it back on.
- Go to Settings > General > Date & Time and set the date ahead a day or more.
- Turn the device off completely again and turn it back on.
- login to cloud kit sharing
- after prompting for discoverability, after accepting,
- should prompt for remote notifications
if the app is running, but in the background, then received pages never show up #1039
- launch app
- home button to put it in background
- send it a page
- notification shows + badge shows
- tap loose leaf to bring it to foreground
- sent page never appears
Export same page twice quickly #1038
- export same page twice quickly
- verify share doesn't get stuck
Badge count to reflect # of pages of unopen shared pages #1036
- User1 put app in background
- User2 share via icloud 8 pages with User1
- User1 - app badge count is 8 > once the app is open, badge count is gone
- verify badge count reflects # of unread pages
share page > turn on/off wifi > no crash #1016
- send a page to an iPad
- on the receiving iPad, after importing the page, connect or disconnect from wifi
- crash
Review first time CloudKit setup #759
- login w/ cloudkit pw
- ask to be discoverable
- ask to receive notifications
first time a user gets sent a page with cloud kit, the icon should bounce every 10s #765
- new CloudKit user (possibly fresh install?)
- get sent a page with cloud kit
- icon should bounce every 10s until its tapped
- afterwards first received page, icon should only bounce when it is first displayed, not every 10s
make sure to ask for remote notifications, especially if user rejects cloud kit then oks it later #761
- new test user
- cloud kit share panel
- press login button but decline "allow people to find you by email"
- enable and allow people to find you by email in Settings app
- back to Loose Leaf -> should prompt you for remote notifications
** Share via iCloud**
- userA share page with userB
- verify userB receive shared page.
- repeat step1, userB have app in background - verify userB gets push notification
Share via iCloud > tap left of + button crashes app #898
- share > icloud > tap left of '+' button
- app crash!
When reconnecting to cloudkit, current friendlier should be passed backwards to base state #785
- open app, show CloudKit share sidebar
- home button to go to home screen
- tap Loose Leaf to re-open
- share sidebar should still be visible, and friend list shouldn't flicker or reload
App crash when loading Cloudkit offline #762
- load up CloudKit share panel while network is offline, see friends list load
- tap out of share panel
- open wifi controls, turn off wifi
- wait for ~10s
- tap share/export button
- crash
Make sure to load cached preview on all imports #867
- send page to someone
- when importing the page should animate in w/ its preview showing
- it shouldn't be a blank page that snaps into its preview during animation
- the top-most import in line should always have its preview loaded.
App crash when viewing shared page then switching to landscape view #853
- user1 send user2 a page via iCloud
- user2 (in page view) > open share page in portrait view, then quickly switch to landscape view
- app crash
- page view -> viewing page that was sent by someone
- open share bar -> see list of friends
- close share bar
- switch to page that wasn't sent by someone
- rotate to landscape
- crash.
Share notification should be visible #851
- go to list view > scroll to bottom
- someone share a page
- verify you can view share notification at bottom of list view
Opening shared page from list view displays partial list view and extra gap at bottom of page #848
- user1 > go to list view
- user2 > share a page via iCloud with user1
- user1 > in list view upper right corner, you will see the shared page button w/ initials > scroll page down a bit so only half the shared page button w/ initials is showing > tap the button to open shared page
- verify page only displays the shared page Actual: extra gap at the bottom, partial list view in page - see screencast
Shared pages should be saved at last page viewed #847
- user1 share 2 pages via iCloud with user2
- user2 open shared pages > go to list view
- verify the 2 shared pages is at the end of last page viewed
Open incoming shared page from list view should show tool bar #846
- User1 is in list view
- User2 share a page via iCloud to User1
- User1 open shared page from list view
- verify page has tool bar
Need to support importing pages from CloudKit when in list view mode #806
- Adam share 2-3 pages with Heather
- Heather view all shared pages > when viewing last shared page, pinch to go list view
- verify pinch to list view works
reload friends whenever app becomes active #781
- reload friend list every 15 mins (it should update with latest)
- or kill app and restart to see latest friend list
Don't send scrap files that only exist in the undo history #780
- don't include scraps in the zip file that are only in the page's undo history. since we nil out the undo history for sent pages, only scraps physically on the page should be sent.
failed cloudkit uploads should show longer than 1.5s. failed imports should retry. #775
- when an upload fails, it should show longer on screen than just the 1.5 s currently. maybe 3s or so - something long enough the user will probably see the "x".
Make sure I can update the alert notification on the app icon properly #774
- The red circle with a number on it. this number would reflect the number of imports that are waiting for the user to look at. each time a push notification is sent, this would increment.
Fix the push notification to say "Adam sent you a page in Loose Leaf!" #773
- verify push notification say "Adam sent you a page in Loose Leaf!"
sending the same page multiple times quickly will duplicate the sending #771
- quick send a page in cloud kit 2 times
- the receiver will get the page 3 times, not 2
show max of ~ 5 incoming pages #768
- verify only shows 5 incoming pages > then it gets grouped to a number or ellipse
Reply button in CloudKit share panel, but only on pages that were originally sent by someone #766
- show Reply option at the top of the cloud kit share list if the page is originally sent from someone
- also make sure the contact list is sorted by last name
Test sending page w/o scraps and w/ scraps over CloudKit #763
- send page with scraps
- send page without scraps
support fetching incoming pages that were missed when offline #758
- turn iPad off / airplane mode
- send it multiple pages over CloudKit
- turn iPad back on / connect to wifi
- iPad should auto-update and fetch those pages they should show in ~30s or so after connecting to wifi and opening app
Support saving / loading incoming pages across app restart #757
- start app
- have page sent to the app through CloudKit
- quit app (don't open incoming page)
- start app
- incoming page should still show in top-right of page -imports should persist after exiting / restarting the app -if the app crashes / exits during upload of an export, i don't need to clean up b/c the zip was saved to a tmp directory. i won't bother saving the export, they can just resend...
CloudKit share option should be selected by default after it's used #748
- open share panel
- tap CloudKit button
- share with CloudKit to anyone
- open share panel again
- CloudKit should be auto-selected by default
when cloud kit share sidebar is open, rotating the iPad should rotate the rows of friends #745
- load cloud kit share panel with many rows of friends
- rotate the iPad to landscape
- rows should rotate so that friends are always horizontal to the user
When a user is tapped in cloud kit sharing, show the cloud kit share animation #744
- load cloud kit share sidebar
- tap a friend to share a page to
- sidebar should close, and the circle of the button should bounce to the top of the screen
- button should show loading progress as it uploads page to internet
- after showing success/failure, it should disappear off top of page
show list of friends in CloudKit share sidebar panel #742
- share button
- CloudKit button
- approve any permissions + login
- should load and list friends that also have Loose Leaf installed.
Allow sending reply for users not in address book #733
- Then iCloud stuff requires that the person is in the user's address book to show up in the list of users in te share sidebar.
- This was if A is in B's book, but B isn't in A's book. Can B still send to A, and can A reply to B? (Yes in both cases)
- But A cant initiate to B without adding B to the book. Can only reply.
Header is covering To: field in Share > Message #936
- share page via Message
- verify To: field is visible and cursor is after colon
- verify landscape view looks as expected
Share > message button greyed out after feature enabled #937
- disable imessage
- launch looseleaf
- enable imessage
- verify share > message button is not greyed out
save and cache cloud kit results to disk to allow for faster startup times #782
- when the user first logs into cloud kit, it may take ~15s or so. after that, each app startup needs to re-login to cloud kit in the background.
Make sure starting rotation of cloudkit export button #779
- rotate iPad into landscape
- iCloud import
- tap a user
- make sure user avatar falls to top of screen with correct rotation animation
**Share via **
- Sina Weibo
- Tencent Weibo (change language to Chinese)
- Export to SMS (iMessage turned ON)
- Cloud
- Copy Link (imgur to let the user generate a URL to a snapshot of the current page)
- Save to Photo
- Copy
- Open in ... Box, Dropbox, Evernote, etc
- airdrop
SinaWeibo button disabled when account is added #718
- add weibo account
- open loose leaf
- weibo account should be enabled in share
- delete weibo account
- verify weibo share button disabled in looseleaf
- add weibo account
- verify weibo share button enabled in looseleaf
Allow user to share blank page #709
- verify user can share blank page via all channels
show wifi connectivity error when trying to share when offline #769
- when the user taps a disabled share item, if its b/c its offline then show an offline info panel where share options normally would appear.
Test sharing with no twitter / fb / email accounts installed #663
- share to twitter/fb with no account installed
- if the user doesn't have any email accounts configured on the iPad, make sure proper error message displayed
top of page is cut off if app launches + used in landscape #1060
- make sure loose leaf is force quit
- landscape the iPad
- launch loose leaf
- possibly need to rotate iPad again to make sure icons in sidebar are in landscape mode
- new page -> scribble over full page
- draw 10 dots to push scribble to backing texture
- new page
- load up first page you worked on => top of page is gone.
- make sure loose leaf is force quit
- landscape the iPad
- launch loose leaf
- possibly need to rotate iPad again to make sure icons in sidebar are in landscape mode
- new page -> scribble over full page
- draw 10 dots to push scribble to backing texture
- new page
- load up first page you worked on
- quit app > reopen
- top of page is gone from step 5
ink on page seems to bounce when panning/bezeling a page #728
- draw on a page
- add blank page
- hold that blank page and bezel it off the right sidebar (make sure to pinch slightly so that the page is zoomed smaller than a normal page)
- ink on the page below it will seem to bounce as the old top page animates out
Don't crash when clipping two bezier paths throws an exception #799
- draw with pen along very top edge of page -> shouldn't crash
- scissor along very top edge of path -> shouldn't crash
App crash when switching to landscape view #946
- draw on page
- insert scrap
- change to landscape view
- crash AT2
- insert scrap
- move it to sidebar
- draw 10 lines (clears out that pages undo history)
- add page 5+ times (unloads that original page)
- add scrap from sidebar
- crash
Fill page with drawing #966
- fill page with drawing
- verify no crash
drawing missing when opening from list view #976
- new install
- add new page
- draw until page is filled
- go to list view
- new page > insert scrap > cut in half
- go to list view
- open page with drawing
- drawing is gone
lag drawing between pages #969
- new install
- open a new page > draw all over page until whole page is filled
- add new page
- draw
- verify you can draw without lag
App crash when drawing out of bound #562
- draw very close to top of page
- app crashes
Draw on image cause app to crash #800
- new page
- draw on page > don't let go finger, keep drawing > page will eventually crash.
Can only ever draw on 1 page after drumming fingers on screen #814
- new page
- drum fingers quickly on the screen (as if you're impatient) making lots of dots on the page
- stop tapping -> new page -> try to draw on that new page
Drawing missing in list view #658
- new page
- draw something
- quickly go to list view
- drawing is missing in list view
Drawing not saved after app crash #565
- new page
- draw something
- insert image
- draw some more, draw out of bound by drawing really close to top of page
- app crash
- reopen app
- verify drawing saved from step 2 (that should be minimum)
Actual: drawing missing from step 2 but if you go to list view , you can see it. once page is open, the drawing is missing
Pen strokes missing #563
- new page
- insert 2 image
- draw on images
- force quit app
- open app
- go to list view (the pen stroke is all there)
- open page (some pen strokes are gone)
App crash when drawing on many pages within seconds - edits pending save #533
- new page
- use two finger to swipe page up > this will add a new page
- repeat step 2 - 10 times
- go to list view
- go to first blank page and start numbering 1 > swipe to next page 2 > swipe to next page > 3....etc
- app crashes at about page 9
Picking up and bezeling a page to the left, then can't draw on next page #508
- new page
- draw
- pick up page near left bezel
- bezel the page left to pull on new/next page
- can't draw on that new page
Top page state doesn't load and is never editable after moving back/forward pages #435
- lots of new blank pages
- draw on a page
- move back 4 pages (page pan, not bezel (?))
- move forward 4+ pages to get back to original page
- verify you can draw
Colorless vertex draws with different opacity than colorful vertex #238
- draw really fast
- colorless vertex where color stays the same the whole stroke is drawing more opaque than colorful vertexes
Pencil stops working when drawing certain area of page #455
- new page
- select pencil > start drawing from bottom right corner and work your way up (see attached)
- pencil stops working. user can't select another color and draw anywhere on page.
When touching the eraser very slow, it shows a very large dot at first #146
- just dotting the eraser should use the smallest width, not the largest when beginning a stroke
Tapping color when pen colors menu is closed will revert pen to black #500
- open pen tool and choose yellow
- close color menu
- confirm pen writes in yellow
- tap the yellow semicircle on the border of the screen
- pen will now draw in black instead of yellow
should: tapping color semicircle when menu is closed shouldn't do anything
scissors get stuck off, can't use them anymore #678
- pinch and hold page
- scissor and keep finger down
- continue pinch to list view
- After that can only scissor on that one page
cutting a square will sometimes instead cut a circle #428
- verify you can cut square+circle
Scissor + pen cause app to crash or get stuck #916
- new page
- pen tool selected, start drawing a line
- while still drawing, tap scissor button
- crash.
- new page
- scissor tool selected, start cutting a line
- while still cutting, tap pen button
- scissor line is stuck forever
hold image and use scissor will clone image #929
- new page > insert image
- two finger to pinch + hold image
- without letting go of image, use scissor to cut image in half
- verify image not cloned
scissor doesn't work anymore after going to list view #972
- new page
- insert scrap > cut in half
- go to list view
- go back to page with scrap
- verify scissor works
Bug when scissors pull down notification center #316
- start scissor very very close to top of the screen. it helps if i start in the status bar and go slightly to the left/right at first, then down.
- the scissors start, and the notification center also gets pulled down
- the scissors continue to cut while the notification is pulled down, but finish/cancel properly when the finger is lifted
- verify scissor doesn't get stuck
Scissoring a shape outside the bounds of the page should stay cropped to page #436
- new page
- activate scissors and ruler mode
- make an arc with the scissors that extends outside the page
- scissors the circle
- wrong: a circle is cut out right: a circle with a notch from the paper's edge is created
~1-2 second lag when opening albums #857
- new page
- insert photo > events
- open a event
- verify no lag when opening albums
Remember last location scrolled to in photo album/events #876
- New page > insert image from event > insert another image > would be nice if it opens where I last left off instead of scrolling back to top of event.
Open in Looseleaf > image doesn't show if last view was in list view #885
- use high res iPad > go to list view
- email that .jp2 file to yourself
- in Mail, tap and hold on the image in the message -> quick look
- in quick look of image, export -> open in Loose Leaf
- image doesn't open Expected: image to open in new page
user can open (images) in looseleaf #39
- hold an image from email
- quicklook from email > open in looseleaf
Create new photo album in Photos app should show up in Loose Leaf #887
Creating albums:
- Launch loose leaf and insert photo
- switch to Photos app, select some photos, and create a new album from them
- switch back to Loose Leaf => new album should display
should test starting from zero photo albums on iPad, and again w/ at least 1 photo album.
When i tested this on the simulator, the new album didn't show up when the iPad had started w/o any albums.
Deleting albums:
- create an album in photos app on iPad
- launch loose leaf, confirm album shows in import list
- delete album from Photos app
- confirm album disappears in Loose Leaf
Camera can still take photo when permission doesn't allow it #737
- reset all location and privacy in settings
- insert image > do not allow looseleaf to access photos, do not allow looseleaf to use camera
- take a photo w/ camera
- verify camera disabled
show error view/icons when album/event/faces view is empty #845
- no photos in albums/faces/events
- import image
- face / event / album view should show graceful error / icon
Tapping 'take photo' button should scroll up to camera #442
- insert existing image
- tap camera 'take photo' button
- verify tapping camera button scrolls to top so camera is visible to user
App crash when cloning image while bezeling right #635
- new page > add scrap > pick up scrap
- add page button while holding scrap
- clone scrap while pulling page to right where you see black background
- app crash
App crash when scrolling through camera roll quickly then tapping events #656
- new page
- insert image > scroll through camera roll quickly > tap events
- app crash
Tap camera button hides camera roll #645
- new page
- insert image
- tap camera button
- verify camera + camera roll not missing
- tap camera again > camera/camera roll don't come back
Insert image -> kill app -> restart -> scrap background is gone #625
- new page
- insert image
- force quit app
- relaunch
- scrap background is gone
Import image sidebar -> camera button -> adds new page instead #601
- The image sidebar allows taps through it to the sidebar buttons below. so tapping the camera button actually taps the add page button below it.
Multiple camera views are added to sidebar if camera button is tapped more than once #536
- insert image sidebar
- tap camera tab button (From menu)
- duplicate camera screen shouldn't get added
If camera roll on iPad has zero photos, then taking a photo won't add to the import sidebar #534
- sync iPad and delete all photos from camera roll (albums are fine, but empty the camera)
- launch Loose Leaf
- take photo
- tap import button -> should show recently taken photo in list, but list is still empty
App crash when navigating through event album #530
- new page
- insert image
- go to event.
- navigate through event
- app crash
App crash after taking a photo with camera #529
- new page
- insert image > take photo from camera
- go back to insert image
- app crashes
App crash when trying to view album that is syncing #526
- sync a new album to ipad
- while syncing > go to insert image > view album
- app will crash
Add button in sidebar to take photo #512
- tap take photo button should take photo
- tap camera view should take photo
Photo library crashes when album contains photos and videos #471
- put photos and videos in camera roll of iPad
- open loose leaf
- open photo library
- crash
Front/back camera button should stick next to camera #443
- tap insert image button
- scroll down images
- tap camera button
- verify front/back camera button not visible when scrolling through images
Can't toggle the camera after moving to/from other library types #492
- new page
- photo library button
- confirm can flip camera
- switch to events/faces/something
- switch back to camera tab
- should be able to flip camera
App Installation prompts for user permission to access photo not yet implemented? Image resolution Take photo from camera pinch image to move pinch to resize image pinch to zoom in / out image,
Photos crash if permission is denied #406
- clear ipad settings (General > Reset > Reset Location & Privacy)
- when 'allow access to photo' prompt > decline
- verify app doesn't crash
Allow access to photo permission don't prompt when it's a new install and choosing existing photos #441
- iPad Settings > General > Reset > Reset Location & Privacy
- delete existing app, new install
- open app
- select image button > photo album button to choose existing photo
- verify user gets prompt permission to access photos
dropping scrap on page behind top page / or bezeled page won't show contents in thumbnail #1044
- cut out a scrap
- draw on it
- pick it up and hold it
- pan top page and drop scrap on page behind it
- scrap will add ok ,but thumbnail will show it w/o contents
when cloning tons of scraps to sidebar, last moved scrap might not save to disk #1024
- new page
- insert photo
- clone photo => move clone to sidebar => repeat 10x times
- note number of scraps in sidebar
- quit -> relaunch -> number should be the same (bug is number is 1 less)
drawing on scrap missing ink in sidebar #1031
- draw on scrap
- throw to sidebar
- verify drawing is visible in sidebar
blank scrap in sidebar from cloning #1033
- new page
- insert image
- hold image > clone image and throw to sidebar (all in one step without releasing fingers until scrap is in sidebar)
- repeat step 3 - 6x
- 1 of the 6 scrap will be blank in sidebar
scrap contents move if page is being dragged when scrap is added from sidebar #1041
- add scrap to sidebar
- new page
- pan and hold page off center of screen
- add scrap from sidebar
- scrap contents are offset in scrap
scrap contents in sidebar blank out #1042
- new page > draw on scrap > add scrap to sidebar
- pan to another page
- pan back to original page
- scrap contents are blank in sidebar
don't load scrap previews for all the scraps in the sidebar #1013
- put 50+ scraps in the sidebar
- shouldn't crash
- load data with 150 scraps in the sidebar: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/141402/Loose%20Leaf%20test%20images/150-scraps-in-sidebar.xcappdata.zip
- verify scraps visible when the sidebar is open
Cut tons of scraps on a page -> new page -> insert scrap crashes #677
- add scrap
- cut it into ~30 pieces
- new page
- add scrap
- crash
App crash when cutting image into many pieces #456
- new page
- insert image
- zoom image to fit close to page (see attached)
- use scissor to cut horizontal and vertically into 10x10 (see attached)
- app eventually crashes.
pick up scrap > bezel 15+ page > scrap functionality lags #665
- start with > 30 pages
- insert a image on page 15
- on page 1, insert a scrap > bezel left until page 15 > drop scrap
- verify scrap is on page 15 and works fine (Actual: scrap functionality lags when zoom in/out, moving scrap)
scrap stuck after bezeling many pages quickly #956
- load up the 100 pages of small data set
- select a page from top of list
- add new page
- insert scrap
- hold scrap and bezel quickly through ~20 pages
- can no longer bezel to next page after ~15 pages or so. but can still hold/resize/move scrap. cannot pinch to list view, cannot go to next page
picking up scrap => new page => drop scrap should update old thumbnail #582
- draw and cut a scrap
- pick it up
- w/o letting go, press new page button
- drop scrap on new page
- pinch to list -> original thumbnail shouldn't show scrap anymore
steps 2 same steps as above, except add 10+ pages instead of only 1. the above case will keep the page in cache and save a new thumbnail. this version would push page out of cache and still update thumbnail
scrap shadows don't account for scrap rotation #747
- cut scrap from page
- cut scrap in half
- rotate one of the halves upside down
- shadows should match however device is rotated (shadows always on the bottom creating illusion of light source from above)
scrap look different in detail and list view #568
- use high res iPad
- email that .jp2 file to yourself https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/141402/Loose%20Leaf%20test%20images/Screen%20Shot%202014-05-05%20at%202.36.40%20PM.jp2
- in Mail, tap and hold on the image in the message -> quick look
- in quick look of image, export -> open in Loose Leaf
- imported scrap should look correct
- force quit Loose Leaf
- re-open Loose Leaf -> scrap should still look correct.
don't allow page zooming if the two touches begin < 100px apart (or some similar distance) #327
- require a much larger movement between the fingers until the zoom begins to work. i.e., a 100px -> 200px spread wouldn't zoom to 2x page, but instead would increase by 20% or something much smaller.
Scraps goes blank in list view #829
- new page
- insert image from photo album > zoom out image
- insert scrap from sidebar > zoom out image
- pinch to list view
- scrap is blank (white) image
- If you throw scrap from step 5 to side bar and open in new page, the scrap is blank in page & list view
scrap gone after bezeling 3 pages #877
- new page > insert image
- hold image and bezel left 5 pages
- image is gone after 3rd page!
- new page -> insert image
- pick up image and hold
- tap add page button ~5 times
- drop scrap -> crash
scrap gets stuck floating over page when adding from sidebar #841
- new page
- create scrap / import photo
- move scrap to right bezel sidebar
- force quit app
- re-open app
- add scrap from bezel
- scrap gets stuck and won't add to page, pages can pan under it, can't draw on scrap
Bezel scrap to another page > zoom in on scrap crashes app #825
- pick up and hold scrap > bezel left to another page (don't let go of scrap) > when on new page, zoom in on scrap
- app crash
app crash after zooming in on scraps #873
- new page
- add a bunch of scrap from side bar, zoom in to some scraps after adding to page
- app crash after adding 2-3 scraps
scraps blank in side bar #874
- add 6 scraps to side bar
- go to a page with many images 10+
- zoom in and out of page from step2 few times quickly
- scrap will become blank on side bar
App crash and some image missing #457
- new page
- select image
- cut image into many pieces horizontal and vertically
- app crashes
- reopen app > some image missing
Scrap missing after bezeling left/right few pages #878 #895
- picked up a scrap > started bezeling 2 page right, 2 page left, 2 page right
- app crash or scrap gets stuck
- scrap never recovered.
white square on scrap background #958
- new page
- insert scrap
- optionally draw on it
- new page x 5
- bezel back to the original page
- scrap now has a white square in a corner
App crash after adding scrap to sidebar and bezeling #949
- test small data set
- move a scrap from one of the pages to the sidebar
- bezel pages until you crash
Scrap disappeared after adding many scraps to page quickly #1001
- add 6 scraps to side bar
- add them all back quickly to page
- verify all shows up on page
Scrap ink disappears after adding scrap to a page and panning it before it loads #1000
- draw on two scraps
- move them to sidebar
- new page
- quickly tap both of them onto screen (can tap at same time)
- immediately when they land, pan one of them and drop it a bit away (scrap won't follow your fingers, but do it anyway)
- both appear to still have content
- move scrap one by one back to sidebar
- note that the thumbnail blanks out on one of them
- adding that scrap to any page will show it has blank content.
Portion of ink will disappear if cutting a scrap diagonally on page #999
- new page, scribble top right to bottom left (or vice versa)
- cut scrap along the diagonal
- restart app after 2s
- ink is gone from end of scrap
App crash when adding scrap to page quickly #995
- 6 scrap on side bar
- new page
- insert scrap very quickly
- app crash
Scraps in sidebar don't always have preview #985
- new page
- draw on page
- cut out scrap
- draw 10 dots on scrap to exceed its undo limit and push some strokes to backing texture
- move scrap to sidebar
- list view => delete its page
- new page
- scrap in sidebar is outline only, doesn't show its texture
Adding scrap back to page from sidebar may crash app after further edits #987
- new page
- draw on page
- cut scrap
- move to sidebar
- move back to page
- tap pen on scrap 10 times to push through its undo limit
- crash OR scrap disappears
background of scrap is stretched after cutting long scrap with scissors #989
- new page -> scribble top to bottom
- cut tall scrap -> wait 2 or 3s for a save
- quit -> restart
- top of scrap texture will be cut off
insert scrap > scrap is in upper left corner #990
- add 6 scrap to side bar
- new page
- insert scrap from bottom up very quickly
- verify no scrap in upper left corner
Scrap background image blank in list view #657
- new page
- drop a scrap from sidebar
- go to list view
- scrap is blank image
Moving a scrap lags if it has been drawn on with the eraser #813
- insert photo
- draw on it with pen
- erase over whole photo
- pick up photo and move it
- lag spike on step 4
Shouldn't be able to pan scrap beneath import/scrap/export sidebars #681
- add scrap to a page
- position it so it'd be underneath th import sidebar
- open import image sidebar
- use two fingers to grab the scrap "through" the sidebar
- shouldn't be able to do this.
Order of scrap is not correct in list view #674
- new page
- drop scrap1, scrap2, scrap3, stacked on top of each other
- go to list view 4.verify top image is scrap3 in list view
Actual: scrap2 is on top in list view, but looks okay in detailed view
- add multiple scraps
- shake a scrap to reorder
- confirm thumbnail is correct in list view
- exit and relaunch app
- confirm scrap order is maintained in both list + page view
Scrap content missing when adding it to page from righthand bezel sidebar #662
- add 6 photos to a page
- draw on all of them
- add all of them to the right sidebar, so that they are the only scraps in the sidebar
- new page
- continually tap the top scrap in the sidebar until they've all been added to the new page in v0.8.3 the ink will disappear from all/some of them
- background image appears unaffected
Drop scrap on page, existing image goes blank #633
- start with > 30 pages
- insert a image on page 15
- on page 1, insert a scrap > bezel left until page 15 > drop scrap
- verify existing image on page 15 doesn't go blank
Dropping scrap on a page from unloaded page #598
- new page
- insert/cut scrap
- pick up scrap
- add 10 pages
- drop scrap
- verify app doesn't crash
Pick up and hold page, pan 10 pages behind it, move scrap from top page to 10th page, crash #597
- pan and hold top page
- pan to show 10+ pages behind this top page
- pick up scrap on top page and drop on 10th page
- verify app doesn't crash
- new page
- insert/cut scrap
- pick up scrap
- add 10 pages
- drop scrap
- crash!
if this is an issue - retest #592, #593
Pick up scrap -> drop on another page while bezeling #583
- draw -> cut scrap
- pick up scrap
- bezel and hold page from right
- drop scrap on bezeled page w/o dropping bezel
- scrap should cleanly drop onto new page w/o flicker, old page shouldn't show scrap
test 2
- repeat test 1, but bezel from left instead of from right
Sometimes adding a scrap to the bezel won't always persist restarting app #629
- new page -> create scrap
- send scrap to sidebar
- quit and restart app
- new scrap
- send scrap to sidebar
- quit and restart
- sidebar should contain 2 scraps
Scrap disappears when moving it to another page during bezel gesture #589
- make scrap on a page
- pick it up, bezel page from left, drop scrap, then complete bezel
- repeat and put the scrap back on its original page by bezeling it back right repeat 2 and 3
- the first time through, the scraps show and move just fine. but after the first time dropping the scrap during the bezel gesture will make it disappear briefly before showing up again.
Pick up scrap, add page, clone and drop => adding new pages now will crash the app #578
- pick up scrap
- add page button while holding it
- clone scrap
- drop both scraps
- add 5 more pages => crash
- The issue is that an undo item for removing the scrap from the page is added to the first page's undo manager when the scrap is cloned. however, the page is never re-saved after that, so its undo state is dirty when it's asked to unload, causing a crash.
While bezeling left, picking up a scrap from the page beneath appears to duplicate the scrap #472
add scrap to a page
new page button to put blank page on top
bezel the top blank page left, and don't release it
attempt to pick up the scrap from the page below while holding the bezeled page
scrap will pick up, and will appear to duplicate
dropping the scrap will fix it
add scrap to page1
hold scrap and swipe left to next page2 > drop scrap
go to list view
scrap is duplicated (you can see scrap on page1 and page2
if you open page1, scrap will disappear
Expected: scrap should not show on page1 at all.
Ruler + scissors over a scrap doesn't work #374
- add scrap
- ruler over the scrap
- start + end the scissors in the scrap on the ruler
- verify ruler + scissor works over a scrap
Fix high-res screen with scissors and scraps #408
- insert image
- draw over image
- use scissor to cut image
- verify ink sticks with image and not out of bound
Missing scrap in sidebar when number of scraps is odd #375
- add 7 scraps to sidebar
- open scrap sidebar
- verify 7 scraps show
Hold scrap, tap new page button #278
- hold a piece of scrap
- tap new page button
- verify new page open with scrap
Scraps don't seem to load their thumbnails immediately, leading to blanks scraps while the page loads #270
- make a scrap on a page
- go to next page
- bezel back to page 1
- verify page contains scrap (original issue: scrap is blank until page loads)
Tap stretching a scrap makes it disappear #348
- hold a scrap and tap the other 2 fingers to stretch it multiple times
- verify scrap doesn't disappear
Pan page and scrap, then bezel from right, all hell breaks loose #358
- pan a page
- pan a scrap
- soft bezel a page (#357)
- bezel in from right
- verify page doesn't die (Original issue: tons of pages are thrown into bezel stack and everything dies terribly)
Canceling a stretch of a scrap needs to forceBless: touches just like a successful stretch #359
- pick up a scrap
- transition it to different 2 fingers
- transition it back to original 2 fingers.
- verify scrap doesn't fall back to page
Sometimes when stretching and splitting a scrap, the new scrap ends up double-rotated i think #356
- stretch scrap
- verify scrap in correct anchor point and rotation
The page shouldn't re-bounce after dropping a scrap if it's already at perfect stack position #351
- pick up a scrap
- page the page and release, it'll bounce
- release the scrap
- verify it doesn't bounce again
Picking up a 2nd scrap that's entirely on top of a currently held scrap doesn't work #345
- pick up scrap
- try to pick up 2nd scrap that's on top of 1st scrap
- verify you can pick up 2nd scrap
Holding a scrap and tapping the new page button seems to clone the scrap #334
- make a scrap
- hold scrap
- tap add button
- verify scrap in new page and not in last page
App crash when drawing over lots of scraps #248
- add lots of complex scraps
- draw and scribble a lot
- verify app doesn't crash
Error save and loading scraps to the sidebar #261, #264
- draw on some scraps with different color
- save scrap to sidebar
- load scrap
- verify drawing and color matches
Don't allow drawing on an unloaded scrap #258
- if a scrap hasn't loaded its state yet
- verify you can't draw on it
Scrap menu can show during list view somehow #262
- put three fingers down, which 1 on the scrap button, and 2 to pinch into list view
- verify scrap menu doesn't show up in list view
Drawing on scraps during zoom puts stroke in wrong place #269
- zoom in on scrap
- draw on scrap
- verify strokes in correct place
Creating a shape when a page is zoomed in also scales the new scrap too large #247
- pinch to zoom a page
- draw a scrap
- verify scrap not scaled too large
Scraps will sometime show extra ink blobs outside their boundaries #249
- draw on scrap, erase some drawing
- save and relaunch page
- verify no extra ink blobs or drawing out of boundaries
Drawing on scraps doesn't keep color consistent #244
- draw on scrap
- verify ink color is consistent
Make sure new blank scraps are saved on a page #229
- new scrap
- wait
- exit app
- relaunch
- scrap should show up
Sidebar scrap bubbles don't save their rotationAdjustment #225
- rotate a scrap
- bezel it
- quit
- restart the app
- bubble button should show same rotation as when app was quit
If only scraps position is changed, then don't re-save preview of scrap and do re-save page scrap ids #217
- load page with scraps
- move scraps
- drop scrap on page behind current page
- quit app
verify: scrap location should save regardless scrap parent page should save image previews shouldn't re-save
Fix stroke width when drawing over scraps #215
- draw on scrap
- slice scrap
- verify stroke width is sliced along with the stroke itself
Hold a scrap while pinching to list view #187
- hold scrap
- pinch page to list view
- scrap should bezel immediately
When picking up a scrap on a scaled page, it often jumps to a different scale #185
- add a scrap
- zoom the page
- pick up the scrap and zoom it
- repeat from 2
- Often, the scrap will jump in zoom when it's first picked up and the page is zoomed.
Move scrap to scrapContainerView when a bezel gesture begins #178
- pick up a scrap
- bezel in/out new pages
- scrap should always be on top
Pan page gesture doesn't restart if i'm holding a scrap + have drawn on the page #175
- hold scrap
- hold page
- draw
- drop page
- pick up page
- verify step 5 doesn't happen
When picking up a scrap, don't allow touching through a scrap #173
- put two scraps on the page
- top scrap covering half of the bottom scrap
- grab the bottom scrap, one touch on the top, and one touch on the bottom it should grab the page, b/c both touches didn't touch the visible portion of the same scrap.
- verify only allow grabbing a scrap on its visible portion
When panning a page or scrap, can't re-pickup the page or scrap #171
- pick up the page
- pick up a scrap and keep holding the page
- let go of the scrap and keep holding the page
- try to pick up a scrap again, but you can't
- repeat by swapping page/scrap
- if any touches are still down, then don't end the scrap/page gesture, just keep it as state == changed.
- only after all ignored + possible touches have been released should the gesture end.
When grabbing scraps, should always grab topmost scrap that matches #169
- multiple scraps on a page
- stack them up
- grab the top one.
- the grabbed scrap should always be the topmost scrap that matches the touches
Drawing over scraps on iPad Retina Mini or iPad Air will cause dashed looking strokes #437
- add scrap
- draw on it
- stroke should be simple and smooth, no dashes
Pick up scrap, bezel page left, wrong preview on page #519
- new page
- drop scrap on page
- pick up scrap
- while holding scrap, bezel page from the left
- verify the top bezeled page DOES NOT show a thumbnail w/ the scrap still on it
App crash when holding scrap while swiping through page with many scraps #558
- create a page with many scrap
- create few more pages
- hold scrap and swipe to page with many scraps
- swipe pass page with scrap - sometimes page with many scrap will cause delay in loading and when user tries to swipe before page is done loading it will crash
Actual: app crash
Ruler in cm if non-us locale #797
- change locale to non english
- drawing on any iPad with the ruler should show the ruler tick marks one inch apart. if in non-us locale, should show them 1 cm apart.
Crash with very very small ruler arc #659
- ruler mode
- pinch the ruler so that the fingers are very very close together
- start very close, and pinch even closer, so that there is a tiny arc on screen
- will crash ~ 1 / 10 times
Hold ruler > tap new page > ruler is there but doesn't work #636
- new page
- tap ruler button
- left hand hold ruler, right hand draw
- while holding ruler, tap new page, on new page still holding ruler
- verify ruler work on new page
Ruler doesn't work inside an image #543
- new page
- insert image
- select scissor and ruler button
- ruler doesn't show inside image area
Actual: ruler doesn't show inside image area - it only works outside image area Expected: ruler feature should appear anywhere when using 2 fingers
Disable undo redo during bezel animation #613
- add a scrap to a page
- send scrap to sidebar
- undo and redo in quick succession over and over
- scrap sometimes animates to top left corner
Press undo / export button during a gesture #587
- if the user is in the middle of bezeling a page from the right, or is currently holding a scrap and moving it around, and then they press the export / undo / redo buttons during the gesture
- Verify undo/redo/export button is disabled
Cannot draw on scrap after undo/redo #622
- new page > insert image
- add few more pages with content > undo/redo a bunch of times on few random page
- go back to page from step1 > draw
- verify you can draw on image
test 2
- new page -> insert scrap -> draw on it
- new page -> draw
- repeat step 2 five times
- pinch to list view
- tap original page with scrap -> can't draw on scrap
Scrap test cases for undo/redo #584
Add scrap by cutting it out from the page undo, scrap should disappear and page content should revert redo, scrap should reappear and page should show blank where it was cut
Add scrap by importing from camera (repeat test w/ importing photo from album) undo, scrap should disappear redo, scrap should reappear
Pick up scrap, add 10 pages, drop page the scrap was stolen from should be able to undo/redo and show/hide the scrap page the scrap was dropped should be able to undo/redo and hide/show the scrap
Pick up scrap, add. 1 page, drop page the scrap was stolen from should be able to undo/redo and show/hide the scrap page the scrap was dropped should be able to undo/redo and hide/show the scrap
Pick up and hold page, pan 10 pages, drop on 10th page behind top held page page the scrap was stolen from should be able to undo/redo and show/hide the scrap page the scrap was dropped should be able to undo/redo and hide/show the scrap
Pick up and hold page, pan 3 pages, drop on 3rd page behind top held page page the scrap was stolen from should be able to undo/redo and show/hide the scrap page the scrap was dropped should be able to undo/redo and hide/show the scrap (this is basically same as 5, but 3 pages vs 10 changes how the cache works behind the scenes)
Pick up scrap, add 10 pages, clone, drop both similar to 5 and 6, but clone the scrap after adding the pages but before dropping the scrap
Pick up scrap, add 1 page, clone, drop similar to 5 and 6, but clone the scrap after adding the pages but before dropping the scrap
Pick up scrap , bezel and hold X pages from right, drop, cancel / complete bezel
Same as 10, but bezel from left
12 & 13. same as 10 & 11 but try with < 5 pages held in bezel vs > 10 pages
- Add 3 scraps to a page, send middle scrap to sidebar, undo, redo make sure that undo will add the scrap back to its original location between other scraps
- Same as 14, but quit and relaunch app after adding scrap to sidebar and before undo
Undo item for bezeled scrap item breaks after quit&reload of app #604
- cut a scrap
- send scrap to bezel sidebar
- undo -> verify scrap animates back onto page
- redo -> verify scrap animates back into sidebar
- force quit app & relaunch
- undo -> verify scrap animates back onto page
- redo -> verify scrap animates back into sidebar
test 2:
- cut a scrap
- send scrap to bezel
- turn page
- force quit and restart app
- turn back to original page
- undo -> scrap should animate back onto page from sidebar
when throwing a page into the trash, the sidebar shouldn't ever 'detach' #909
- pick up a page in list view from the right side of the page
- drag it as far left as possible
- the trash sidebar slides out to catch it
- when far enough, the background texture of the trash runs out and the sidebar looks detached
deleting a page: make sure to save any scraps that are in the bezel #863
- add scrap to a page
- move scrap to bezel sidebar
- delete the page
- add a new blank page
- add the scrap from the sidebar onto that blank page
- quit -> relaunch app
- new page
- insert photo + draw on it
- move scrap to sidebar
- delete the page from step 1
- insert new blank page
- add scrap from sidebar to page from step 5
- repeat steps 3 => 7 at least 5 times
Crash when deleting page that was unloaded + had scrap in bezel #944
- New page + scrap
- Put scrap in bezel
- Unload page (tap add page 5+ times)
- List view
- Delete page that had scrap ( possibly need to just hold the page for ~2 or 3 s while it loads before tossing it in the trash)
- Crash
Delete 100 pages without crashing #968 #864
- load small data with 100 pages
- verify you can delete all 100 pages without crashing app
- verify no pages in list view won't crash app
delete a few pages with many scraps - pen/scissor doesn't work #978
- delete few pages with many scraps
- go to a page/new page > draw
- verify pen works
- insert scrap > verify pen/scissor work
Track user's preferred language in Mixpanel #688
- Login to Mixpanel
- Select "Explore" in People section on lefthand sidebar
- Choose Language for a column:
- column value should show language for all users who have used 0.8.4
Track when / if users have allowed twitter / Facebook / cloud kit / photos / camera / notification permission #788
- when a user allows / refuses permission to something, i should log that event in mix panel, and also track it as a property on the user object
facebook twitter email sms tencent weibo sina weibo
save cloud kit results into mix panel #755
1.track success/error. also figure a way to track error types whenever they happen
UI testing
Share buttons in landscape view #931, #928 #927
- open share
- verify all share buttons in landscape view
- verify errors in landscape view (no wifi, no cloud, no photos, camera flip button, photo event buttons etc)
Settings/watermark overlap in Photos #899
- reset privacy settings
- deny photo access
- insert photo
- verify only show settings
need to show directions to enable photo library permission when it's been turned off #695
- reset iOS privacy settings
- launch Loose Leaf
- share page -> tap photos library
- deny permission
- UI should show that photos are denied
- tap icon -> should show directions on how to enable in Settings app
cloudkit icons should rotate - also icons in photo import panel #764
- import image button
- rotate iPad to landscape
- the camera / album / event / etc buttons should rotate
- send / receive page with CloudKit
- the buttons that pop in/out at the top of the page should rotate with the iPad and be oriented to portrait/landscape appropriately
- export sidebar
- tap Open In button
- rotate ipad
- Open In will close from rotation (this is ok)
- tap Open In button again
- menu is rotated to match iPad orientation
Allow access to photo/camera permission not consistent with all device #739
- Reset Location and Privacy in Settings
- new page > insert image
- permission to access camera/photo will prompt
- verify all device prompt for same permission the camera permissions will only apply for ios8, but won't for ios7 apparently
buttons in sidebar bounce with wrong rotation #746
- lay iPad flat and launch loose leaf
- pick up and rotation iPad to landscape orientation
- lay it flat back on table, icons in sidebar should still be in landscape
- tap pen button
- during bounce animation, pen button is in portrait orientation, but should match landscape