This is a simplified installation of Timed, our time tracking software.
It is intended for simple demonstration cases, so you can easily get it up and running to have a quick look. A production installation currently requires some more work, so if you like it, you should talk to us :)
NOTE: This is heavily WIP, and desipite it rendering properly, it doesn't work just yet.
The backend (Django REST) can be found here:
The frontend (Ember.JS) can be found here:
Run the container by executing this on the shell:
docker run -p 8000 adfinissygroup/timed-demo
Upon startup, the app should be available under http://localhost:8000 which is also the main application that end users (ie your employees) will use.
Administration is done via Django-Admin, which is located at http://localhost:8000/admin/
There currently is a single user defined, with the following credentials:
- Username: admin
- password: admin
When the image is fully up and running, I intend to add some demo content as well, together with some demo users, projects, tasks, and a company structure.