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Total alerts Language grade: Python Interactive Demo


I predicted if the Falcon 9 first stage will land successfully. SpaceX advertises Falcon 9 rocket launches on its website, with a cost of 62 million dollars; other providers cost upward of 165 million dollars each, much of the savings is because SpaceX can reuse the first stage. Therefore, if we can determine if the first stage will land, we can determine the cost of a launch. This information can be used if an alternate company wants to bid against SpaceX for a rocket launch.


A letter from Ashlin Darius Govindasamy regarding Plagiarism on this repo

Thank you again for bootstrapping and showing your love on my email/GitHub I appreciate it. I did not know this repo was gonna blow up. I got a slight problem with some people just forking this repo and submitting it to IBM. Forking the repo means copying it into your repo and I permit that but I don't permit you to submit my work to IBM and get duplicates of the project. The reason you paid for the course is that you wanted to learn about Machine Learning/AI and not that certificate. Remember the way you learn something is by practicing and failing. Your success is driven by your failures but what happens if you are successful the first time? Well, you won't have an alternative view to the problem or you will have a narrow path of an approach to the problem. While I did the Capstone. I consulted manuals on Matlab, Plotly, Dash, Gunicorn, etc ... I took it to the next step and put the dashboard on the cloud I even wrote some modules for this Capstone experimenting. When you do the work put in the grind/hours that's when you learn a lot and absorb it in your brain.

Don't be a cheater and submit my repos, a person wrote a mail to me regarding this problem always remember the certificate is not worth that much but It is you the carrier of the skills taking that knowledge to your working place/Personal Company(for entrepreneurs). If you are having a problem with the notebooks feel free to consult my notebooks and learn from your mistakes.

Best Regards

Ashlin Darius Govindasamy

Heroku Deployment (To host the Dashboard in the Cloud for Free)

What you can do is

  1. Fork the Repo
  2. Login to Heroku create a new application
  3. Once created the new app. Link up the repo with the forked Repo. image
  4. Add the buildpack image
  5. Deploy image

To visit the Plotly Dash - dashboard

click the link above

Playing with Docker


Well go to my lab @

fill in the following details and you can deploy my image on the cloud at my domain.

you should see something like this when done but name will be different!


then click the globe icon to view the image which is the dash website deployed globally!


Date Job Done
04/06/2021 Jypyter Lab Projects dumped into Repo
05/06/2021 Cleaning up of GitHub Repo
06/06/2021 WebFlask Dev with PythonAnywhere
07/06/2021 WebFlask Files dropped
08/06/2021 EDA-DataViz Typo Fixed
09/06/2021 launch_site_locations added new distance data
19/10/2021 added Plotly to Heroku as request by user
23/11/2021 added Plagiarism letter and Heroku Guide
19/07/2022 created discussions community
19/07/2022 added public docker image for dash


Ashlin Darius Govindasamy


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