Users can regist and # using their Google Account. For #, we use GoogleAuth 2.0
Show the parties where is near your location
Set the location where you wanna join party or make party
Show the restaurants where is near your location
Make party with title, address, capactiy
There is a lot of things which you can do in party room
All the things is transfer to party member using websocket, kind of live system
There is menu list you can add
Menus are divided as private menu and public menu
If you are the host, you can add, modify and delete public menu
If you are the host, you can kick out party member by clicking X button above party member profile
If the host is out, someone in party room replaces the host
You can add your own private menu
You can see your cart and also modify and delete your own private menu
Chat with other people
Show the profile image if he or she is in party room
If not, there are only nickname and chat information
Notify add, modify and delete public menu to party member
Party member can be ready for order If every party member is ready, host can let every one go confirm order
Check the bills and Confirm Order You need to write phone number and if you want, you can send request text
You can select not meet option if you get food in your own private place
We use KG Inosis module for supporting a lot of payment system
If payment is completed, you can see Payment Completed
There is waiting room for communicating party members
If party member finish the payment, green circle is shown
If party member don't pay yet, gray circle is shown
You can also chat with people.
You can also see your final Cart
There is Hungry mode for people who wanna get party information when it is created
If hungry mode is on, you can get party info by push notification when it is created
App can get push notification from server when you need Order Accepted, Delivery Start, Order Canceled
When restaurant owner accept order, you get push notification
When delivery start, you get push notification and all party member can get out party
When restaurant owner cancel order, you get push notification and are get out of party automatically