IMPORTANT: Please import the princeton algs4.jar file from:
Project Report Link -
This repository consists of two parts
The source code for Demo 1 located at src/Dem1Pack.
This demo consists of three multi layered transportation network graphs.
Dataset File Names:-
- "G1.txt" - Roadways
- "G2.txt" - Railways
- "G3.txt" - Airways
Datasets are under the main project folder.
There is also a fourth file ("GraphList.txt") which consists of the names of the files which need to be inputted. If more graphs need to be added, add the file to the main project folder and insert the name of the file into the "GraphList.txt" file.
Algorithms Used (Taken from Princeton CS Algorithms Website) -
- Prim's MST
- Kruskal's MST
- Dijkstra's SP
- Bellman Ford SP
Key -
- Avg - Average
- Med - Median
- Min - Minimum
- Max - Maximum
The source code for Demo 2 located at src/Dem2Pack.
This demo consists of Web Pages on Facebook
Dataset File Names:-
- "musae_facebook_edges.txt"
- "musae_facebook_edges_2.txt" (used only for converting undirected graph into directed graph for certain programs)
Datasets are under the main project folder.
Algorithms Used (Taken from Princeton CS Algorithms Website) -
- BellmanFordSP
- DijkstraSP
Key -
- Avg - Average Number of Connections across all webpages on the platform
- MostLiked - Most Liked Webpage on the platform along with the number of likes it has
- DegConn - Degree of Connections
- Z_Factor - Calculation of Z-Score(Mathematical Operation)