Home Assistant integration for Zehnder ComfoAir serial controlled ventilation systems via RS232 serial connection and MQTT. While the scripts has been developed using the protocol description for Zehnder ComfoAir devices, it should also be compatible with largely similar systems from other manufacturers, such as StorkAir WHR930, Wernig G90-380, and Paul Santos 370 DC. It has also undergone successful testing on a ComfoAir 350.
Comfoair devices can be connected via RS232 port of the computer running this script, a USB-RS232 converter/cable or via Network to RS232 gateway. Details of such devices that it has been tested with are available in the Wiki.
It is not compatible with the newer ComfoAir Q series or Aeris Next models as they use a different communication standard.
This work is based on scripts created for Domoticz integration https://github.com/AlbertHakvoort/StorkAir-Zehnder-WHR-930-Domoticz-MQTT
- python script to communicate with the Comfoair unit via serial port, publish data on MQTT broker and react to control messages
- sample configuration file. Needs to be renamed to config.ini and customized
- rc.d script to set up the service in FreeNAS jail virtual python environment
- Dockerfile to create and build the container
- Docker-Compose script for easy use
If you want to install the software as Docker Container, in Home Assistant Operating System (HAOS) or on FreeBSD based systems (like TrueNAS), please have a look here:
Configuration Name | Description |
SerialPort | The Serialport to the Comfoair on the Host Linux Machine. Examples: /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/cuau3 |
MQTTServer | IP Adress to your MQTT Server, may be different to the HA Server |
MQTTPort | Port of your MQTT Server. Default: 1833 |
MQTTKeepalive | MQTT Keepalive Settings. Default: 45 |
MQTTUser | MQTT User, if you enabled authorization on your MQTT Server. Default: False (no authentication) |
MQTTPassword | MQTT User Password, if you enabled authorization on your MQTT Server. Default: False (no authentication) |
refresh_interval | Refresh Interval in Seconds. Default: 10 |
enablePcMode | Automaticly enable PC Mode (disable comfosense). Default: False (disabled) |
RS485_protocol | Enable RS485 protocol, if false RSS232 is used Default: False (RS232) |
debug | Enable Debug Output. Default: False (disabled) |
FanOutAbsent | Exhaust Fan level % for lowest speed (Absent, Off - description depending on model) |
FanOutLow | Exhaust Fan level % for Low speed (level 1 - description depending on model) |
FanOutMid | Exhaust Fan level % for Medium speed (level 2 - description depending on model) |
FanOutHigh | Exhaust Fan level % for High speed (level 3 - description depending on model) |
FanInAbsent | Supply Fan level % for lowest speed (Absent, Off - description depending on model) |
FanInLow | Supply Fan level % for Low speed (level 1 - description depending on model) |
FanInMid | Supply Fan level % for Medium speed (level 2 - description depending on model) |
FanInHigh | Supply Fan level % for High speed (level 3 - description depending on model) |
SetUpFanLevelsAtStart | True/False - wheather fan level config should be executed at the start of the script |
If you are using MQTT in Home Assistant, you will probably have the Auto Discovery enabled by default.k The MQTT AD implementation is expected to run with the prefix "homeassistant/".
Configuration Name | Description |
HAEnableAutoDiscoverySensors | Enable Home Assistant Auto Discovery |
HAAutoDiscoveryDeviceId | Unique ID to use for Home Assistant Device Discovery |
HAAutoDiscoveryDeviceName | Device name to show in the Home Assistant frontend |
HAAutoDiscoveryDeviceManufacturer | Device manufacturer to show in the Home Assistant frontend |
HAAutoDiscoveryDeviceModel | Device model to show in the Home Assistant frontend |
If you enable Autodiscovery in this Service, you will get following entities:
The entity id consists of the HAAutoDiscoveryDeviceName
and the Entity Name.
Entity Type | Entity Name | Unit | Description |
sensor | Analog sensor 1 | % | Analog reading for accesories, eg: Comfosense CO2 sensor |
sensor | Analog sensor 2 | % | Analog reading for accesories, eg: Comfosense CO2 sensor |
sensor | Analog sensor 3 | % | Analog reading for accesories, eg: Comfosense CO2 sensor |
sensor | Analog sensor 4 | % | Analog reading for accesories, eg: Comfosense CO2 sensor |
sensor | Bypass valve | % | Bypass valve value: 0 % = Closed, 100 % = Open |
sensor | Return air level | % | Fan level for exhaust fan |
sensor | Supply air level | % | Fan level for supply fan |
sensor | Exhaust fan speed | rpm | Fan rotation speed for exhaust fan |
sensor | Supply fan speed | rpm | Fan rotation speed for supply fan |
sensor | Outside temperature | °C | Air temperature from outside |
sensor | Supply temperature | °C | Air temperature supplied to the house |
sensor | Return temperature | °C | Air temperature extracted from the house |
sensor | Exhaust temperature | °C | Air temperature going outside |
sensor | Summer mode | Current climate mode: Summer means cooling via bypass at nighttime, Winter means bypass always closed |
sensor | Filter hours | h | Filter hours counter |
number | Filter weeks | weeks | Configuration for filter weeks, possible values from 1 to 26, appears as "number" entity type in HA |
button | Reset filter | Button entity type to reset filter status | |
binary_sensor | Summer mode | Current climate mode: On means cooling via bypass at nighttime, Off means bypass always closed |
binary_sensor | Preheating status | Whether the unit is preheating the air before it enters the heat exchanger. | |
binary_sensor | Bypass valve | State of the bypass valve | |
binary_sensor | Filter status | Whether or not the air filters need cleaning / replacing | |
sensor | EWT Temperature | °C | EWT Temperature (geothermal heat exchanger) |
number | EWT Lower Set Temperature | °C | EWT Lower Set Temperature control |
number | EWT Upper Set Temperature | °C | EWT Upper Set Temperature control |
number | EWT speed up | % | EWT speed up control |
Adding the Comfoair as an HAVC makes sense, since it has a temperature control and a fan.
Entity Name | Description |
climate.ca350_climate | Expose Comfort Temperature Control & Fan Control |
The following Lovelace widgets depend on the MQTT AD enities and can be used with this service:
- https://github.com/TimWeyand/lovelace-comfoair
- https://github.com/mweimerskirch/lovelace-hacomfoairmqtt
- Modify the Repo so Home Assistant could also integrate this as "offical" AddOn from the UI
- Move container image from Ubuntu to Alpine Linux to reduce footprint
- Create installation script for automatic installation of the script
- venv
- [x dependencies and the service.
- Installation description for Debian based Linux Systems
- Full Control in Home Assistant with a single Widget (Fan Speed, Temperature)
- React on input immediatly - Still Read on Interval Status
If you encounter any issues during the setup process, please refer to the official documentation for Docker, Docker Compose, MQTT and Homeassistant.
Contributions to improve and expand this repository are welcome. Feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.