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netlog - network traffic logger

A network packet logger written in C++ 17.


  • capture network packets
  • convert them to json strings
  • stream network packet data in real time to
    • apache kafka (ksqldb) via librdkafka
    • network location via libtins packet sender


Streaming network packets to Apache kafka

sudo ./netlog -i INTERFACE -f FILTER --live --sender kafka --broker BROKER_NAME --topic TOPIC_NAME 
# Example
sudo ./netlog -i wlp3s0 --live --sender kafka --broker localhost:9092 --topic network-traffic 

Testing the streaming functionality is as simple as:

  • Setup ksqldb
git clone
cd ids-ksql
docker-compose up -d
  • Create topic
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --create --topic network-traffic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
  • Connect to ksql-cli
docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql http://ksql-server:8088
  • List all data in created topic
ksql> print 'network-traffic';
  • Start the tool and view the network packets being sent in real time
sudo ./netlog -i wlp3s0 --live --sender kafka --broker localhost:9092 --topic network-traffic 

Streaming data using libtins PacketSender (work in progress)

sudo ./netlog -i INTERFACE -f FILTER --live --sender network
# Example
sudo ./netlog -i wlp3s0 --live --sender network




Most of the dependencies are handled during the build process, but some may require prior preparation if not installed. For this purpose, a configuration script is provided for both Windows and *NIX based systems. Do note the possibility of this script failing and requiring manual intervention depending on platform. Covered ones are: Windows, MacOS, Linux (may fail depending on your package manager, see setup/

Building the project

Linux, MacOs, other *nix based systems

$ git clone
$ cd netlog
$ ./ 
$ make


In order to build on Windows, WinPcap or Npcap is required, along with the WinPcap development pack. The configuration script tries to provide these using the chocolatey package manager by installing WinPcap and fetching the development pack automatically.

$ git clone
$ cd netlog
$ configure.bat 
$ make

If you wish to install these manually, or don't have the chocolatey package manager and don't wish to bother installing it, follow the steps below:

  • Install WinPcap or Npcap (Npcap is recommended)
  • Get WinPcap developer pack and place it in the spoofy\ext folder.
  • Run make, and pray.


  • Improve Network sender configurability (currently hard-coded as a proof of concept)
  • Improve packet representation accuracy (protocols)
  • Improve or remove spoofer implementation