This is a very simple, minimal, readonly registry server intended for K3s air-gapped systems. It is for mitigating the overhead of pre-loading containerd with bootstrap images on each restart. It does NOT implement the registry specification, but only serves files and adds headers when required to allow it to function.
git clone
go build -o minimal-registry main.go
The following needs to be configured:
- Prepare your registry content (from a host with internet access).
- Registries files.
To prepare the registry content you need a machine with internet access. This machine requires a UNIX/Linux style environment, and the following installed:
- curl, awk, sed, grep
- crane
Download the registry content by running the script
./ -f extra-images.txt --platform linux/arm64
tar -zcf ./registry-content.tar.gz registry
Copy the content to the k8s nodes, and extract them in the required location:
mkdir -p /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/
tar -zxf ./registry-content.tar.gz -C /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/
This will create a registry directory in the k3s agent directory.
Each repo is a directory tree containing <repo name>/manifests
and <repo name>/blobs
All of the manifest files should go in the manifests directory, the registry reads these files and JSON parses them, so if they're too big it may cause problems.
The rest of the blobs go in the blob directory. You can symlink the blobs directories together to share layers.
On the k8s nodes copy the files, start it:
cp minimal-registry /usr/local/bin/
cp minimal-registry.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl start minimal-registry.service
Make the config directory on each node, and place your registry file in there. This is an example, it also hijacks other registries, see the k3s documentation.
$ mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s/
$ cat /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml
- ""
Copy the k3s
script and appropraite k3s
binary to the destination host.
ip link add dummy0 type dummy
ip link set dummy0 up
ip addr add dev dummy0
ip route add default via dev dummy0 metric 1000
--system-default-registry bootstrap-registry.airgap
Usage: ./ --help \
[-v <k3s version string (default=stable)>] \
[-d <registry directory (default=./registry)>] \
[-f <extra images list file>] \
[-p <platform (default=linux/amd64)>] \
[-n] \
[-s] \
On the node with internet access:
./ -f extra-images.txt --platform linux/arm64
Downloading image list for v1.27.6+k3s1
tar -zcf registry.tar.gz registry
cp k3s registry.yaml minimal-registry minimal-registry.service registry.tar.gz /mnt/sda1/
On the server node:
cd /mnt/sda1
mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s/
cp registry.yaml /etc/rancher/k3s/
mkdir -p /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/
tar -zxf ./registry-content.tar.gz -C /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/
cp minimal-registry /usr/local/bin/
cp minimal-registry.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl start minimal-registry.service
ip link add dummy0 type dummy
ip link set dummy0 up
ip addr add dev dummy0
ip route add default via dev dummy0 metric 1000
--system-default-registry bootstrap-registry.airgap