Go on the Release Page and get the debian file.
or download it from your shell assuming you have set version in the session :
wget https://github.com/adriens/schemacrawler-deb/releases/download/${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}/schemacrawler-deb-${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}_all.deb
mvn clean package site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false
mvn clean package site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false && sudo dpkg -i target/schemacrawler-deb-${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}_all.deb
mvn clean package site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false && sudo apt-get remove schemacrawler && sudo dpkg -i target/schemacrawler-deb-${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}_all.deb
As requested see #68, you can decide to directly prepare
your debian package with additional lint jar dropped
so you don't have to move it afterwards.
To build such a debian package, just build with the following option :
mvn clean package -Dadditional-lints.target.dir=lib -Dwith-lint-flag=-with-additional-lints
So if you want both (with and without additional lints) debians packages, just :
mvn clean package && mvn package -Dadditional-lints.target.dir=lib -Dwith-lint-flag=-with-additional-lints
ls -la target/*.deb
sudo apt-get remove schemacrawler
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
mvn clean package
sudo dpkg -i target/schemacrawler-deb-${SCHEMACRAWLER_VERSION}_all.deb
schemacrawler -version
If you are familiar with bash auto-complete files, you are welcome to provide me one to make schemacawler linux experience even better.