Aeconomica.jl provides quick and easy access to the Aeconomica data API.
To use this package, you will need to # for a free Aeconomica account to get an API key. You can find the API key in the account page of your Aeconomica account.
Aeconomica.jl is not registered in the Julia General registry. As such to install to the lastest release, run:
import Pkg
(Alternatively you can install the development version by removing the #release
To grab data for a series - e.g. the level of GDP - simply run (where "YOUR_API_KEY" is the API key from your Aeconomica account):
using Aeconomica
To grab an entire dataset of series, and their dimensions - such as ABS weekly jobs by State - just run:
using Aeconomica
In each case the series or dataset keys can be found by searching the Aeconomica website. When viewing a series or dataset, the key is shown in the top right. You can also click on the "JULIA" button in the bottom left to get the code you need for the dataset you are viewing.