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Akram El Assas edited this page Mar 11, 2025 · 3 revisions

This feature will be available starting from version 8.6

You can use the following functions in your workflow:

  • $DateTime(): returns the current Unix timestamp in milliseconds
  • $Guid(): returns a new Guid

You can place these functions wherever you want in your workflow, in your local variables or in task settings.

Here is a sample workflow that uses these functions:

<Workflow xmlns="urn:wexflow-schema" id="187" name="Workflow_Functions" description="Workflow_Functions">
    <Setting name="launchType" value="trigger" />
    <Setting name="enabled" value="true" />
    <Setting name="approval" value="false" />
    <Setting name="enableParallelJobs" value="true" />
    <Setting name="retryCount" value="0" />
    <Setting name="retryTimeout" value="1500" />
    <Variable name="folder1" value="C:\WexflowTesting\$DateTime()" />
    <Variable name="folder2" value="C:\WexflowTesting\$Guid()" />
    <Task id="1" name="Mkdir" description="Create folders" enabled="true">
      <Setting name="folder" value="$folder1" />
      <Setting name="folder" value="$folder2" />
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