Using the results of the LakeEnsemblR calibration for the ISIMIP 3b simulations to discover more about lake model behaviour for a large set of lakes.
In order to contribute to this code, we recommend the following workflow:
"fork" this repository to your own personal github account
clone the github repository to your computer:
$git clone <{username}/isimip-sensitivity-analysis.git>
modify code or add new functionality, save the code
add the repository main to a remote main called "upstream"
$cd isimip-sensitivity-analysis
$git remote add upstream <>
before pushing your changes to your repository, pull in the current version of the aemon-j main:
$git fetch upstream
merge these differences with your own "main" version:
$git merge upstream/main
push your changes to your github repository, in addition to changes made by pulling in the aemon-j main:
$git push
submit a pull request to aemon-j main using your account at