This Form3 Payment API is built using Java 8, Spring Boot, HATEOAS, Couchbase, Docker and SWAGGER. A TDD approach was followed using integration tests to drive the implementation.
- Java 8+
- Maven (tested on v 3.5)
- Docker (tested on 17.09.0-ce)
Clone the project from github
git clone
To build and run the project execute
./ run
navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html on your browser to use the API through Swagger. You can also login to the Couchbase web client at: http://localhost:8091 using username 'Administrator' and password 'password'.
The PDF document of the original design with REST API and class diagram is available here
You can run all unit and integration tests by executing
mvn clean verify
A Maven plugin has been used to start the Couchbase Docker container before the integration tests are run and also for stopping the container after the tests have finished, have a look at pom.xml.
When the Spring Context is starting, Spring Data Couchbase requires that Couchbase is running and ready and has a bucket pre configured for connection. For the purposes of this project, I created a custom image for Couchbase Docker. I modified an existing Dockerfile by bootstrapping a payment bucket. See here for more details. I also created a service that uses REST calls to check that the Couchbase bucket is ready for connection before Spring connects to it.
A Bash script has been written to provide useful commands for the project. It is executed in the following way:
./ {build|start|stop|run}
build: build the maven project and build the docker image"
start: start the docker containers
stop: stop and remove the docker containers
run: build and start
logs: shows log output from docker containers
- For integration tests, bootstrap the Couchbase docker container possible using TestExecutionListener. This allows you to easily execute integration tests from within your IDE and not just Maven. I tried this approach initially using a Java Docker client but took too long to try and get it working and so resorted to the simpler Maven approach.
- Bootstrap Couchbase bucket from within the application code, that way the docker container is decoupled from the application's data requirements
- Add more unit tests/integration tests for classes other than the PaymentController
- Based on the original design, implement the root controller which returns the root HATEOAS links. Would need more time to implement this.
- Add logging