#run package.sh to build and package applegu
sh package.sh -a linux -v v1.0
# install
tar vxzf applegu-v1.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
# run
wget -O applegu-latest.tar.gz $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/afghanistanyn/applegu/releases/latest | jq -r ".assets[] | .browser_download_url" | grep -v "windows")
tar vxzf applegu-latest.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
vim /usr/local/applegu/conf/config.yaml
txMsSecretId: SecretId
txMsSecretKey: SecretKey
apkSigner: "/usr/local/applegu/lib/apksigner.jar" #the path of apksigner
apkAlign: "/usr/local/applegu/lib/zipalign" #the path of zipalign
apkSigChecker: "/usr/local/applegu/lib/CheckAndroidV2Signature.jar"
outDirectory: "/usr/local/applegu/pkgs" #the directory of output apks
shieldTimeout: 1800 #time for wait legu shield
checkInterval: 30 #interval of shield check , unit sec
com_zw_cxtpro: #the shield apk bundle name , concat with '_'
keyAlias: "App" #the sign config of your apk
keyPassword: "cxtzwcom"
storeFile: "/usr/local/applegu/conf/ZWKeystore.jks"
storePassword: "cxtzwcom"
# legu apk (include resign)
/usr/local/applegu/bin/appLegu legu --pkgmd5 "xxx" --pkgname "xxx" --pkgurl "xxx"
#resign apk (resign only)
/usr/local/applegu/bin/appLegu sign --srcpkg "xxx" --removealign "false"
#check the shield status
/usr/local/applegu/bin/appLegu check --itemid "xxx" --interval 5 --count 10 --untilsuccess "false"
docker pull afghanistanyn/applegu:latest
docker run -it --rm afghanistanyn/applegu
mount conf and keystore
docker run -it --rm -v /app/applegu/config.yaml:/usr/local/applegu/conf/config.yaml -v /app/applegu/xxx.jks:/usr/local/applegu/conf/xxx.jks afghanistanyn/applegu
mount output dir
docker run -it --rm -v /app/applegu/config.yaml:/usr/local/applegu/conf/config.yaml -v /app/applegu/xxx.jks:/usr/local/applegu/conf/xxx.jks -v /app/applegu/output:/usr/local/applegu/pkgs afghanistanyn/applegu
- https://github.com/TencentCloud/tencentcloud-sdk-go
- https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/283/17742
- https://developer.android.google.cn/studio/command-line/zipalign.html