A python-based command line interface for conveniently entering expenses in Firefly III.
This CLI tool is available on PyPI and as a docker image.
# Install firefly-cli from PyPI
pip install firefly-cli
# Enjoy! Runs firefly-cli
Currently, there are images for x86-64
, arm64
and arm/v7
They are built from python's Linux Alpine base image (python:3.9-alpine
) which makes the application very slim (less than 20MB).
Architecture |
Tag |
x86-64 | latest |
arm64 | latest |
arm/v7 | latest |
There are also development images with the latest on master branch:
Architecture |
Tag |
x86-64 | dev-latest |
arm64 | dev-latest |
arm/v7 | dev-latest |
Getting started with firefly-cli Docker:
# Pull latest image
docker pull afonsoc12/firefly-cli:latest
# Test if it is working, mount path to your firefly-cli config folder
docker run --rm -it \
-v ~/.config/firefly-cli:/config/firefly-cli \
# Set an alias on your .bashrc or .zshrc, so that it is more convenient to run
alias firefly-cli="docker run --rm -it -v ~/.config/firefly-cli:/config/firefly-cli afonsoc12/firefly-cli:latest"
# Add some transactions!
firefly-cli add 5, Large Mocha, Cash, Starbucks
Alternatively, you can clone the repository and install from setup.py
or run as a python module.
From setup.py:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/afonsoc12/firefly-cli.git
# Go to root directory
cd firefly-cli
# Install firefly-cli
pip install .
# Run firefly-cli
Python module:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/afonsoc12/firefly-cli.git
# Go to root directory
cd firefly-cli
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run module as a script
python -m firefly_cli
The CLI has two modes of operation:
- In one-line command style:
$ firefly-cli add 5.2, Large Mocha, Cash, Starbucks
- Command Line Interface:
$ firefly-cli
Copyright 2022 Afonso Costa
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Type "license" for more information.
Welcome to FireflyIII Command Line Interface!
Created by Afonso Costa (@afonsoc12)
=============== Status ===============
- URL: https://firefly.mydomain.com
- API Token: *****iUcHo
- Connection: OK!
- Version: 0.1.0
Type "help" to list commands.
π· β
If you run firefly-cli straight away, a warning will pop up since you haven't configured it with your FireflyIII instance.
In order to configure your Firefly III URL
you have to run these two commands (you can find here how to get your API Personal Access Token:
# Start CLI, well this one does not count as a command π
# Set your Firefly URL, such as https://firefly.mydomain.com
π· β edit URL <YOUR URL>
# Set your Firefly API_TOKEN
After entering these values, firefly-cli will automatically refresh API connection. At any point, you can trigger a connection refresh:
# Refreshes API connection
π· β refresh
Alternatively, you can create a firefly-cli.ini
file and place it in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/firefly-cli/firefly-cli.ini
with the following content:
url = https://firefly.yourdomain.com
api_token = eyXXX
is not set, it defaults to $HOME/.config/firefly-cli/firefly-cli.ini
firefly-cli can override this behaviour and read/write from the file specified by the environment variable FIREFLY_CLI_CONFIG
The scope of this CLI is to enter expenses in a comma-separated style.
Starting in v0.1.0, it now supports adding all possible transaction fields using optional arguments (e.g. --source-name "Bank HSBC"
The comma-separated arguments (aka positional arguments) are maintained for backwards-compatibility, but optional arguments will always override the comma-separated ones
Summary of the available commands:
Command | Description |
help |
Shows the available commands. |
accounts |
Shows budgets information (UI unpolished). |
add |
Adds a transaction to FireflyIII (See add section). |
budgets |
Shows budgets information (UI unpolished). |
edit |
Edits URL and API_TOKEN parameters. Type edit [URL/API_TOKEN] ` to configure firefly-cli with your Firefly instance. |
exit |
Exits the CLI tool. |
help |
Shows available commands. Type help [command] to display information about that command. |
license |
Shows License information. |
refresh |
Refreshes API connection. |
version |
Shows firefly-cli version. |
The command add
is responsible for entering a new transaction in your Firefly instance. Further help can be shown by typing add --help
or help add
By default, every transaction is a withdrawal and is placed with the current date and time.
You may change transaction type by including the optional argument --type
, change the transaction date with --date yyyy-mm-dd
or if you would like to be more precise --datetime yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS
The comma-separated fields available are the following:
Amount, Description , Source account, Destination account, Category, Budget
The first four fields can NEVER be omitted!
# These four fields are mandatory
# Mandatory fields: amount, description, source_account, destination_account
π· β add 5, Large Mocha, Cash, Starbucks
# Don't need to be exclusively comma-separated fields, as long as they are specified
π· β add --amount 5 --description "Large Mocha" --source-name Cash --destination-name Starbucks
# Or a mixture of comma-separated and optional arguments
π· β add 5, Large Mocha --source-name Cash --destination-name Starbucks
# Remember: optional arguments ALWAYS override comma-separated ones
π· β add 5, Large Mocha, Cash, Starbucks --source-name "Bank HSBC"
# will create a transaction whose source is "Bank HSBC" and NOT "Cash"
# You can skip specfic fields by leaving them empty
π· β add 5, Large Mocha, Cash, Starbucks, , Morning Coffees
# sets the budget to "Morning Coffees" and skips the category
Copyright 2022 Afonso Costa
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
FireflyIII logo extracted from the official FireflyIII website