A simple and configurable Neovim plugin for working with Git worktrees.
makes it easy to create, delete, and switch between Git worktrees directly from Neovim.
When switching between worktrees, it will try to open the same file in the target worktree if it exists.
- Create new Git worktrees with branch creation
- Delete worktrees with confirmation
- Switch between worktrees while preserving your place in files
- Customizable commands and keymaps
- Works with any Git worktree structure
- Neovim 0.7.0 or higher
- Git installed and accessible in path
- A Git repository
Setup with lazy.nvim
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = {
-- Specify where to create worktrees relative to git common dir
-- The common dir is the .git dir in a normal repo or the root dir of a bare repo
base_path = "..", -- Parent directory of common dir
-- Template for worktree folder names
-- This is only used if you don't specify the folder name when creating the worktree
path_template = "{branch}", -- Default: use branch name
-- Command names (optional)
commands = {
create = "WorktreeCreate",
delete = "WorktreeDelete",
switch = "WorktreeSwitch",
-- Key mappings (optional)
mappings = {
create = "<leader>wtc",
delete = "<leader>wtd",
switch = "<leader>wts",
Option | Description | Default |
base_path |
Path relative to git common directory where worktrees will be created | ".." (parent directory) |
path_template |
Template for worktree folder names, {branch} is replaced with branch name |
"{branch}" |
commands.create |
Command name for creating worktrees | "WorktreeCreate" |
commands.delete |
Command name for deleting worktrees | "WorktreeDelete" |
commands.switch |
Command name for switching worktrees | "WorktreeSwitch" |
mappings.create |
Key mapping for creating worktrees | nil (not set) |
mappings.delete |
Key mapping for deleting worktrees | nil (not set) |
mappings.switch |
Key mapping for switching worktrees | nil (not set) |
base_path = ".." -- worktrees at the parent directory of the .git directory
base_path = "." -- worktrees inside same directory as .git
base_path = "../.." -- worktrees outside the repo
Command | Description |
:WorktreeCreate |
Interactively create a new worktree |
:WorktreeDelete |
Delete a worktree with an interactive selector |
:WorktreeSwitch |
Switch to another worktree with an interactive selector |
-- Creating a worktree programmatically
require('worktrees').create_worktree("path/to/worktree", "feature-branch")
-- Deleting a worktree programmatically
-- Switching to a worktree programmatically
Create: When creating a worktree, you'll be prompted for a branch name and an optional path. The path is relative to the
specified in your config. -
Delete: Shows a selection menu of available worktrees. After selecting one, you'll be asked to confirm deletion.
Switch: Shows a selection menu of other worktrees. After selecting one, the plugin will:
- If the current file exists in the target worktree: Switch to that file
- Otherwise: Change to the worktree directory and open the startup buffer