Simple Laravel Web Application with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functions.
- 26/08/2018
- Upgraded Laravel version from 5.4 to 5.6
- Fix forms styles to display errors correctly
- Change some codes to be more 'Laravel ways'
- 07/02/2017
- Upgraded Laravel version from 5.3 to 5.4
- 29/01/2017
- Now have table migration script
- Updates table columns in pages, to lowercase
- Form now will display errors and success message
- Update edit, delete, search pages.
- 09/11/2016
- Added pagination to the data results (view stock and search page)
- 31/10/2016
- Added stock image upload
- Create user authentication, user can now register and login
- First web application that I developed using Laravel Framework. Developed during my learning process.
- This project will be keep on updated during my learning process, where I will improve my Laravel knowledge.
- Afif -
- Download or Clone this repository
git clone
- Create a new database
- Copy or rename file
, and edit the file to change the attributes for database to your database configurations (host,username,password etc) - Open up Command Prompt(CMD) or Terminal in the project directory and run these commands:
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan storage:link
- Launch web server
php artisan serve
- Laravel PHP Framework -
- Bootstrap Framework -
- jQuery Library -
- Font Awesome -
This library is under MIT license, please look at the LICENSE