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NPM Version License: MIT FOSSA Status

A command line tool for quickly scaffolding new MCP (Model Context Protocol) tools to be used with the Agentico's MCPServer, an open-source server facade implementation for the Model Context Protocol.

Supports WSL, Windows, and macOS for the Claude Desktop App. If you are using Linux in WSL to develop your code, mcp-create-tool supports the creation of the MCP server in the Windows file system, cross-referencing the Linux file system.

This repository is derived from the original create-typescript-server project.

Getting Started

# Create a new tool in the directory `echo-tool`
npx @agentico/mcp-create-tool echo-tool

# With options
npx @agentico/mcp-create-tool echo-tool --name "MCP Echo Tool" --description "A custom MCP tool that echoes input messages."

After creating your server:

cd echo-tool     # Navigate to server directory
npm install      # Install dependencies

npm run build    # Build once
# or...
npm run watch    # Start TypeScript compiler in watch mode

# optional
npm link         # Make your server binary globally available

# Test your server in your browser
npm run inspector


This project is licensed under the MIT License—see the LICENSE file for details.