- 3D header-only mechanics physics engine.
- Created as an easy-to-use yet efficient physics engine for any 3D project.
- Rigid and Static body support.
- 6 Supported Primitives:
- Ray3D
- Line3D
- Plane
- Sphere
- Cube (OBB)
- Collision detection and resolution.
- Common FPS rates as predefined constants (e.g. FPS_60).
- Spatial Partitioning - can be disabled with
in one .cpp file above#include <zeta/physicshandler.h>
- Clone the Zeta repository.
- Copy the include/zeta folder into your include directory.
#include <zeta/physicshandler.h
in the file you want to use Zeta in.
The following code snippet provides an example of how to get Zeta up and running in your program.
#include <ZETA/physicshandler.h>
int main() {
// Create a physics handler with the default settings
Zeta::Handler handler;
// Create the colliders
Zeta::Sphere* s1 = new Zeta::Sphere(ZMath::Vec3D(100.0f, 120.0f, 100.0f), 50.0f);
Zeta::Sphere* s2 = new Zeta::Sphere(ZMath::Vec3D(350.0f, 500.0f, -340.0f), 200.0f);
// Create some rigid bodies
Zeta::RigidBody3D rb1(
s1->c, // centerpoint
50.0f, // mass
0.9f, // coefficient of restitution
0.975f, // linear damping
Zeta::RIGID_SPHERE_COLLIDER, // collider type
s1 // collider
Zeta::RigidBody3D rb2(
s2->c, // centerpoint
100.0f, // mass
0.95f, // coefficient of restitution
0.8f, // linear damping
Zeta::RIGID_SPHERE_COLLIDER, // collider type
s2 // collider
// Add the rigid bodies to the handler
// Program's dt loop
float dt = 0.0f;
// Note: windowShouldNotClose would be replaced with the exit window condition in the user's graphics library
while (windowShouldNotClose) {
/* Rendering/Drawing code would go here */
handler.update(dt); // The handler subtracts from dt for you
// Note: getEllapsedTime() would be replaced with the equivalent in the user's graphics library
dt += getEllapsedTime();
return 0;
- If you want to get started contributing to Zeta, check out our resources page for some important information
- To report a bug open an issue detailing the bug with relevant screenshots and code snippets and tag it with the "bug" tag.
- Zeta2D is a 2D version of this physics engine.
- Check it out if you're working on a 2D project.
- Kinematic Bodies
- Rotational Kinematics
- Add source files and move the header-only version to a branch
- Arbitrary Polyhedrons
- Utsawb Lamichhane
- Thomas Ducote
- Lenny Tanui
- Thomas Masha
- Hailey Trinh
- Franco Martinez
- Adrian Cortes
- Sai Sudarshan Barath
- Colin Nerren
- Junyi Wu
- Karson Mann