Boomerang is an application that helps you to get status updates from your team in an easy and automated way.
Boomerang was inspired by Teamreporter, which ended its operations in 2016-April.
Note: This has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and OS X 10.11.3
$ git clone
$ cd teamreporter
$ mkvirtualenv -p python3 boomerang
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ bower install #(depends on your system, but this requires node.js and npm)
$ python migrate
$ python loaddata teamreporter/fixtures/roles.json #seeds roles
$ heroku local web
$ Go to http://localhost:5000
- Start writing Angular unit/integration tests
- Write more Django unit tests
- Some angular code can be refactored into common packages. In progress
- Return model fields in API calls so nothing needs to be hardcoded in angular
- Ânderson Quadros - anquadros - Initial work
- Daniel Borzęcki - borzecki - Initial work
- Mathias Brenner - mathiasbrenner - Initial work
- Tony Lambropoulos - tony7126 - Initial work
Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file feature requests.
Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
Thanks to Sherpany for putting the team together.
If you are using Boomerang, we would love to know about it. Please add yourself to the USERS file.