A collection of resources that I found interesting and useful across various domains.
- Go
- Containers
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Internet
- Git
- Linux
- OS Dev
- C
- Ruby
- Python
- Haskell
- Javascript
- Rust
- Databases
- Tor
- Functional Programming
- OAuth
- Regex
- Distributed Systems
- Kafka
- Spark
- Monitoring
- System Design
- Privacy
- Security
- x vs y 🔪
- Useful Command Line Tools
- Blogs
- More
- Fun
- More Books
- Courses
- Papers
- Notes [WIP]
You might see some emojis (:sparkles:, :construction: etc) crawling all over this collection.
emoji | meaning |
✨ | More the number, the more I liked the blog :3 |
⚡ | super duper awesome blog |
🚧 | Pending learning on this :( |
📺 | It's video! |
📚 | It's a book! |
📃 | It's a white paper! |
🔧 | It's Debugging related |
🔪 | faceoff |
📁 | It's a list |
- tldr
- Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
- SCM breeze: Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
- Pass: Simple password manager using gpg and ordinary unix directories
- peerflix
- kaf: Modern CLI for Apache Kafka
- curl statistics made simple
- mkcert
- sshuttle - Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN.
- jq
- http://arjunsreedharan.org/
- https://jvns.ca/
- https://githubengineering.com/
- http://nullprogram.com/index/
- https://zwischenzugs.com/
- https://mkdev.me/en/posts
- https://blog.cloudflare.com/
- http://prog21.dadgum.com/
- https://increment.com/programming-languages/ ✨
- https://blog.filippo.io/
- http://highscalability.com
- https://notes.shichao.io/
- https://blog.acolyer.org/ - If you are into research papers
- https://lwn.net/
- https://queue.acm.org/
- https://www.the-paper-trail.org/
- https://overreacted.io/
- https://robertheaton.com/
- https://www.mnot.net/blog/
- https://systemoverlord.com/
- https://blog.jessfraz.com/
- https://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/
- https://rpis.ec/blog/
- https://dave.cheney.net/ - Mostly Golang related
- http://www.brendangregg.com/
- https://medium.com/@blanchon.vincent ✨
- https://sysadvent.blogspot.com/
- A handbook for making programming languages
- https://codewithoutrules.com/
- https://microservices.io/index.html ✨
- https://engineering.fb.com/
- Cryptography Services Archives 🔒
- https://timilearning.com/ 🚧
- https://aws.amazon.com/builders-library/ - How Amazon builds and operates software
- https://rhinosecuritylabs.com/blog/?category=aws
- https://how.complexsystems.fail/
- https://ops.tips
- https://blog.cleancoder.com/
- https://www.akamai.com/glossary
- https://arpitbhayani.me/knowledge-base
- https://muratbuffalo.blogspot.com/
- A list of everything that could go in the <head> of your document
- Constructors Considered Mildly Confusing
- Clojure - the perfect language to expand your brain?
- The Forgotten History of OOP
- A better zip bomb
- Race Condition vs. Data Race ✨
- The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) ✨ ⚡
- A byte’s not 8 bits. ✨
- Epigrams in programming
- Why stack grows down
- Queryparser, an Open Source Tool for Parsing and Analyzing SQL
- Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake - Tony Hoare 📺
- Essays on programming I think about a lot ✨
- lzop vs compress vs gzip vs bzip2 vs lzma vs lzma2/xz benchmark, reloaded
- Andrei Pangin - Everything you wanted to know about Stack Traces and Heap Dumps 📺
- The Differences Between Interpreter and Compiler Explained
- Upsert in SQL
- Branch predictor: How many "if"s are too many? Including x86 and M1 benchmarks!
- Exploring How Cache Memory Really Works
- Control and Processing Software
- A few notes on AWS Nitro Enclaves: Attack surface
- Taking a Look at Compression Algorithms
- https://turnoff.us
- https://xkcd.com
- https://impurepics.com/
- https://www.commitstrip.com
- If Programming languages were harry potter characters
- Git Koans
- Vim Kōans
- The Dharma of Vi
- https://suricrasia.online/iceberg/
- https://goomics.net/
- Coders at Work
- The Pragmatic Programmer ✨
- Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
- The Mythical Man-Month
- The Joy of Software Development
- A handbook for making programming languages
- An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments
- An illustrated introduction to computational thinking
- Atomic Design by Brad Frost
- https://begriffs.com/posts/2017-04-13-longterm-computing-reading.html
- SRE Books
- How Professional Hackers Understand Protected Code while Performing Attack Tasks
- Papers We Love ✨
- Communicating Sequential Processes ✨
- Reflections on Trusting Trust
- Hints on programming language design
- The Fault Tolerance of Botnets
- Paradigm Shift in Software Development
- Cloak of Visibility
- The Impact of Thread-Per-Core Architecture on Application Tail Latency
- Zanzibar: Google’s Consistent, Global Authorization System