//Monte Carlo Assignment First Part*//
In order to use the codes, there is a Folder named Ising_Program, wich contains esentially:
2DIsing.cpp : Program that runs the MC Ising Algorithm with Glauber Dynamics or Metropolis updating
randomc.h : Library that contains the mersenne random number generator
mersenne.cpp: Random Number Generator
userintf.cpp: User defined properties for the Random Number Generator
mersenne.o : Defined mersenne.cpp in order to avoid conflict between C/C++ Libraries (!use this)
userintf.o : Defined userintf.cpp in order to avoid conflict between C/C++ libraries (!use this)
Jack.cpp : Program that computes different Jacknife estimators
BIN.cpp : Program that computes the Binning analysis of the error in the measurements.
make_Ising.sh : Shell script that contains the compiling instructions for 2DIsing.cpp
In order to run 2D.Ising.cpp you only need to edit the file make_Ising.sh and change the values according to:
-d (dimension 2) -L (Linear Size) -T (temperature) -nmcs (MC steps) -nmeas (measure every nmeas MC steps) -seed (seed of RNG)
Be aware that the program only works for d=2 up to now. The seed used for the assignment was: -seed 51712
This Will generate The temporary series for E and M in Energy.txt and Magnet.txt respectively
In order to run the Jacknife estimator, just put the filename in the line 177, run g++ Jack.cpp -o Jack, then ./Jack and in the terminal you will see the options.
In order to run the Binning data, just put the filename in theline 46, run g++ Bin.cpp -o Bin, then ./Bin and it will show the result in the terminal.
Any Further Question:
Andres Henao Aristizabal andreshenao31@gmail.com ahenaoa@unal.edu.co +34 698595499