FourRuby is a super-simple Ruby API wrapper for Foursquare.
# You can pass in a path to OAuth2 to a YAML file, or you can pass in the id/secret directly.
@four ='config/foursquare_keys.yml')) => '31.794872,-106.290592') # find 4sq locations near my hometown
@four.to_json # => run the above query, and return the json response as a hash
# Add query=coffeee to the query => 'coffee')
# You can also treat the FourRuby::Base object like a hash directly, without calling to_json
FourRuby doesn't support any calls that require post or an OAuth2 token. That severely diminishes its usefulness, I know, but I haven't had the time to add that in yet.
FourRuby is released under the MIT license.