Angularjs Admin Panel, cloned from Admin-LTE theme, using right technology for right things and no mess. Code is clean and well commented written in Typescript
, moreover, easy app structure using latest Angular components
bundled and served using SystemJs
universal dynamic module loader and no gulp grunt clutter but only super clean NPM
- SystemJs - Universal dynamic module loader
- AngularJs - Angular Components
- Source code is in typeScript, runtime compilation untill version 1.0
- Simple NPM easy and clean,
No bower, gulp, grunt mess - Visual Studio Code task for serving to browser.
How to run:
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Run the
npm install
command in repository folder - Open the folder in Visual Studio Code
- Run the Visual Studio Code command
!["AdminLTE Presentation"] ( "AdminLTE Presentation")
AdminLTE has been carefully coded with clear comments in all of its JS, LESS and HTML files. LESS has been used to increase code customizability.
Repository Info:
Contributions needed to convert view pages from old theme to Angular components
- Firefox (latest)
- Chrome (latest)
- Opera (latest)
- IE 9+
- Edge
Contribution are always welcome and recommended! Here is how:
- Fork the repository (here is the guide).
- Clone to your machine
git clone
- Make your changes
- Create a pull request
- When you contribute, you agree to give a non-exclusive license to Almsaeed Studio to use that contribution in any context as we (Almsaeed Studio) see appropriate.
- If you use content provided by another party, it must be appropriately licensed using an open source license.
- Contributions are only accepted through Github pull requests.
- Finally, contributed code must work in all supported browsers (see above for browser support).
AdminLTE is an open source project by Almsaeed Studio that is licensed under MIT. Almsaeed Studio reserves the right to change the license of future releases.
Add Ng-App(Done)Add Routing(Done)- Convert app settings to Angular app manageable (continued..)
- Convert Pages to Angular Components (continued..)
- Create reusable components for controls (continued..)
- Add Ng-Table
- Add Breeze.js Module
- Add Breeze X-editable