A service based on Socket.io, that provides encrypted chat rooms for users, whom can either create, or join using a unique code.
I used Ajax calls for the front-end to post requring to create/join a room. After server-side validates the room code and nickname availability from the database, a Socket.io channel is created, and the chat room is rendered to the browser.
The process of sending chat message or even just typing, sends a notification for the back-end through a web socket to perform a certain action.
The encryption of the messages happens on the client, where it uses the room code to generate a salt, which is then passed to a version of ceaser cypher encryption algorithm, along with the message itself, resulting in a hashed message that cannot be understood by any other party even the server. Decryption does the same procedure in a reversed way.
When a user leaves the room, the back-end removes his record from the database, and when the last user for a certain room disconnects, the room is completly removed.
- Express.js
- Mongoose
- Socket.io
- EJS view engine
- Jquery