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Axelar Network audit details

  • Total Prize Pool: $85,000 in USDC
    • HM awards: $71,500 in USDC
    • QA awards: $3,000 in USDC
    • Judge awards: $6,000 in USDC
    • Validator awards: $4,000 in USDC
    • Scout awards: $500 in USDC
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts August 8, 2024 20:00 UTC
  • Ends August 26, 2024 20:00 UTC

Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues

The 4naly3er report can be found here.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in this Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues section is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.

  • Please refer to previous audits, especially for AxelarAmplifierGateway, interchain-token-service, axelar-amplifier

Publicly Known Issues:

ITS hub balance tracking should be applied when minter isn't set (axelarnetwork/interchain-token-service#270)

  • ITS Hub balance tracking should only be applied when the minter isn't set in the deploy Interchain Token message type. If a minter is set, then the balance invariants can't be preserved since the minter address can mint on the remote chain. This is a fine trade off for custom tokens who want more control. The balance invariant is more so intended for the common use case of deploying a canonical ITS token or a trustless native interchain token to remote chains via the Factory, where the minter isn't set. Hence, additionally check if minter length is 0 in ITS hub to enable tracking.


What is Axelar?

Axelar delivers secure cross-chain communication for Web3, enabling you to build Interchain dApps that grow beyond a single chain. Secure means Axelar is built on proof-of-stake, the battle-tested approach used by Ethereum, Polygon, Cosmos, and more. Cross-chain communication means you can build a complete experience for your users that lets them interact with any asset, any application, on any chain with one click.

Interchain Token Service (ITS):

The Interchain Token Service allows users and developers to easily create their own token bridge, handling all underlying interchain communication. Users can either use the provided InterchainToken or implement their own. There are multiple configuration options for bridges, and users must trust the deployer of any bridge they use, similar to how they must trust the operator of a token.

Interchain Amplifier:

The Interchain Amplifier enables developers to permissionlessly set up connections to the Axelar network. Developers gain access to Axelar's interconnected network of chains and can "amplify" their resources by paying the cost equivalent to developing only one connection. They can establish connections between new ecosystems or existing chains to add new network properties, such as improved security or better delivery and availability.

Axelar Amplifier Gateway:

Axelar Amplifier Gateway is a smart contract that lives on the external chain connecting to the Axelar Network. It facilitates the sending and receiving of cross-chain messages to other chains via the Axelar Network. AxelarAmplifierGateway is the EVM reference implementation of the external gateway.

ITS Token Hub for Amplifier



Files in scope

Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
contracts/gateway/BaseAmplifierGateway.sol 130
contracts/gateway/AxelarAmplifierGateway.sol 68
contracts/gateway/AxelarAmplifierGatewayProxy.sol 13
contracts/governance/BaseWeightedMultisig.sol 129
Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
interchain-token-service/src/ 524
interchain-token-service/src/contract/ 523
interchain-token-service/src/ 224
interchain-token-service/src/ 109
interchain-token-service/src/ 108
interchain-token-service/src/ 52
contracts/axelarnet-gateway/src/ 202
contracts/axelarnet-gateway/src/ 139
contracts/axelarnet-gateway/src/ 126
contracts/axelarnet-gateway/src/contract/ 118
contracts/axelarnet-gateway/src/ 67
contracts/axelarnet-gateway/src/ 33
TOTAL 2225
Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
interchain-token-service/contracts/InterchainTokenService.sol 565
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/GatewayCaller.sol 64
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/Minter.sol 21
interchain-token-service/contracts/interchain-token/InterchainTokenStandard.sol 30
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/RolesConstants.sol 8
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/TokenManagerDeployer.sol 12
interchain-token-service/contracts/interchain-token/ERC20Permit.sol 31
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/InterchainTokenDeployer.sol 26
interchain-token-service/contracts/interchain-token/InterchainToken.sol 63
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/Create3Fixed.sol 21
interchain-token-service/contracts/interchain-token/ERC20.sol 55
interchain-token-service/contracts/TokenHandler.sol 136
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/Create3AddressFixed.sol 12
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/FlowLimit.sol 69
interchain-token-service/contracts/utils/Operator.sol 21
interchain-token-service/contracts/InterchainTokenFactory.sol 144
interchain-token-service/contracts/proxies/InterchainProxy.sol 5
interchain-token-service/contracts/proxies/TokenManagerProxy.sol 37
interchain-token-service/contracts/token-manager/TokenManager.sol 83
interchain-token-service/contracts/executable/InterchainTokenExecutable.sol 18
interchain-token-service/contracts/executable/InterchainTokenExpressExecutable.sol 11
TOTAL 1432

Files out of scope

Any files not under the scope tables are OUT OF SCOPE

Scoping Q & A

General questions

Question Answer
ERC20 used by the protocol Any (all possible ERC20s)
Test coverage interchain-token-service: Functions 100%, Lines 99.11% - EVM Amplifier Gateway: Functions 97.65%, Lines 99.86%
ERC721 used by the protocol None
ERC777 used by the protocol None
ERC1155 used by the protocol None
Chains the protocol will be deployed on Other: N/A. These contracts are on Axelar Network protocol.

ERC20 token behaviors in scope

Question Answer
Missing return values In scope
Fee on transfer In scope
Balance changes outside of transfers In scope
Upgradeability In scope
Flash minting In scope
Pausability In scope
Approval race protections In scope
Revert on approval to zero address In scope
Revert on zero value approvals In scope
Revert on zero value transfers In scope
Revert on transfer to the zero address In scope
Revert on large approvals and/or transfers In scope
Doesn't revert on failure In scope
Multiple token addresses In scope
Low decimals ( < 6) Out of scope
High decimals ( > 18) Out of scope
Blocklists Out of scope

External integrations (e.g., Uniswap) behavior in scope:

Question Answer
Enabling/disabling fees (e.g. Blur disables/enables fees) No
Pausability (e.g. Uniswap pool gets paused) No
Upgradeability (e.g. Uniswap gets upgraded) No

EIP compliance checklist

Only Interchain Token adheres to EIP-20.

Additional context

Main invariants

  • Security: Identify and mitigate vulnerabilities to prevent exploits and attacks.
  • Reliability: Ensure the contract behaves consistently under various conditions.
  • Efficiency: Verify that the contract performs optimally without unnecessary gas consumption.
  • Correctness: Ensure the smart contract logic correctly implements the intended functionality without errors.

Attack ideas (where to focus for bugs)

Security Concerns - Access Control, Signature Verification, Reply Protection, Data integrity

  • Does the access control mechanism correctly restrict access to sensitive functions?
  • Are role-based access controls (onlyRole) correctly implemented for managing flow limiters and operator roles?
  • Does the storage function correctly reference the intended storage slots and ensure security?
  • Can the signature verification function correctly verify the required signatures?
  • Does the function handling signature proofs properly reject invalid or malicious proofs?
  • Can the message validation function correctly update the message status to prevent replay attacks?
  • Does the message approval function properly check if a message has already been approved to avoid double approvals?
  • Are token details, such as addresses and flow limits, securely managed and protected from tampering?
  • Does the contract ensure that minting and burning of tokens are properly authorized and logged?
  • Any misbehavior by the token which identified through its token ID, does not impact other tokens registered by ITS?

Functional Concerns - Message Approval and Execution, Signer Rotation, Event Emission

  • Can the message approval functions correctly handle and store message approvals?
  • Does the message validation function accurately validate messages and update their status?
  • Does the signer rotation function correctly handle signer rotation, enforce the minimum rotation delay, and prevent rotation to duplicate signers?
  • Can the signer rotation function address potential edge cases and ensure proper updates to the signer set?
  • Does the contract emit all necessary events correctly and include appropriate data?
  • Can event emissions avoid inadvertently exposing sensitive information?

Upgradability Concerns - Upgrade Mechanism, Storage Compatibility

  • Does the upgrade mechanism correctly delegate calls to the implementation contract?
  • Can the initialization and upgrade functions handle scenarios without introducing vulnerabilities?
  • Does the storage layout remain compatible with future upgrades to prevent data corruption or loss?
  • Can the storage structures be correctly defined and used?

Potential Edge Cases - Error Handling, Gas Efficiency

  • Does the contract have proper error handling and revert statements for invalid inputs, unauthorized access, and other potential failure scenarios?
  • Can the contract be optimized for gas efficiency, particularly in loops and storage access patterns?

All trusted roles in the protocol


Describe any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models implemented in the contracts:


Running tests

  • Clone the repo:
git clone --recurse
npm ci
npm run build
npm run test

To run gas benchmarks:

REPORT_GAS=true npm run test

To run code coverage:

npm run coverage

More detailed info here.

npm ci
npm run build
npm run test

To run gas benchmarks:

REPORT_GAS=true npm run test

To run code coverage:

npm run coverage

More detailed info here.

  • For Cosmwasm/Rust ITS Hub contracts (make sure you´re at the axelar-amplifier folder :
rustup update
cargo build
cargo test
  • More info about EVM contract deployments here.

  • Test Coverage for Interchain Token Service contracts:

File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
contracts/ 100 95.76 100 99.18
InterchainTokenFactory.sol 100 100 100 100
InterchainTokenService.sol 100 95.68 100 100
TokenHandler.sol 100 94.23 100 95.38 78,116,155
contracts/executable/ 100 100 100 100
InterchainTokenExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
InterchainTokenExpressExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
contracts/interchain-token/ 100 100 100 100
ERC20.sol 100 100 100 100
ERC20Permit.sol 100 100 100 100
InterchainToken.sol 100 100 100 100
InterchainTokenStandard.sol 100 100 100 100
contracts/interfaces/ 100 100 100 100
IAddressTracker.sol 100 100 100 100
IBaseTokenManager.sol 100 100 100 100
IERC20BurnableFrom.sol 100 100 100 100
IERC20MintableBurnable.sol 100 100 100 100
IERC20Named.sol 100 100 100 100
IFlowLimit.sol 100 100 100 100
IGatewayCaller.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainToken.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainTokenDeployer.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainTokenExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainTokenExpressExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainTokenFactory.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainTokenService.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainTokenStandard.sol 100 100 100 100
IMinter.sol 100 100 100 100
IOperator.sol 100 100 100 100
ITokenHandler.sol 100 100 100 100
ITokenManager.sol 100 100 100 100
ITokenManagerDeployer.sol 100 100 100 100
ITokenManagerImplementation.sol 100 100 100 100
ITokenManagerProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
ITokenManagerType.sol 100 100 100 100
ITransmitInterchainToken.sol 100 100 100 100
contracts/proxies/ 100 100 100 100
InterchainProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
TokenManagerProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
contracts/token-manager/ 100 96.15 100 100
TokenManager.sol 100 96.15 100 100
contracts/types/ 100 100 100 100
InterchainTokenServiceTypes.sol 100 100 100 100
contracts/utils/ 100 87.5 100 97.44
Create3AddressFixed.sol 100 100 100 100
Create3Fixed.sol 100 83.33 100 100
FlowLimit.sol 100 100 100 100
GatewayCaller.sol 100 83.33 100 85.71 64,116
InterchainTokenDeployer.sol 100 75 100 100
Minter.sol 100 100 100 100
Operator.sol 100 100 100 100
RolesConstants.sol 100 100 100 100
TokenManagerDeployer.sol 100 50 100 100
----------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------------
All files 100 95.45 100 99.11
----------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------------
  • Test coverage for EVM Amplifier Gateway contracts:
File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
deploy/ 100 94.44 100 100
ConstAddressDeployer.sol 100 100 100 100
Create2.sol 100 100 100 100
Create2Deployer.sol 100 100 100 100
Create3.sol 100 83.33 100 100
Create3Address.sol 100 100 100 100
Create3Deployer.sol 100 100 100 100
CreateDeploy.sol 100 100 100 100
Deployer.sol 100 100 100 100
executable/ 100 100 81.82 100
AxelarExecutable.sol 100 100 60 100
AxelarGMPExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
AxelarGMPExecutableWithToken.sol 100 100 100 100
express/ 97.73 95.24 83.33 100
AxelarExpressExecutable.sol 100 100 71.43 100
AxelarValuedExpressExecutable.sol 95.92 91.67 77.78 100
ExpressExecutorTracker.sol 100 100 100 100
gas-estimation/ 100 91.67 100 97.83
InterchainGasEstimation.sol 100 91.67 100 97.83 103
gateway/ 100 100 100 100
AxelarAmplifierGateway.sol 100 100 100 100
AxelarAmplifierGatewayProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
BaseAmplifierGateway.sol 100 100 100 100
governance/ 100 100 100 100
AxelarServiceGovernance.sol 100 100 100 100
BaseMultisig.sol 100 100 100 100
BaseWeightedMultisig.sol 100 100 100 100
InterchainGovernance.sol 100 100 100 100
InterchainMultisig.sol 100 100 100 100
Multisig.sol 100 100 100 100
interfaces/ 100 100 100 100
IAxelarAmplifierAuth.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarAmplifierGateway.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarAmplifierGatewayAuth.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarExpressExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarGMPExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarGMPExecutableWithToken.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarGMPGateway.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarGMPGatewayWithToken.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarGasService.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarGateway.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarServiceGovernance.sol 100 100 100 100
IAxelarValuedExpressExecutable.sol 100 100 100 100
IBaseAmplifierGateway.sol 100 100 100 100
IBaseMultisig.sol 100 100 100 100
IBaseWeightedMultisig.sol 100 100 100 100
ICaller.sol 100 100 100 100
IContractExecutor.sol 100 100 100 100
IContractIdentifier.sol 100 100 100 100
IDeploy.sol 100 100 100 100
IDeployer.sol 100 100 100 100
IERC20.sol 100 100 100 100
IERC20MintableBurnable.sol 100 100 100 100
IFinalProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
IGovernable.sol 100 100 100 100
IImplementation.sol 100 100 100 100
IInitProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainAddressTracker.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainGasEstimation.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainGovernance.sol 100 100 100 100
IInterchainMultisig.sol 100 100 100 100
IMulticall.sol 100 100 100 100
IMultisig.sol 100 100 100 100
IOperators.sol 100 100 100 100
IOwnable.sol 100 100 100 100
IPausable.sol 100 100 100 100
IProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
IReentrancyGuard.sol 100 100 100 100
IRoles.sol 100 100 100 100
IRolesBase.sol 100 100 100 100
ITimeLock.sol 100 100 100 100
IUpgradable.sol 100 100 100 100
libs/ 100 84.38 100 100
AddressBytes.sol 100 100 100 100
AddressString.sol 100 100 100 100
Bytes32String.sol 100 100 100 100
ContractAddress.sol 100 100 100 100
ECDSA.sol 100 50 100 100
SafeNativeTransfer.sol 100 100 100 100
SafeTransfer.sol 100 75 100 100
StringStorage.sol 100 100 100 100
types/ 100 100 100 100
AmplifierGatewayTypes.sol 100 100 100 100
GasEstimationTypes.sol 100 100 100 100
WeightedMultisigTypes.sol 100 100 100 100
upgradable/ 100 100 100 100
BaseProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
FinalProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
FixedProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
Implementation.sol 100 100 100 100
InitProxy.sol 100 100 100 100
Proxy.sol 100 100 100 100
Upgradable.sol 100 100 100 100
utils/ 100 100 100 100
Caller.sol 100 100 100 100
InterchainAddressTracker.sol 100 100 100 100
Multicall.sol 100 100 100 100
Operators.sol 100 100 100 100
Ownable.sol 100 100 100 100
Pausable.sol 100 100 100 100
ReentrancyGuard.sol 100 100 100 100
Roles.sol 100 100 100 100
RolesBase.sol 100 100 100 100
TimeLock.sol 100 100 100 100
-------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------------
All files 99.64 97.59 97.65 99.86
-------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------------


Employees of AXELAR and employees' family members are ineligible to participate in this audit.

Code4rena's rules cannot be overridden by the contents of this README. In case of doubt, please check with C4 staff.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published


  • Rust 54.0%
  • JavaScript 24.7%
  • Solidity 21.2%
  • Other 0.1%