Check it out in action on my website:
- Download all code (git clone
- Open command prompt
- cd over to the folder where the files are located
- Have react installed (npm install)
- Run "npm start"
- If it doesn't open automatically, go to http://localhost:3000/
- For the current move only, show "You are at move #..." instead of a button.
- Rewrote Board to use a singular loop to make the squares, instead of hardcoding them.
- Added a toggle button to sort the moves in either ascending or descending order.
- Added highlighting to the X amount of squares that caused the win.
- If no one wins, displays a message about the result being a draw.
- Displayed the location for each move in the format (row, col) in the move history list.
- Rewrote calculateWinner() to calculate winning lines based on board size, rather than hardcoding them.
- Rewrote calculateWinner() to calculate win condition based on number in a row required to win, rather than hardcoding it.
- Added dropdown/select menu to change board size.
- Added dropdown/select menu to change how many Os/Xs in a row to win.
- Dynamically disable select options based on options chosen, so game remains winnable at all times.
- Added Co Caro (Cờ Carô) blocked rule option: if both sides of a winning line are blocked by opponent, it doesn't win.