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Maintainer: Arnel Imperial

Date: 16.10.2022 - 24.10.2022

Part4: Testing Express servers, user administration



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Summary of passes implemented tests

base: /api

File: tests/user.test.js
Test description Method Response
it can create new user POST users HTTP 201
it checks for duplicate username as error POST users HTTP 400
it will fail on missing username POST users HTTP 400
it will requires at least 3 chars long for username POST users HTTP 400
it will fail on missing password POST users HTTP 400
it will requires at least 3 chars long for password POST users HTTP 400
it renders all users with 1 blog property defined GET users HTTP 200
it can # registered user generates auth token POST login HTTP 200
it should fail on missing/incorrect username POST login HTPP 400
it should fail on incorrect password POST login HTTP 400
it renders all blogs owned by registered users GET blogs HTTP 200
File: tests/blog.test.js
Test description Method Response
it return json-formatted blog list GET blogs HTTP 200
it returns all initialised blogs GET blogs HTTP 200
it retrieves a specified blog from the blog list GET blogs HTTP 200
it returns error for accessing single blog with invalid blog id as param GET blogs/:id HTTP 400
it returns error for accessing single blog with non-existent blog id as param GET blogs/:id HTTP 400
it verifies that id property in response body is the unique identifier GET blogs HTTP 200
it checks that the saved blogs have a unique identifier known as id rather than _id GET blogs HTTP 200
it checks if addition of blog is successful and all of the essential properties are defined POST blogs HTTP 201
it checks if the posted blog has been added GET blogs HTPP 200
it checks to see if blank title fields will result into error response POST blogs HTTP 400
it verifies if blank url fields will give error response POST blogs HTTP 400
it returns error for users attempting to create a blog without token POST blogs HTTP 401
it returns error response for using incorrect token POST blogs HTTP 401
it can delete a specified blog, by the authenticated user who created the blog DELETE blogs/:id HTTP 200
It should return an error if a user with a token attempts to delete a blog that they do not own DELETE blogs/:id HTTP 403
it returns error for user without token to do a delete request DELETE blogs/:id HTTP 401
it returns errors for users using incorrect token DELETE blogs/:id HTTP 401
it returns error for using an invalid blog id as params DELETE blogs/:id HTPP 401
it returns error for using a non-existent blog id as params DELETE blogs/:id HTTP 404
it can update a blog (none token-based) PATCH blogs/:id HTTP 200
it can update only one field at a time e.g. likes only (none token-based) PATCH blogs/:id HTTP 200
it returns errors for using a non-existent blog id (none token-based) PATCH blogs/:id HTTP 404
it returns error for using an invalid blog id (none token-based) PATCH blogs/:id HTTP 400