Maintainer: Arnel Imperial
Date: 16.10.2022 - 24.10.2022
base: /api
Test description | Method | Response |
it can create new user | POST users | HTTP 201 |
it checks for duplicate username as error | POST users | HTTP 400 |
it will fail on missing username | POST users | HTTP 400 |
it will requires at least 3 chars long for username | POST users | HTTP 400 |
it will fail on missing password | POST users | HTTP 400 |
it will requires at least 3 chars long for password | POST users | HTTP 400 |
it renders all users with 1 blog property defined | GET users | HTTP 200 |
it can # registered user generates auth token | POST login | HTTP 200 |
it should fail on missing/incorrect username | POST login | HTPP 400 |
it should fail on incorrect password | POST login | HTTP 400 |
it renders all blogs owned by registered users | GET blogs | HTTP 200 |
Test description | Method | Response |
it return json-formatted blog list | GET blogs | HTTP 200 |
it returns all initialised blogs | GET blogs | HTTP 200 |
it retrieves a specified blog from the blog list | GET blogs | HTTP 200 |
it returns error for accessing single blog with invalid blog id as param | GET blogs/:id | HTTP 400 |
it returns error for accessing single blog with non-existent blog id as param | GET blogs/:id | HTTP 400 |
it verifies that id property in response body is the unique identifier | GET blogs | HTTP 200 |
it checks that the saved blogs have a unique identifier known as id rather than _id | GET blogs | HTTP 200 |
it checks if addition of blog is successful and all of the essential properties are defined | POST blogs | HTTP 201 |
it checks if the posted blog has been added | GET blogs | HTPP 200 |
it checks to see if blank title fields will result into error response | POST blogs | HTTP 400 |
it verifies if blank url fields will give error response | POST blogs | HTTP 400 |
it returns error for users attempting to create a blog without token | POST blogs | HTTP 401 |
it returns error response for using incorrect token | POST blogs | HTTP 401 |
it can delete a specified blog, by the authenticated user who created the blog | DELETE blogs/:id | HTTP 200 |
It should return an error if a user with a token attempts to delete a blog that they do not own | DELETE blogs/:id | HTTP 403 |
it returns error for user without token to do a delete request | DELETE blogs/:id | HTTP 401 |
it returns errors for users using incorrect token | DELETE blogs/:id | HTTP 401 |
it returns error for using an invalid blog id as params | DELETE blogs/:id | HTPP 401 |
it returns error for using a non-existent blog id as params | DELETE blogs/:id | HTTP 404 |
it can update a blog (none token-based) | PATCH blogs/:id | HTTP 200 |
it can update only one field at a time e.g. likes only (none token-based) | PATCH blogs/:id | HTTP 200 |
it returns errors for using a non-existent blog id (none token-based) | PATCH blogs/:id | HTTP 404 |
it returns error for using an invalid blog id (none token-based) | PATCH blogs/:id | HTTP 400 |