Simple solidity game where 2 players can play at a time
- each player will have to commit a choice with a secret number, and pay a fee (0.01 ETH/MATIC/OTHER NATIVE EVM COIN)
- the contract provides the function
getCommitmentHash(choice, secret)
so that each player can compute the commitment locally
- the contract provides the function
- once both players have committed their choice, they will then have to reveal their choice
- internally, the contract checks weather your revealed choice and secret match your commitment, and reject the operation if not.
- the users can call
to know if they won - the owner of the contract or one of the current players can call
to send the reward to the winner (0.015 ETH/MATIC/OTHER NATIVE EVM COIN) - the owner can then reset the game, and 2 other players can play
It is a simple contract where I could learn about
- the basics of the data structures in solidity
- some gas efficiency tips (constants & immutable)
- modifiers (owner, re-entrancy)
- events
- hardhat
- ethers
- testing
- deploying
- web interface
- you can play on remix by copying the contract
- or, you can go deploy it to a testnet using
- you would need to provide your own RPC and WALLET_KEY values