A Project to give the churn file, class, and method for a project for a given checkin Over time the tool adds up the history of chruns to give the number of times a file, class, or method is changing during the life of a project. Churn for files is immediate, but classes and methods requires buildings up a history using churn between revisions. The history is stored in ./tmp
********************************************************************** * Revision Changes ********************************************************************** Files: +-------------------------------+ | file | +-------------------------------+ | Rakefile | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | +-------------------------------+ Classes: +-------------------------------+-----------------+ | file | klass | +-------------------------------+-----------------+ | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | +-------------------------------+-----------------+ Methods: +-------------------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------+ | file | klass | method | +-------------------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------+ | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#filters | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#display_array | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#to_s | +-------------------------------+-----------------+-------------------------------+ ********************************************************************** * Project Churn ********************************************************************** Files: +------------------------------------+---------------+ | file_path | times_changed | +------------------------------------+---------------+ | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | 14 | | README.rdoc | 7 | | lib/tasks/churn_tasks.rb | 6 | | Rakefile | 6 | | lib/churn/git_analyzer.rb | 4 | | VERSION | 4 | | test/test_helper.rb | 4 | | test/unit/churn_calculator_test.rb | 3 | | test/churn_test.rb | 3 | +------------------------------------+---------------+ Classes: +-------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+ | file | klass | times_changed | +-------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+ | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | 1 | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | 1 | +-------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+ Methods: +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------+---------------+ | file | klass | method | times_changed | +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------+---------------+ | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#to_s | 1 | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#display_array | 1 | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#calculate_revision_data | 1 | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#filters | 1 | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#initialize | 1 | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#filters | 1 | | lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb | ChurnCalculator | ChurnCalculator#to_s | 1 | +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------+---------------+
SVN only supports file
make storage directory configurable instead of using tmp
allow passing in directories to churn, directories to ignore
todo add a filter that allows for other files besides. *.rb
ignore files pattern, so you can ignore things like vendor/, lib/, or docs/
Executable Usage:
‘gem install churn’
go to project root run ‘churn’
Rake Usage:
‘gem install churn’
on any project you want to use churn, add “require ‘churn’” to your rake file
run ‘rake churn’ to view the current output, file churn history is immediate, class and method churn builds up a history as it is run on each revision
temporary files with class / method churn history are stored in /tmp, to clear churn history delete them
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but
bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2009 Dan Mayer. See LICENSE for details.