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The repository contains code for fitting some three dimensional point cloud data inside a cylinder
CoreNet: A library for training deep neural networks
tinyworldmap is a tiny world map for offline-first and low-bandwidth web apps
Public source repository for the SPIRAL project
A growing collection of interactive tutorials, demos, and quizzes about maths, algorithms, and programming.
The Zeal Operating System is a modernized fork of the 64-bit Temple Operating System, TempleOS.
Rendering algorithms implemented in raw WebGL 2.
Implementation of library dedicated for p-adic numbers computation with basic operations in java.
Apply boolean polygon clipping operations (union, intersection, difference, xor) to your Polygons & MultiPolygons.
Automated image compression for efficiently distributing images on the web.
OpenNURBS libraries allow anyone to read and write the 3DM file format without the need for Rhino.
Multivariative Simplicial Weight Interpolation / Extrapolation
Contains supporting materials for developer relations blog posts, videos, and workshops
Safe and easy way to use FileManager as Database
Ask your language model a question from the terminal
A minimal file inspection tool for macOS using FileManager
Over 550 flashcards to learn Rust from first principles. Written in markdown with script to convert them to an Anki deck or PDF file.
mattiasgustavsson / doom-crt
Forked from id-Software/DOOMOriginal version of DOOM with my CRT shader applied
An ultra-lightweight blogging engine, written in PHP.
Red is a next-generation programming language strongly inspired by Rebol, but with a broader field of usage thanks to its native-code compiler, from system programming to high-level scripting and c…
List of Treewidth solvers, instances, and tools
A modern C++ MIDI 1 / MIDI 2 real-time & file I/O library. Supports Windows, macOS, Linux and WebMIDI.