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What about screenshots?

Nolwenn Poirier edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 1 revision

Regarding the PIM screenshots that you can find inside your article, you will have to provide a translated version of these ones.

  • Go in your PIM and resize your browser window to match a width of 1280px,
  • Select your language as UI locale and catalog locale,
  • Don't forget to give labels to your entities (attributes, attribute groups,...) for your language,
  • Take a screenshot of the best quality you can,
  • Resize it to an 840px width,
  • Rename it to match the name of the already existing English one and add a suffix at the end corresponding to your language (ex: The English screenshot name was Screenshot_Amazing_Britney.png. Name your newly created screenshot Screenshot_Amazing_Britney_de.png),
  • Go into your article and change the link to the screenshot to match your new name.

To finish, you'll have to upload it on Github. Follow these simple (but weird, yes) steps.

  1. When you are on your pull request, on the Files changed tab, click on the pencil in the top right corner of your screen.
    Change files
  2. Click on the Code tab, go into the img folder, that is located in the same folder as your article, and click on the Upload files button.
    Upload images - step 1
  3. Import your screenshots into the next screen. In the Commit changes section, fill in the first field with a message like "Add screenshots". To finish, click on the Commit changes button.
    Upload images - step 2

That's it! If you go back to your pull request, you'll see that your "Add screenshots" message appears in it.

Upload images - step 3