Using Maven
To use the payment library add this dependency to your pom.xml file
Using gradle Add this snippet to your build.gradle file
compile 'com.interswitchng:isw-payment:0.0.9'
To set up the Payment request, use the snippet below The first two lines is use to override the Live API BASE for both passport and payment
Passport.overrideApiBase(Passport.SANDBOX_API_BASE); // Passport Api on Sandbox Environment
Payment.overrideApiBase(Payment.SANDBOX_API_BASE); // Payment Api on Sandbox Environment
String clientId = "IKIAF8F70479A6902D4BFF4E443EBF15D1D6CB19E232";
String clientSecret = "ugsmiXPXOOvks9MR7+IFHSQSdk8ZzvwQMGvd0GJva30=";
RequestOptions.RequestOptionsBuilder builder = RequestOptions.builder().setClientId(clientId).setClientSecret(clientSecret);
options =;
accessToken = new Passport(options).getAccessToken().getToken();
options =;
To make payment setup your payment request like this
PurchaseRequest request = new PurchaseRequest();
PurchaseResponse response = new PurchaseClient(options).purchase(request);
/* The response object contains the following fields transactionIdentifier,
amount, transactionRef, message if No OTP is required.
The response object contains the following fields paymentId, responseCode,
amount, transactionRef, message if OTP is required and the responseCode = T0
The response object contains the following fields paymentId, responseCode,
amount, transactionRef,transactionId, eciFlag, MD, ACSUrl, TermUrl,
Pareq if OTP is required and the responseCode = S0
With split payments, you can specify how the charge should be divided accross your different accounts.
SplitSettlement[] splitSettlements = new SplitSettlement[2];
SplitSettlement splitSettlement1 = new SplitSettlement();
splitSettlement1.setAccountIdentifier("fbn acct");
SplitSettlement splitSettlement2 = new SplitSettlement();
splitSettlement2.setAccountIdentifier("uba acct");
splitSettlements[0] = splitSettlement1;
splitSettlements[1] = splitSettlement2;
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder().setClientId("IKIAF8F70479A6902D4BFF4E443EBF15D1D6CB19E232").setClientSecret("ugsmiXPXOOvks9MR7+IFHSQSdk8ZzvwQMGvd0GJva30=").setSplitSettlementInformation(splitSettlements).build();
To Authorize Purchase, the purchase response code from the transaction is used to determine the if the transaction requires OTP or VbyV if the response code is T0, then it requires Safe Token OTP else if the response code is S0 it requires Cardinal VbyV To handle T0 response code, use the snippet below.
AuthorizePurchaseRequest authorizePurchaseRequest = new AuthorizePurchaseRequest();
AuthorizePurchaseResponse otpResponse = new PurchaseClient(options).authorizePurchase(authorizePurchaseRequest);
// The otpResponse above contains transactionIdentifier, token, tokenExpiryDate,panLast4Digits,transactionRef and message
To handle S0 response code use the snippet below redirect your app to VbyV page for authorization of payment, use auto post form e.g NOTE: ACSUrl, TermUrl, MD and PaReq should be replaced with their corresponding values as returned from the purchase response.
<body onload ='form1.submit()'>
<!-- NOTE: ACSUrl, TermUrl, MD and PaReq should be replaced with their corresponding values as returned from the purchase response.
e.g ACSUrl = ""
TermUrl = ""
MD = "66603"
PaReq = "eNpVUttu4jAQffdXoH5AbOeCtGhqKQVp2+2GpmlL9zU4s2AgTuo4Bf6+doBe3uacuficGcPz2iDOnlD2BgVk2HXlCkequr7Knv
<form id="form1" action=ACSUrl method="post">
<input name="TermUrl" value=TermUrl>
<input name="MD" value=MD>
<input name="PaReq" value=PaReq>
This form opens the Visa cardinal authorization page, where the user can enter their Visa Card iPin/Password and Submit, On Submit done, make the final request to complete the transaction.
AuthorizePurchaseRequest request = new AuthorizePurchaseRequest();
AuthorizePurchaseResponse response = new PurchaseClient(options).authorizePurchase(request);
// The response above contains transactionIdentifier, token, tokenExpiryDate,panLast4Digits,transactionRef and message.
To validate a card and get token use the code snippet below
ValidateCardRequest request = new ValidateCardRequest();
ValidateCardResponse response = new PurchaseClient(options).validateCard(request);
/* The response above contains responseCode, transactionRef, message.
The response object contains the following fields paymentId, responseCode,
amount, transactionRef,transactionId, eciFlag, MD, ACSUrl, TermUrl,
Pareq if OTP is required and the responseCode = S0
To Authorize Card Validation when response code is T0 use the code snippet below
AuthorizeCardRequest validateCardWithOtpRequest = new AuthorizeCardRequest();
AuthorizeCardResponse authorizeCardResponse = new PurchaseClient(options).authorizeCard(validateCardWithOtpRequest);
//authorizeCardResponse above contains token,tokenExpiryDate,transactionRef,panLast4Digits,balance,cardType.
To Authorize Card Validation when response code is S0 use the code snippet below redirect your app to VbyV page for authorization of payment card, use auto post form e.g NOTE: ACSUrl, TermUrl, MD and PaReq should be replaced with their corresponding values as returned from the validate card response.
<body onload ='form1.submit()'>
<!-- NOTE: ACSUrl, TermUrl, MD and PaReq should be replaced with their corresponding values as returned from the purchase response.
e.g ACSUrl = ""
TermUrl = ""
MD = "66603"
PaReq = "eNpVUttu4jAQffdXoH5AbOeCtGhqKQVp2+2GpmlL9zU4s2AgTuo4Bf6+doBe3uacuficGcPz2iDOnlD2BgVk2HXlCkequr7Knv
<form id="form1" action=ACSUrl method="post">
<input name="TermUrl" value=TermUrl>
<input name="MD" value=MD>
<input name="PaReq" value=PaReq>
This form opens the Visa cardinal authorization page, where the user can enter their Visa Card iPin/Password and Submit, On Submit done, make the final request to complete the card validation.
AuthorizeCardRequest validateCardWithCardinalRequest = new AuthorizeCardRequest();
AuthorizeCardResponse authorizeCardResponse = new PurchaseClient(options).authorizeCard(validateCardWithCardinalRequest);
// The authorizeCardResponse above contains transactionIdentifier,token,tokenExpiryDate,transactionRef,panLast4Digits,balance,cardType.
// NB: Balance is not returned for VISA card
Interswitch payment SDK allows you to accept payments from customers within your mobile application. Please Note: The current supported currency is naira (NGN), support for other currencies would be added later The first step to ​using the ​Android SDK is to register as a merchant. This is described [here] (
Download the latest SDK from the link below
It consists of ​a library:
- deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar
Use Android Studio’s dependency management tool (Gradle) to add the library to your project.
- Download Android Studio 1.2.2 or later
- Create a New Project
- Put deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar in the libs folder of the app.
- To add the deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar library to your project, navigate to File -> New -> New Module -> Import .JAR/.AAR Package option in Android Studio.
- Select the deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar in libs folder
- To add the jar files, edit the build.gradle file of your app and add
repositories {
maven {
url ''
compile 'com.interswitchng:payment-android:1.0.3'
compile ''
compile ''
- Finally, rebuild the project
During development of your app, you should use the SDK in sandbox mode to enable testing. Different Client Id and Client Secret are provided for Production and Sandbox mode. The procedure to use the SDK on sandbox mode is just as easy:
- Use Sandbox Client Id and Client Secret got from the Sandbox Tab of the Developer Console after #(usually you have to wait for 5 minutes after # for you to see the Sandbox details) everywhere you are required to supply Client Id and Client Secret in the remainder of this documentation
- In your code, override the api base as follows
- Follow the remaining steps in the documentation.
- NOTE: When going into Production mode, use the Client Id and the Client Secret got from the Production Tab of Developer Console instead.
- To allow for Payment with Card or Token
- Create a UI to collect amount and card details
- Create a Pay button
- In the onClick listener of the Pay button, use this code.
Note: Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
PurchaseRequest request = new PurchaseRequest(); // Setup request parameters
request.setCustomerId("1234567890"); // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
request.setAmount("100"); // Amount in Naira
request.setCurrency("NGN"); // ISO Currency code
request.setPan("5060100000000000012"); //Card No or Token
request.setPinData("1111"); // Optional Card PIN for card payment
request.setExpiryDate("2004"); // Card or Token expiry date in YYMM format
request.setRequestorId("11179920172"); // Requestor Identifier
request.setTransactionRef(RandomString.numeric(12)); // Generate a unique transaction reference.
Context context = this; // Reference to your Android Activity
new PaymentSDK(context, options).purchase(request, new IswCallback<PurchaseResponse>() {
//Send payment
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error and notify the user.
// Payment not successful.
public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
// Check if OTP is required.
if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getResponseCode())) {
if (PaymentSDK.SAFE_TOKEN_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
// OTP required, ask user for OTP and authorize transaction
// See how to authorize transaction with OTP below.
else if (PaymentSDK.CARDINAL_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
// redirect user to cardinal authorization page
// See how to authorize transaction with Cardinal below.
else {
// OTP not required.
// Handle and notify user of successful transaction.
// A token for the card details is returned in the response.
// The response object contains fields transactionIdentifier, message,
// amount, token, tokenExpiryDate, panLast4Digits, otpTransactionIdentifier,
// transactionRef and cardType. Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType and
// panLast4Digits in order to pay with the token in the future.
- To allow for Payment with Wallet only
- Create a UI to collect amount, CVV, expiry date and PIN and to display user's Payment Method(s). Use the code below to load the Payment Method(s) array in a Spinner
Note: Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
//Load Wallet
final WalletRequest request = new WalletRequest();
request.setTransactionRef(RandomString.numeric(12)); // Generate a unique transaction reference
Context context = this; // Reference to your Android Activity
new WalletSDK(context, options).getPaymentMethods(request, new IswCallback<WalletResponse>() {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error
// Unable to get payment methods
public void onSuccess(WalletResponse response) {
PaymentMethod[] paymentMethods = response.getPaymentMethods();
//Display payment methods in a Spinner
- Create a Pay button
- In the onClick listener of the Pay button, use this code.
final PurchaseRequest request = new PurchaseRequest();
//Setup request parameters using the selected Payment Method
//Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
request.setAmount("100"); //Amount in Naira
request.setCurrency("NGN"); // ISO Currency code
if (paymethodSpinner.getSelectedItem() == null) {
// Notify user no Payment Method selected.
request.setPan(((PaymentMethod) paymethodSpinner.getSelectedItem()).getToken()); //Card Token
request.setPinData(pin.getText().toString()); //Card PIN
request.setTransactionRef(RandomString.numeric(12)); // Generate a unique transaction reference.
//Send payment
new WalletSDK(context, options).purchase(request, new IswCallback<PurchaseResponse>() {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getOtpTransactionIdentifier())) {
//OTP required
//Ask user for OTP and authorize transaction using the otp Transaction Identifier
} else {
//OTP not required
//Handle and notify user of successful transaction
- To check if a card is valid and get a token
- Create a UI to collect card details
- Create a Validate/Add Card button
- In the onClick listener of the Validate/Add Card button, use this code.
Note: Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant Please Note: Balance is not returned for VISA Card
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
ValidateCardRequest request = new ValidateCardRequest(); // Setup request parameters
request.setCustomerId("1234567890"); // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
request.setPan("5060100000000000012"); //Card No or Token
request.setPinData("1111"); // Optional Card PIN for card payment
request.setExpiryDate("2004"); // Card or Token expiry date in YYMM format
request.setCvv2("111"); // Card Verification Value
request.setTransactionRef(RandomString.numeric(12)); // Generate a unique transaction reference.
Context context = this; // Reference to your Android Activity.
new PaymentSDK(context, options).validateCard(request, new IswCallback<ValidateCardResponse>() {
//Send payment
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error and notify the user.
// Payment not successful.
public void onSuccess(ValidateCardResponse response) {
// Check if OTP is required.
if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getResponseCode())) {
if (PaymentSDK.SAFE_TOKEN_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
// OTP required, ask user for OTP and authorize transaction
// See how to authorize transaction with OTP below.
else if (PaymentSDK.CARDINAL_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
// redirect user to cardinal authorization page
// See how to authorize transaction with Cardinal below.
else {
// OTP not required.
// Handle and notify user of successful transaction.
// A token for the card details is returned in the response.
// The response object contains fields transactionIdentifier,
// message,token, tokenExpiryDate, panLast4Digits, otpTransactionIdentifier
// transactionRef and cardType.
// Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType and panLast4Digits
// in order to pay with the token in the future.
With split payments, you can specify how the charge should be divided accross your different accounts.
SplitSettlement[] splitSettlements = new SplitSettlement[2];
SplitSettlement splitSettlement1 = new SplitSettlement();
splitSettlement1.setAccountIdentifier("fbn acct");
SplitSettlement splitSettlement2 = new SplitSettlement();
splitSettlement2.setAccountIdentifier("uba acct");
splitSettlements[0] = splitSettlement1;
splitSettlements[1] = splitSettlement2;
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder().setClientId("IKIAF8F70479A6902D4BFF4E443EBF15D1D6CB19E232").setClientSecret("ugsmiXPXOOvks9MR7+IFHSQSdk8ZzvwQMGvd0GJva30=").setSplitSettlementInformation(splitSettlements).build();
if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getResponseCode())) { //
if (PaymentSDK.SAFE_TOKEN_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
AuthorizePurchaseRequest request = new AuthorizePurchaseRequest();
request.setPaymentId(response.getPaymentId()); // Set the payment identifier for the request
request.setAuthData(request.getAuthData()); // Set the request Auth Data
request.setOtp("123456"); // Accept OTP from user
new PaymentSDK(context, options)
.authorizePurchase(request, new IswCallback<AuthorizePurchaseResponse>() {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
public void onSuccess(AuthorizePurchaseResponse otpResponse) {
//Handle and notify user of successful transaction
if (PaymentSDK.CARDINAL_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
// Create WebView to process the Authorize purchase request
webView = new AuthorizeWebView(context, response) {
public void onPageDone() {
AuthorizePurchaseRequest request = new AuthorizePurchaseRequest();
request.setAuthData(request.getAuthData()); // Set the request Auth Data.
request.setPaymentId(response.getPaymentId()); // Set the payment identifier for the request.
request.setTransactionId(response.getTransactionId()); // Set payment identifier for the request.
request.setEciFlag(response.getEciFlag()); // Set the Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI).
new PaymentSDK(context, options)
.authorizePurchase(request, new IswCallback<AuthorizePurchaseResponse>() {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
public void onSuccess(AuthorizePurchaseResponse response) {
//Handle and notify user of successful transaction
public void onPageError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
// Other webview customizations goes here e.g.
if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getResponseCode())) { //
if (PaymentSDK.SAFE_TOKEN_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
AuthorizeCardRequest request = new AuthorizeCardRequest();
request.setTransactionRef(response.getTransactionRef()); // Set the transaction reference for the request
request.setAuthData(request.getAuthData()); // Set the request Auth Data
request.setOtp("123456"); // Accept OTP from user
new PaymentSDK(context, options)
.authorizeCard(request, new IswCallback<AuthorizeCardResponse>() {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
public void onSuccess(AuthorizeCardResponse authorizeCardResponse) {
//Handle and notify user of successful transaction
if (PaymentSDK.CARDINAL_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(response.getResponseCode())) {
// Create WebView to process the Authorize purchase request
webView = new AuthorizeWebView(context, response) {
public void onPageDone() {
AuthorizeCardRequest request = new AuthorizeCardRequest();
request.setAuthData(request.getAuthData()); // Set the request Auth Data.
request.setPaymentId(response.getPaymentId()); // Set the payment identifier for the request.
request.setTransactionId(response.getTransactionId()); // Set payment identifier for the request.
request.setEciFlag(response.getEciFlag()); // Set the Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI).
new PaymentSDK(context, options)
.authorizeCard(request, new IswCallback<AuthorizeCardResponse>() {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
public void onSuccess(AuthorizeCardResponse response) {
//Handle and notify user of successful transaction
public void onPageError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
// Other webview customizations goes here e.g.
if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getOtpTransactionIdentifier())) { //
AuthorizeOtpRequest otpRequest = new AuthorizeOtpRequest();
// Setup request parameters using the selected Payment Method
otpRequest.setOtp("123456"); // Accept OTP from user
// Set the OTP identifier for the request
// Set the unique transaction reference.
//Authorize OTP Request
AuthorizeOtpResponse otpResponse = new PurchaseClient(options).authorizeOtp(otpRequest);
//Handle and notify user of successful transaction
To check the status of a payment made, use the code below
//Pass the transactionRef and the amount as the parameters to getPaymentStatus()
PaymentStatusRequest request = new PaymentStatusRequest();
new PaymentSDK(context, options).getPaymentStatus(request, new IswCallback<PaymentStatusResponse>() {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle and notify user of error
public void onSuccess(PaymentStatusResponse response) {
// Update Payment Status
To allow for Payment with Card or Wallet
Create a Pay button
In the onClick listener of the Pay button, use this code.
Note: Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant Please Note: If you are providing your own transaction reference number, ensure you use the other Pay constructor that accept transaction reference number
//Create a concrete implementation of IswCallback
public class PaymentCallback extends IswCallback<PurchaseResponse> {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error.
// Payment not successful.
public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
/* Handle success.
Payment successful. The response object contains fields transactionIdentifier,
message, amount, token, tokenExpiryDate, panLast4Digits, transactionRef and cardType.
Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType and panLast4Digits
in order to pay with the token in the future.
PaymentCallback paymentCallback = new PaymentCallback();
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
Pay pay = new Pay(activity, customerId, paymentDescription, amount, currency, options, paymentCallback);
To allow for Payment with Card only
Create a Pay button
In the onClick listener of the Pay button, use this code.
Note: Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant Please Note: If you are providing your own transaction reference number, ensure you use the other PayWithCard constructor that accept transaction reference number
//Create a concrete implementation of IswCallback
public class PaymentCallback extends IswCallback<PurchaseResponse> {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error.
// Payment not successful.
public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
/* Handle success.
Payment successful. The response object contains fields transactionIdentifier,
message, amount, token, tokenExpiryDate, panLast4Digits, transactionRef and cardType.
Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType and panLast4Digits
in order to pay with the token in the future.
PaymentCallback paymentCallback = new PaymentCallback();
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
PayWithCard payWithCard = new PayWithCard(activity, customerId, paymentDescription, amount,
currency, options, paymentCallback);
To allow for Payment with Wallet only
Create a Pay button
In the onClick listener of the Pay button, use this code.
Note: Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant Please Note: If you are providing your own transaction reference number, ensure you use the other PayWithWallet constructor that accept transaction reference number
//Create a concrete implementation of IswCallback
public class PaymentCallback extends IswCallback<PurchaseResponse> {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error.
// Payment not successful.
public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
/* Handle success.
Payment successful. The response object contains fields transactionIdentifier,
message, amount, token, tokenExpiryDate, panLast4Digits, transactionRef and cardType.
Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType and panLast4Digits
in order to pay with the token in the future.
PaymentCallback paymentCallback = new PaymentCallback();
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
PayWithWallet payWithWallet = new PayWithWallet(activity, customerId, paymentDescription, amount,
currency, options, paymentCallback);
With split payments, you can specify how the charge should be divided accross your different accounts.
SplitSettlement[] splitSettlements = new SplitSettlement[2];
SplitSettlement splitSettlement1 = new SplitSettlement();
splitSettlement1.setAccountIdentifier("fbn acct");
SplitSettlement splitSettlement2 = new SplitSettlement();
splitSettlement2.setAccountIdentifier("uba acct");
splitSettlements[0] = splitSettlement1;
splitSettlements[1] = splitSettlement2;
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder().setClientId("IKIAF8F70479A6902D4BFF4E443EBF15D1D6CB19E232").setClientSecret("ugsmiXPXOOvks9MR7+IFHSQSdk8ZzvwQMGvd0GJva30=").setSplitSettlementInformation(splitSettlements).build();
Validate card is used to check if a card is a valid card, it returns the card balance and token
To call validate card, use this code.
Note: * Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant Please Note: If you are providing your own transaction reference number, ensure you use the other ValidateCard constructor that accept transaction reference number Please Note: Balance is not returned for VISA Card
//Create a concrete implementation of IswCallback
public class ValidateCardCallback extends IswCallback<ValidateCardResponse> {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error.
// Card validation not successful
public void onSuccess(ValidateCardResponse response) {
/* Handle success.
Card validation successful. The response object contains fields token, tokenExpiryDate
panLast4Digits, transactionRef, balance and cardType. Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType
and panLast4Digits in order to pay with the token in the future.
ValidateCardCallback validateCardCallback = new ValidateCardCallback();
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
ValidateCard validateCard = new ValidateCard(activity, customerId, options, validateCardCallback);
To allow for Payment with Token only
Create a Pay button
In the onClick listener of the Pay button, use this code.
Note: Supply your Client Id and Client Secret you got after registering as a Merchant Please Note: If you are providing your own transaction reference number, ensure you use the other PayWithToken constructor that accept transaction reference number
//Create a concrete implementation of IswCallback
public class PaymentCallback extends IswCallback<PurchaseResponse> {
public void onError(Exception error) {
// Handle error.
// Payment not successful.
public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
/* Handle success.
Payment successful. The response object contains fields transactionIdentifier,
message, amount, token, tokenExpiryDate, panLast4Digits, transactionRef and cardType.
Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType and panLast4Digits
in order to pay with the token in the future.
PaymentCallback paymentCallback = new PaymentCallback();
RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
PayWithToken payWithToken = new PayWithToken(activity, customerId, amount, token, expiryDate, currency,
cardType panLast4Digits, paymentDescription, options, paymentCallback);
To create a Blackberry app using the runtime for Android
- Create an android app as above using SDK provided for android
- Convert the app according to the instructions stated on Blackberry's website [here] ( and [here] (