This is the design blueprints of aktos message passing library for distributed controller systems to build huge systems by following microservices architecture.
Note: This blueprint primarily follows the
This design is created to match with the following requirements:
- Easy debugging of the distributed system
- Easy re-implementation (in another programming language)
- Provide authentication and authorization layers out of the box
- Easily understandable concepts to adapt new team members rapidly.
- Easily extendable to support new protocols and transports.
- aktos-dcs-node
- Language: NodeJS/Javascript (in Livescript)
- aktos-dcs version: 2.x
- aktos-dcs implementation status: Complete
- Additional Features:
- CouchDCS driver: Enables using CouchDB in DCS network
- Protocols:
- Siemens S7
- Omron Hostlink, FINS
- Raspberry GPIo
NOTE: v1.x will be deprecated in the near future.
- aktos-dcs-python : Python implementation.
- aktos-dcs-cs : C# implementation both visual and command line examples