Created by Mackenzie Clark, Alex Kurihara, JS Tan, and Koji Yamammoto.
When a party or social gathering has a dedicated DJ, the host often settles for an iPod playlist, music streaming services for desktop, or (cringe) browser tabs opened to YouTube.
CrowdSound get partygoers engaged in the music selection process. Guests will get to hear the music they want,
and the host won't have to worry about picking every song. Using Spotify, the party will have access to a large,
diverse library of quality songs. The setup is simple. The party host opens our Spotify app on their laptop and
connects to the sound system. They will follow steps to create a new playlist, and they’ll be assigned a unique URL address.
Party guests will then navigate to that URL on their mobile devices and see an interface for viewing the current playlist
and searching, browsing, and adding songs. They will also have the option to “upvote” or “downvote” current songs
on the playlist, with upvoted songs moved closer to the front of the queue automatically. The host can choose to leave
all music selection to the guests or involve him/herself in the process by adding/vetoing songs in the Spotify App.
Description for Spotify App.
Description for Server.