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Running example

akutsuR edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 11 revisions

This script is located at $MDT/example/ It runs appHKHybridSingleEvent that is one of the pre-existing applications. This applicaion takes the standard WCSim output file as its input and deigitize the true hits (photoelectrons) saved in the input, and apply almost all the same trigger algorithm as WCSim's NDigiHits algorithm. The results are saved in an output ROOT file with the same format as the input file. By editing parameter file, several parameters, which can be varied in WCSim, can be varied. For example, dark rate and TTS of PMT can be varied. Note that this application assumes the Hyper-K hybrid geometry.

The below is an example to run this script.

  1. cd MDT

  2. Open, and set ROOT and WCSIMDIR properly

  3. bash

  4. In parameter/MDTParamenter_Hybrid.txt, make sure that your # B&L PMTs (# 3-inch PMTs) are the same as NumOfTubes_BoxandLine20inchHQE (NumOfTubes_PMT3inchR14374). If not, set these variables to yours. Accordingly, set MaxTubeID_BoxandLine20inchHQE and MaxTubeID_PMT3inchR14374 properly.

  5. Open $MDT/example/, and set INFILE and OUTFILE properly

  6. Then, run the script

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