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Bring Material You color palettes to Android, iOS, and web platforms.


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React Native Material You Colors

React Native Material You Colors simplifies the retrieval of Material You color palettes while ensuring compatibility across multiple platforms. With just a single seed color, you can generate palettes inspired by Material You's dynamic theming.

Please check out my other library, Reanimated Color Picker

Key Features

  1. Multi-Platform Support: Andorid, IOS and WEB

  2. Theme Management


npm install react-native-material-you-colors

Warning For Expo users, please note that the native side of this library will not function in Expo Go during app development. The native side is solely used to retrieve Material You colors from the Android system, but you can still generate palettes. The native side will work as expected after building the app in production mode.


Without using the Theme Provider

import MaterialYou from 'react-native-material-you-colors';

const palette = MaterialYou.getMaterialYouPalette();

 * The output object
 * {
 *  system_accent1: string[]; An array containing `13` color shades.
 *  system_accent2: string[];
 *  system_accent3: string[];
 *  system_neutral1: string[];
 *  system_neutral2: string[];
 * }


  • isSupported

    MaterialYou.isSupported : boolean

    To verify the current platform/device support for Material You dynamic colors.

  • getMaterialYouPalette

    MaterialYou.getMaterialYouPalette(fallbackSeedColor?: string, style?: GenerationStyle): MaterialYouPalette

    Get the Material You color palette from the Android system on the device.

    If Material You is not supported on the user's device, a color palette generated from a fallback seed color will be returned.

  • generatePaletteFromColor

    MaterialYou.generatePaletteFromColor(colorSeed: string, style?: GenerationStyle): MaterialYouPalette

    Generate a complete Material You palette from a single HEX color (seed color).

    Various styles are available to choose from, each of which dictates how the palette will be generated.

    Note: The input seed color should be in HEX format (#RRGGBB), without the alpha channel. For example, #1b6ef3.

  • The shape of the output palette data

    type MaterialYouPalette = {
      system_accent1: string[]; // An array containing `13` color shades.
      system_accent2: string[];
      system_accent3: string[];
      system_neutral1: string[];
      system_neutral2: string[];

Using the Theme Provider

  1. Create a new theme context and provide a function to determine which colors you want to use.

    Warning The function should return an object with the keys light and dark, where both keys contain objects with the same set of keys representing the colors you want to use for the light and dark themes.

// theme.ts

import MaterialYou from 'react-native-material-you-colors';
import type { MaterialYouPalette } from 'react-native-material-you-colors';

function generateTheme(palette: MaterialYouPalette) {
  const light = {
    isDark: false,
    primary: palette.system_accent1[7], // shade 500
    text: palette.system_accent1[9], // shade 700
    textColored: palette.system_accent1[2], // shade 50
    background: palette.system_neutral1[1], // shade 10
    card: palette.system_accent2[2], // shade 50
    icon: palette.system_accent1[10], // shade 800
  const dark: typeof light = {
    isDark: true,
    primary: palette.system_accent1[4], // shade 200
    text: palette.system_accent1[3], // shade 100
    textColored: palette.system_accent1[9], // shade 700
    background: palette.system_neutral1[11], // shade 900
    card: palette.system_accent2[10], // shade 800
    icon: palette.system_accent1[3], // shade 100
  return { light, dark };

export const { ThemeProvider, useMaterialYouTheme } = MaterialYou.createThemeContext(generateTheme);

  1. Wrap your app with the Theme Provider, providing the initial props:

// App.tsx

import React from 'react';
import Home from './screens/Home';

import { ThemeProvider } from './Theme'; // πŸ‘ˆ

export default function App() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider seedColor='auto' colorScheme='auto' fallbackColor='#1b6ef3' generationStyle='TONAL_SPOT'>
      <Home />

ThemeProvider props:

Prop Type Description Default
colorScheme "auto" | "dark" | "light" Specifies the initial color scheme for your app. "auto"
fallbackColor string (HEX Color) This is used to generate a fallback palette in case the platform does not support Material You colors. '#1b6ef3'
seedColor "auto" | string (HEX Color) If set to "auto", it tries to get the palette from the device, falling back to the provided color if unsupported. If set to a color (HEX only), it generates a new palette without device retrieval. "auto"

  1. Use the useMaterialYouTheme hook to access the current theme in your components:

import React from 'react';
import { Image, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';

import { useMaterialYouTheme } from './Theme'; // πŸ‘ˆ

export default function MyComponent() {
  const theme = useMaterialYouTheme();

  return <View style={[styles.container, { backgroundColor: theme.background }]}>

  // ...

useMaterialYouTheme provide other utilities you can use throw your app:

  • Changing Color Scheme

    setColorScheme: (value: "auto" | "dark" | "light") => void

    Switch between themes (dark or light) or set it to auto to follow system color scheme preference.

  • Generate new palette

    setMaterialYouColor: (seedColor: "auto" | string), style?: GenerationStyle) => void

    Generate a new Material You palette and set it as the current theme.
    The seed color: It can be "auto" to follow the system theme if supported; otherwise, it will generate a palette using the fallbackColor prop. If a HEX color is provided, it will generate a new palette using that seed color.
    style: - The style that dictates how the palette will be generated.

  • Change palette generation style

    setPaletteStyle: (style: generationStyle) => void;

    Change the palette generation style and set it as the current theme.
    Disclaimer: If the current Material You palette is set to "auto" (following the system theme), a new palette will be generated using the fallbackColor prop.

  • Other

    palette: MaterialYouPalette;

    The current color palette.

    seedColor: 'auto' | string;

    Returns the current seed color used to generate the palette.
    If the palette follows the system theme, it will be "auto".

    style: GenerationStyle;

    Returns the current generation style used to generate the palette.


Explore how to use React Native Material You Colors with these practical examples:

  1. Example: React Native App

  1. Example: Expo Snack

    Warning Please be aware that retrieving the Material You color palette from Android system on Expo only functions in the production build.


React Native Material You Colors library is licensed under The MIT License.


This library helped you? Consider sponsoring!

If you're integrating React Native Material You Colors in a production app and have found value in this library, consider funding this project. Your support helps maintain and improve the library for the community.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss further sponsorship options. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Made with create-react-native-library