these notes are from the udemy course secure vps
Example Of installing a VPS with LEMP stack on DigitlOcean
- Using DigitalOcean, Choose the LEMP image.
- Link the domain name to the VPS IP ADDRESS.
- Connect to the Server with SSH, on windows: putty / on mcOS: ssh command.
- Update package and reboot
apt-get update apt-get upgrade reboot #restart server
- Configuring nginx
- Check Configuration here
- Create a folder for your website here
- Copy the default file here
, and set the server configuration - link the file in
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/aladinstudio /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/aladinstudio
- Check for errors:
sudo nginx -t
- Reload configuration:
sudo service nginx reload
- By now, the website is live:
- To remove server details being displayed in browsers, In
uncomment the line# server_tokens off;
- Avoiding XSS attacks, add the flowing line in In
, after the linegzip on;
then check for errors and reload configuration# avoiding xss attacks add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" always; add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always; add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" always;
sudo nginx -t sudo service nginx reload
- Mitigating Dos and DDoS attacks, add the flowing line in In
then check for errors and reload configurationclient_body_buffer_size 4m; large_client_header_buffers 4 4m; limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=conn_limit_per_ip:10m; limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=req_limit_per_ip:10m rate=1r/s; limit_conn conn_limit_per_ip 15; limit_req zone=req_limit_per_ip burst=20;
- Check Configuration here
- Secure mysql database:
then basically yes for every question.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Install free SSL certificate for https:
more detailed process here.
# Installing Certbot sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot sudo apt install python-certbot-nginx # Obtaining an SSL Certificate sudo certbot --nginx -d -d
- For WordPress installation follow this guide.
SSH Client: link
Filezilla: link
man # get commands manual.
pwd # path of the current directory.
cd / # go to root.
cd /usr/ # got to user folder.
cd - # goto previous folder.
cd .. # goto parent folder.
ls -a # display all.
nano file.txt # create file.txt.
cp file.txt file2.txt # copy file.txt to file2.txt.
mv file2.txt /file.txt # move file2.txt to root folder file.txt.
rm file.txt # remove file.txt from current folder.
mkdir test # make folder test.
cp -r test/ test2/ # copy folder test and its files.
mv test/ test2/
rm -r test # remove folder.
rmdir test # remove empty folder.
rm -ri test # add confirmation to remove folder.
apt-get install package-name # install package-name
apt-get remove package-name # uninstall package-name but keep configuration files.
apt-get purge package-name # uninstall package-name and all it configuration files.
apt-get update # update all packages
apt-get autoremove # delete anciant packages.
sudo service docker status # check status of service docker
service nginx stop # stop service nginx.
service nginx start # start service nginx.
service nginx restart # restart service nginx.
service nginx reload # reload configuration files and settings.
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer # make composer globally accessible.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "root"
adduser test
deluser test
rm -r /home/test
sudo adduser user_test sudo
sudo chown -R www-data permissions/ # assigning right over permissions folder for user www-data.
Who are we changing the permission for? [ugoa] - user (or owner), group, others, all Are we granting or revoking the permission - indicated with either a plus ( + ) or minus ( - ) Which permission are we setting? - read ( r ), write ( w ) or execute ( x )
chmod [permissions] [path]
Using Binary References to Set permissions: The first number represents the Owner permission; the second represents the Group permissions; and the last number represents the permissions for all other users. The numbers are a binary representation of the rwx string.
chmod 740 file1
sudo ufw status # check firewall status.
sudo apt-get install ufw #if not installed
sudo ufw enable #activate the firewall
sudo ufw disable
sudo ufw default deny incoming # deny incoming connections
sudo ufw default allow outgoing # deny outgoing connections
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow www #allow port 80 (http)
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp #allow manually port 443 (https)
sudo ufw delete allow 80/tcp #deny access with http
sudo mysql_secure_installation
then basically yes for every question.
Steps to Install SSL: link
Link to test SSL level of security: link