Data Scientist | Developer | Machine Learning Engineer | Zindi Ambassador | Omdena Kano Lead | PAYAIG Fellow | CTO at Yandytech
Maize Disease Detection Web App
WebScraper App with Python and Djangop
Noun And Verb Extraction Web App
Heart Disease Prediction Web App
3 main challenges for training algorithm in medical field
Identifying, Cleaning and replacing outliers | Titanic Dataset
Natural Language Processing(NLP) And Process Modeling In Precision Medicine
Text Summarization Web App with Flask and Sumy
How To Control LED With Android phone
Simple Way To Create A Machine Learning Web App With Flask
- 🔭 I’m currently working on **face recognition system**-
🌱 I’m currently learning React
📝 I regularly write articles on
💬 Ask me about Python,Machine Learning,Deep learning And IOT
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact i like watching movies