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Tooling and infrastructure to enable cloud nowcasting.

Linked model repos

The model template repo on which these are based is found here. These repositories contain the implementations of each model, as well as validation infrastructure to replicate metric scores on weights and biases.


For users:

git clone
cd cloudcasting
python -m pip install .

To run metrics on GPU:

python -m pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12]"

For making changes to the library:

On macOS you first need to install ffmpeg with the following command. On other platforms this is not necessary.

brew install ffmpeg

Clone and install the repo.

git clone
cd cloudcasting
python -m pip install ".[dev]"

Install pre-commit before making development changes:

pre-commit install

For making changes, see the guidance on development from the template that generated this project.


Validating a model

cloudcasting validate "path/to/config/file.yml" "path/to/model/"

Downloading data

cloudcasting download "2020-06-01 00:00" "2020-06-30 23:55" "path/to/data/save/dir"

Full options:

> cloudcasting download --help

 Usage: cloudcasting download [OPTIONS] START_DATE
                              END_DATE OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    start_date            TEXT  Start date in       │
│                                  'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM'  │
│                                  format              │
│                                  [default: None]     │
│                                  [required]          │
│ *    end_date              TEXT  End date in         │
│                                  'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM'  │
│                                  format              │
│                                  [default: None]     │
│                                  [required]          │
│ *    output_directory      TEXT  Directory to save   │
│                                  the satellite data  │
│                                  [default: None]     │
│                                  [required]          │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --download-f…                   TEXT   Frequency to  │
│                                        download data │
│                                        in pandas     │
│                                        datetime      │
│                                        format        │
│                                        [default:     │
│                                        15min]        │
│ --get-hrv        --no-get-h…           Whether to    │
│                                        download HRV  │
│                                        data          │
│                                        [default:     │
│                                        no-get-hrv]   │
│ --override-d…    --no-overr…           Whether to    │
│                                        override date │
│                                        range limits  │
│                                        [default:     │
│                                        no-override-… │
│ --lon-min                       FLOAT  Minimum       │
│                                        longitude     │
│                                        [default:     │
│                                        -16]          │
│ --lon-max                       FLOAT  Maximum       │
│                                        longitude     │
│                                        [default: 10] │
│ --lat-min                       FLOAT  Minimum       │
│                                        latitude      │
│                                        [default: 45] │
│ --lat-max                       FLOAT  Maximum       │
│                                        latitude      │
│                                        [default: 70] │
│ --test-2022-…    --no-test-…           Whether to    │
│                                        filter data   │
│                                        from 2022 to  │
│                                        download the  │
│                                        test set      │
│                                        (every 2      │
│                                        weeks).       │
│                                        [default:     │
│                                        no-test-2022… │
│ --verify-202…    --no-verif…           Whether to    │
│                                        download the  │
│                                        verification  │
│                                        data from     │
│                                        2023. Only    │
│                                        used at the   │
│                                        end of the    │
│                                        project       │
│                                        [default:     │
│                                        no-verify-20… |
│ --help                                 Show this     │
│                                        message and   │
│                                        exit.         │


See for instructions on how to contribute.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.