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Add contributing guide, project vision, and code of conduct (#293)
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alangpierce authored Jul 6, 2018
1 parent 2fcb23d commit 5ed696f
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# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

## Our Pledge

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

## Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment

* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting

## Our Responsibilities

Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.

## Scope

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.

## Enforcement

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.

## Attribution

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at


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# Contributing to Sucrase

## Intro

Thanks for taking a look at the project and thinking about contributing!

There are two main ways to communicate about Sucrase development:
* Join the [Gitter room]( and feel free to ask
questions or discuss anything.
* File an issue or PR in this repository. Issues don't need to be bug reports;
usage questions or suggests are fine.

All contributions and interactions are expected to follow the
[Code of Conduct](./

## What kinds of contributions make sense?

There are lots of ways to contribute to Sucrase! The easiest way to get started
is to just starting using Sucrase for a project and see what issues you run
into. Did you run into any bugs? Were the details confusing? Is there a way to
make it easier to use? All of those would be great issues to file in this

In addition to filing issues, there are lots of ways to contribute:

* Fix bugs. Be sure to also include a regression test for any bug fix!
* Add more tests or test infrastructure. Right now, Sucrase runs on a few open
source projects as part of its test suite, but it would always be great to add
* Add better performance tests.
* Add better documentation, like a Getting Started guide.
* Write more integrations for Sucrase, like a Browserify plugin.

Contributing features, refactors, and performance improvements to the "core" of
Sucrase (the parser and the transformers) may need some more thought and care.
See the [Project Vision](./docs/ for some thoughts on what
types of improvements make sense for the project, and make sure to start a
discussion before getting too deep in the code. Some problems may be best solved
outside of the core Sucrase code, or may be better as a fork of Sucrase.

See [this issue]( for some
more concrete suggestions.

## Getting started

Sucrase uses `yarn` for everything.

git clone
cd sucrase
yarn # Install dependencies.
yarn test # Run tests.
yarn build # Build Sucrase.
yarn fast-build # Quickly build Sucrase for development.
yarn release 1.2.3 # Run the release script, releasing version 1.2.3.

I'd also recommend getting your editor set up nicely to handle TypeScript,
Prettier, and Mocha.

Contributions should follow the normal GitHub pull request process: fork the
repo, make a new branch with your change, push the branch, and create a pull
request with a meaningful title and description, including any interesting
details of the change and references to any issues closed by the change.

## Code structure

The code is organized as a monorepo (with one primary `sucrase` package and
several smaller packages/projects). Here are the most important directories:
* The `src` directory is where the main code lives. Much of the code is in the
`parser` subdirectory, which is a heavily modified fork of Babel's parser. The
rest of the code handles transforming the code given the result of the parser.
* The `test` directory has all tests, generally broken down by which transform
is most relevant. Nearly all tests simply give code as input and assert the
output code. Running a test in debug mode and stepping through different parts
of the code is a great way to learn how Sucrase works!
* The `website` directory contains the full code for the
[ website](
* The `integrations` directory has several small packages integrating Sucrase
with Webpack, Jest, etc.
* The `example-runner` directory has code to clone various open source projects,
run Sucrase on them, then run the tests to make sure that the Sucrase output
was correct. You can run all example projects with `yarn run-examples`.
* The `generator` directory contains some some utilities for generating code
used in Sucrase, and can be run using `yarn generate`.
* The `benchmark` directory contains some some simple benchmarks, which can be
run with `yarn benchmark`.
* The `script` directory has all build scripts (written in TypeScript and
compiled with Sucrase).
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Expand Up @@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ to have nearly the scope and versatility of Babel. Some specific examples:
mostly beneficial in development, and in many cases, Babel or tsc will be more
suitable for production builds.

See the [Project Vision](./docs/ document for more details on
the philosophy behind Sucrase.

## Motivation

As JavaScript implementations mature, it becomes more and more reasonable to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,40 +208,11 @@ TypeScript: 3782.414ms
Babel: 9591.515ms

## Project vision and future work

### Performance improvements

* Rewrite the code to run in WebAssembly, either by changing it to be valid
[AssemblyScript]( or by
rewriting it in Rust.
* Explore the idea of a JIT to optimize the various token patterns that need to
be matched as part of code transformation.

### New features

* Implement more integrations, like a Browserify plugin.
* Emit proper source maps. (The line numbers already match up, but this would
help with debuggers and other tools.)
* Rethink configuration and try to simplify it as much as possible, and allow
loading Babel/TypeScript configurations.
* Explore the idea of a tool that patches a Babel/TypeScript installation to
use Sucrase instead, to make it even easier to try Sucrase on an existing
* Explore the idea of extending this approach to other tools, e.g. module

### Correctness and stability

* Add more open source projects to the suite of projects that are tested
* Set up a test suite that runs the compiled code and ensures that it is
* Add integrity checks to compare intermediate Sucrase results (like tokens and
the role of each identifier and pair of curly braces) with the equivalent
information from Babel.
* Fix some known correctness loose ends, like import hoisting and fully
replicating the small differences between Babel and the TypeScript compiler.
## Contributing

Contributions are welcome, whether they be bug reports, PRs, docs, tests, or
anything else! Please take a look through the [Contributing Guide](./
to learn how to get started.

## License and attribution

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# Project Vision

This is a collection of little essays that help solidify and communicate what
this project is all about. Ultimately, every project needs to say "no" to some
features, and keeping a small scope is particularly important for Sucrase. My
hope is that these notes help guide and clarify those sorts of decisions.

All of these are open to discussion! It's written in first person for now, but
it may later make sense to make the phrasing more general.

## Sucrase exists to make programming more fun

This is probably true of most tools, but I want to call it out explicitly: I
started Sucrase because it seemed like there was an opportunity for me to be
happier when programming. I was running into some specific problems that I felt
could be improved:
* Build times can be slow, and in many (but not all) scenarios, Babel and tsc
are a big part of that.
* Slow build times mean that we use caches, and caches can be fragile. It's
frustrating to realize that a problem might be caused by bad cache, and to
make things worse, checking if that was the problem requires doing a slow
clean build.
* Slow build times means slow iteration times, especially when running tests. A
great programming experience is one where you feel free to tinker with any
part of the code to see what happens.

Programming is fun when tools get out of the way. They should be fast, they
should be reliable, and they should be simple (e.g. no configuration needed). I
want all tools to be like that, and hopefully Sucrase is a step in that

## Sucrase is an experiment

The secondary reason I started Sucrase was to learn and to try new things. I had
an idea on how to improve build times, but I *didn't know* if it was going to
work, and I still don't know the best way to implement it. Sucrase's development
ideally should consist largely of trying new ideas and keeping the ones that
work well.

For example, WebAssembly support is an important future goal of Sucrase, and it
may involve reworking a fair amount of code just to try it out, and it may end
up as a failed experiment, which is ok. There may also be breaking changes in
Sucrase (which will be properly released as semver-major updates). At least for
now, there needs to be some flexibility to play around with ideas without
worrying about staying backcompat forever.

## Sucrase is not meant to replace Babel

A worry of mine in releasing Sucrase is that it might someday become popular
enough to detract from the great efforts that have been put into Babel. Babel
isn't just a build tool, it's a mechanism for language exploration and
prototyping, and it enables new programming possibilities. Sucrase takes the
best of those and rewrites them to be fast, but Sucrase isn't a great mechanism
for exploration and will never reach as far forward in syntax or as far backward
in compatibility as Babel does.

## Sucrase should push tooling forward

Sucrase won't support Node 6 or Internet Explorer, and only reluctantly supports
CommonJS and legacy TypeScript and Babel 5 module interop (and may drop support
in the future). In various other build system decisions, there's often "the old
way of doing things" and "the modern way of doing things", and Sucrase prefers
to only support the modern way. This lets Sucrase stay simple and helps motivate
people to modernize their build system and codebase. The longer we hold onto old
technologies, the more intimidating it will be for people trying to learn and
understand the JS ecosystem, so Sucrase tries to push for consistency and

## Sucrase is small, and thus is allowed to be complicated

Large software systems can stay maintainable by using well-chosen abstractions
and code organization, sometimes at the expense of performance. Sucrase takes a
different approach: it biases toward performance (even if it makes the code
harder to work with) and stays maintainable by keeping the scope small.

As one example, the Babel parser does a significant amount of work validating
the input code and building an AST, and Sucrase intentionally skips all
validation and AST generation, which reduces the parser code by about 50%. As
another example, Sucrase code transformations are not composable and
independent, and plugins are not supported, since the flexibility of such a
system would ultimately come at the expense of performance.

## Sucrase favors pragmatism over strict spec compliance

The JS language has various obscure edge cases that make implementation more
difficult, and in some cases, Sucrase may decide to go against the spec because
the issue is so obscure. For example, variable names are allowed to have unicode
escapes in them, so `const \u0061 = 1; console.log(a);` prints 1. Other details
may require significant extra information from the parser, slowing down even the
common case. Sucrase's goal is to work on all realistic code, and it goes to
great effort to ensure that, but some code is so unrealistic that it's not worth

In unsupported cases, ideally Sucrase will either give an error or provide an
ESLint rule that detects and warns against the case.

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