This tutorial will show you how to configure a UART communication between STM32 board and ESP32 board. You have to take into account that in this example I will configure STM32 as the transmitter board and ESP32 as the receiver board, so this configuration only works in this scenario.
- STM32 board (In this example, I use STM32F411RE)
- ESP32 board (In this example, I use ESP32 38 pins)
- STM32CubeMX Software (
We will use STM32CubeMX sofware in order to configure pins of STM32 board. By default UART2 is enable, but in this case I will enable UART6 and configure in Single Wire (Half-Duplex) mode. It's important that the Baud Rate is configured at 115200 bits/s in both boards.
Now, in the main loop of the code (main.c) you have to add this code in order to send data. This will send the word "Hello" each 2 seconds through PC_6 pin (UART6).
while (1)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart6, "Hello", 6, 1000);
You have to add this configuration to your ESP32 code. This code will configure pin 17 as a transmitter and pin 16 as a receiver.
#define TXD_PIN (GPIO_NUM_17)
#define RXD_PIN (GPIO_NUM_16)
void setup() {
const uart_port_t uart_num = UART_NUM_2;
uart_config_t uart_config = {
.baud_rate = 115200,
.data_bits = UART_DATA_8_BITS,
.stop_bits = UART_STOP_BITS_1,
.rx_flow_ctrl_thresh = 122,
// Configure UART parameters
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(uart_param_config(uart_num, &uart_config));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(uart_set_pin(UART_NUM_2, TXD_PIN, RXD_PIN, 18, 19));
const int uart_buffer_size = (1024 * 2);
QueueHandle_t uart_queue;
// Install UART driver using an event queue here
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(uart_driver_install(UART_NUM_2, uart_buffer_size, \
uart_buffer_size, 10, &uart_queue, 0));
Once this is configure, you have to add a code that constantly check if there is any data to receive.
void loop() {
// Read data from UART.
const uart_port_t uart_num = UART_NUM_2;
uint8_t data[128];
int length = 0;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(uart_get_buffered_data_len(uart_num, (size_t*)&length));
length = uart_read_bytes(uart_num, data, length, 100);
if (length > 0) {
char * test = (char*) data;
Connect a single cable through which the STM32 board will transmit the data (Pin PC_6) and the ESP32 will receive it (Pin IO16). Check out the pinout images of this repository.