Python module to analyze Victoria 2 save files.
See the documentation in
pip install pyvic2waranalyzer
This module is a little bit heavy because I included a localisation file from victoria 2 to translate the country tags.
You can disable the localisation or change the localisation folder if you want to use your own files.
import pyvic2waranalyzer as vic2
save = vic2.GameFile(lang="english") # 'lang' only available when you use localisation files
save = vic2.GameFile(localisation_folder=None) # If you want to disable it
save = vic2.GameFile(localisation_folder="relative/path/to/your/localisation_folder") # If you want to change the directory of the localisation folder
war = save.scan("save game.v2")
for w in war:
print("War name",
print("Wargoal", w.wargoal)
print("Battles", w.battles) # list of battles
print("Started in",
print("Attackers", w.attackers) # list of attackers
print("Defenders", w.defenders) # list of defenders
for b in w.battles:
print("Battle name",
print("result", b.result) # If attacker won it's true else false
print("attacker army", b.attackerArmy)
print("defender army", b.defenderArmy)
print("attacker losses", b.attackerLosses)
print("defender losses", b.defender.Losses)
print("total losses", b.total_losses)
# You can also do
for w in save.war:
print("War name",
print("Wargoal", w.wargoal)
print("Battles", w.battles) # list of battles
print("Started in",
print("Attackers", w.attackers) # list of attacker
print("Defenders", w.defenders) # list of defenders
for b in w.battles:
print("Battle name",
print("result", b.result) # If attacker won it's true else false
print("attacker army", b.attackerArmy)
print("defender army", b.defenderArmy)
print("attacker losses", b.attackerLosses)
print("defender losses", b.defender.Losses)
print("total losses", b.total_losses)