In this repo you can find a few matlab utilities useful for data analysis and simulations.
- adaptive - adaptive: evaluates a matlab function on a given range
- clamp - replaces elements outside boundaries with minVal or maxVal
- fitGaussian2D - fits a bidimensional Gaussian surface
- pcol - is an improved pcolor which works with tensors
- sampleCurve - samples a function at equidistant points
- centOfMass2d - centOfMass2d calculates center of mass of an image
- fftRange - gives the circular domain of a fft
- ndDetrend - generalizes detrend to multi-dimensional arrays
- NeurNetRegr - basic implementation of neural network with fully-connected layers
- nmax - nmax gives the maximum of sevaral variables
- round2multiple - rounds to the closest multiple of a unit
- nmin - nmin gives the minumum of sevaral variables
- roundeven - rounds x to the nearest even number
- skewness2d - SKEWNESS2d calculates skewness of an image